
In the Qing Dynasty, Lanzhou produced a chief official, Wu Keshu, who once consulted Empress Dowager Cixi and fought for Mu Zongzai's heir

author:Birds walk

For ordinary people, 91 is just a number, for a community, 91 may be just a house number, and for the elderly living in Jinta Lane, 91 is extraordinary, it carries some legends, with some mysteries... Because at 91 Jinta Lane, there was an ancient man who lived there. In Chinese history, he was the Lanzhou native who prepared the Gansu Gongyuan and the corpse of Empress Dowager Cixi, and he was Wu Keshu.

First, Wu can be read

Wu Ke read that his ancestors were from Chuzhou, Zhejiang, and in the early Ming Dynasty, he followed King Suzhuang to the domain, and moved to Lanzhou, where he was a family of cultivation and reading. Wu Ke is eager to read and studious, his memory is extraordinary, and he often reads books and recites them; in the Punishment Department, he is "sensitive to prison management, and recites thousands of words without leaving a word." "And can write poetry well, write a thousand words, and do it with one stroke."

In the Qing Dynasty, Lanzhou produced a chief official, Wu Keshu, who once consulted Empress Dowager Cixi and fought for Mu Zongzai's heir

In the fifteenth year of Daoguang (1835), Wu Ke was able to read the examination for the Examination of Yi Wei Enke. In the thirtieth year of Daoguang (1850), Wu Ke read and then went to the Beijing Normal Examination, and was admitted to the Gengzhi Branch Jinshi, the chief of the Punishment Department, and the foreign lang of the Jin Dynasty. In the ninth year of Xianfeng (1859), the branch school Shuntianxiang examination, known for its impartial election. The following year, he was bereaved by his mother, and he was hired as the head of Lanshan Academy. During his stay in Lan, he was instructed to assist in the Gansu regimental training, and soon entered the capital to supplement the original official, moved to the official Langzhong, and transferred to Henan Province to supervise the imperial history.

When Wu Ke read the imperial history, he repeatedly went to the public to make a statement, and his direct voice shook the government and the opposition.

At that time, the ministers debated endlessly over whether foreign envoys should kneel and pray when they saw the Chinese emperor, and they could not stop at each other, which lasted for half a year. Wu Ke read bluntly and asked envoys from various countries not to be forced to kneel and pray when they visited the emperor, but should act in accordance with the etiquette and customs of various countries, so as to show the magnanimity of the Qing Dynasty, and not to damage the image of the country and the interests of the country because of these trivial matters. This recital fully reflects Wu Ke's progressive idea of not being arrogant and self-respecting, treating others equally, and respecting the etiquette and habits of other countries and other ethnic groups.

The Viceroy of Urumqi, Cheng Lu, feared the enemy like a tiger and allowed the Tsarist invading army to drive Urumqi from Ili to burn and loot, while the turtle shrunk in Gansu Gaotai and did not dare to cross jiuquan, but in order to promote his ranks, he sent his troops to slander and kill more than 200 good people for their merits and ask for rewards. In this regard, Wu Keyan was very angry, so he went to Chen Chenglu's guilt, saying that there were ten sins that could be cut off, and there were five unstoppable tendencies, and the words were quite fierce. The Qing court deliberately protected Cheng Lu, only to prevent officials from waiting. Wu Ke was extremely angry and went up again, saying, "Please ask the emperor to first behead Chenglu's head hanging on the gaojie street to thank the people of Gansu, and then behead the head of the subject and hang the gate of the Chengshi clan to Xie Chenglu." Mu Zong was furious, believing that Wu Keshu was deceiving him when he was young and had to kill Wu Keshu. During the trial of the Three Laws Division, the Punishment Department, in order to cater to the emperor, carried out Wu Keshu's capital crime. Due to the insistence of Wang Jiabi, the shaoqing of the Dali Temple, Wu Keyi saved his life and was demoted to the third level. After Wu Ke read and impeached Cheng Lu and was demoted and punished, there was a "Twenty Rhymes for Liu Tang", which described Wu Ke's wind and bone spirit: "Qiankun double tear eyes, iron stone and a Confucian crown", which was recited for a while.

After Wu Keyan was demoted to his hometown, Zuo Zongtang, who was then the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, treated him with great courtesy and hired him as the head of Lanshan Academy. At that time, the local finances were unable to build the tribute court, Wu Keyu, relying on his personal influence, as a resident gentry, loudly appealed, mobilized all walks of life in Gansu to raise funds, shuttled through the prefectures and counties, entrusted to the homes of rich gentry merchants, was blinded by people, understood huge pressure of floating discussion, and finally persuaded to donate half a million taels of silver, and built the Gansu Tribute Courtyard in the northwest suburbs of Lanzhou City, the second courtyard of the Xilan University in present-day Xiguan, and wrote a long 192-word long link for the Gongyuan.

In the Qing Dynasty, Lanzhou produced a chief official, Wu Keshu, who once consulted Empress Dowager Cixi and fought for Mu Zongzai's heir

Empress Dowager Cixi's biological son, Mu Zongzaichun, died of illness at the age of 19 and had no heirs behind him. Empress Dowager Cixi did not make an heir to Emperor Muzong, but took her sister's child, Zai Tang, the son of Prince Shuo, into the palace and accepted her as Emperor Wenzong's second son. In this case, the brother and the brother, he can still listen to the government as the empress dowager. Muzong's Empress Jiashun was humiliated and committed suicide by taking poison, and manchu Wenwu could not help but be cautious and fearful. However, there was a minor official, Wu Keshu, the chief of the bureaucracy, who, at the funeral ceremony of Muzong and Empress Jiashun, advised him on his death, asking that in the future, after Zai Xiang gave birth to a son, he would still inherit as the son of Muzong, so that "the great unification would be returned". Before Wu Ke read his death, he was afraid of harming his family, and in a suicide note to his son, he asked him to "quickly leave Beijing", and then put the only remaining forty taels of silver on his body under the pillow, carry the remains, and hang himself in a ruined temple called the Sanyi Temple.

In the Qing Dynasty, Lanzhou produced a chief official, Wu Keshu, who once consulted Empress Dowager Cixi and fought for Mu Zongzai's heir

Wu Ke read "Death Advice" and let Qingliu grasp a good topic. Moreover, the deep affection of the deceased really made the readers in Beijing rise to infinite tragic and exciting thoughts. The minister of military aircraft, Bao Zheng, first planned to suppress the fold without reporting, as soon as he saw that the stream was vigorous and vigorous, it was also a sacrifice to summon the soul, and it was also a temple to build a temple, and for a while the white horse was a car, I don't know how many love and literary links were produced, and I admired Wu Ke's reading. Mu Zong Zaichun wanted Wu Keshu's head, but Wu Keshu fought for his heir with death, and it is no wonder that Empress Dowager Cixi said that he was "lonely and loyal and pitiful".

In the eyes of today's people, it is stupid, but in feudal society, it is the highest realm of the skeleton man standing in the world. After Wu Ke read that Chenglu was charged with the army, there was a "Twenty Rhymes for Liu Tang" at that time, describing Wu Ke's readable style and backbone: "Qiankun double tear eyes, iron stone a Confucian crown", which was recited for a while.

Second, wu keshu's former residence in Jincheng Lane

Jinta Lane is located in the northwest direction of Nanguan Century Square, perpendicular to the west of Jiuquan Road, walk through the Gansu Provincial Transportation Department at No. 201 Jiuquan Road, and arrive. On the right-hand side is a low shop, with a red sign on a gray background hanging quietly on the top of the door, and a common floor on the left, with various signs that look mottled by the erosion of wind and rain.

Like many alleys in Lanzhou, Jinta Lane seems to be far away from those past styles, and the ruts of history have passed, and its light, with its dust, finally let this ancient street and alley fall quietly among the cities. Looking at the past glory on the wall of the Golden Pagoda Culture, it was like a dream, only a long sigh.

In the Qing Dynasty, Lanzhou produced a chief official, Wu Keshu, who once consulted Empress Dowager Cixi and fought for Mu Zongzai's heir
In the Qing Dynasty, Lanzhou produced a chief official, Wu Keshu, who once consulted Empress Dowager Cixi and fought for Mu Zongzai's heir

Wu Ke's former residence is at No. 91 Jinta Lane, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City. His former residence sits south and faces north, which is a typical Qing Dynasty Lanzhou residence. In 1921, the Wu Keshu people sold the house, which was redeemed by the Xingwen Society of Gaolan County, and after repairing it, it was operated by the Property Management Office of the Xingwen Eight Society. The gate of the former residence is high and deep, and the double hook of the door is engraved with 7 large characters of "Mr. Wu Liutang's Former Residence", and the next paragraph is engraved "The Republic of China is ten years old, Xin You, Gao Lan Xing Wen Society redemption", all of which are written by Liu Er. The courtyard is rectangular, the upper and east and west wing windows are small, and the front is decorated with wooden planks, which is the only well-preserved former residence of lanzhou ancient celebrities in the 1990s.

In the Qing Dynasty, Lanzhou produced a chief official, Wu Keshu, who once consulted Empress Dowager Cixi and fought for Mu Zongzai's heir

Third, the importance of celebrity culture

The report of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that the excellent traditional culture embodies the Chinese nation's unremitting spiritual pursuit of self-improvement and enduring spiritual wealth, is the profound foundation for the development of advanced socialist culture, and is an important support for building a common spiritual homeland of the Chinese nation.

Celebrity culture occupies an important place in local history and humanities, and it is characterized by its geographical nature, which naturally produces a sense of intimacy and pride.

Some people say that the most crucial thing in the culture of a country, a nation, and a city is the master. Although celebrities are not necessarily masters, celebrity culture and master culture are essentially similar or consistent: without their guidance, we cannot achieve glory; Without their motivation, there would be no pursuit of generations of young people; Without their encouragement, we would not have been able to bravely face today's challenges and rise to the occasion.

A city is evocative because of history, and a piece of history is remembered because of a building, a legend or a person.

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