
Claire Dennis, beauty twilight

author:Little white is kind

There is a kind of female star in this world, which is not strictly speaking the "star" in the true sense of modern society. They don't have beautiful faces to attract people, no giant breast bee waist to attract viewers, no fashionable street photography, no daily routine of Xiuwa, and no gossip to talk about. They almost never appear on the headline front page of the news, and indeed inadvertently show a familiar face when you watch the film, and then your heart is pounding: "Ah! It turned out to be her! "Today I want to talk about such an actress.

Claire Dennis is an American actress born in New York City on April 12, 1979. Younger viewers may not even know her. My love for her began with Romeo and Juliet's Postmodern Passions in 1996. It was this adapted version of the love story that made her and Leonardo a household name in the United States overnight.

Claire Dennis, beauty twilight

▲ A classic scene in the film

But in fact, before Juliet, Claire had already won the Emmy Award nomination for Best Actress in a Drama Series and the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Drama Series for tv "My So-Called Life". She was only 15 years old at the time, the youngest actress in the history of the Golden Globes!

Claire Dennis, beauty twilight

Claire was born into an intellectual family, her grandfather was dean of the Yale School of Art and Architecture, her father was an architectural photographer and computer consultant, and her mother was a textile designer and preschool education specialist. Influenced by this family background, Claire has been extremely talented in dance and acting since she was a child. At the age of 11, he starred in his first film "Love Dream", in which he played a child who was emotionally troubled. Her first television production was as a teenage girl who killed her lover in one of the episodes of the 1992 television series Law & Order. He entered New York Professional Performing Arts High School and was an alumnus with Britney Spears and actress Lee Thomson Young.

Claire Dennis, beauty twilight

▲ With Winona Ryder in "Little Women", this version is regarded as a classic by many fans, and it has also achieved their friendship.

Next, she pushed out the role of Rose in Titanic, then turned around and went to Yale for further studies, professional psychology, where she smoked, drank, and partyed to make up for the missing youth of a 16-year-old girl. However, she did not finish her studies and returned to film in 2000.

Claire Dennis, beauty twilight

Terminator 3, she later revealed that it was not pleasant to participate in this experience

2010's "Autism Journey" finally allowed Claire to complete a "gorgeous return": the film is based on the personal biography of Tianbao Grantin, an American animal scientist and doctor of animal husbandry who has suffered from autism since childhood, after she was diagnosed with autism by doctors at the age of 4, thanks to the unremitting support of her mother and later mentor Dr. Carlock, she became an excellent doctor of animal husbandry, learned to "think like a livestock", and spoke out loud about her personal experience at the autism seminar... This complex and layered role has allowed Claire's acting skills to fully bloom, and she has also won many awards such as Emmy Awards and Golden Globe Awards, and has been appreciated and recognized by the owner himself! Foreign media commented: "The former 'youth idol', after another round of 15 years of tempering, was promoted to 'Acting Royal Sister'.

Claire Dennis, beauty twilight

In 2011, she once again gave up the opportunity to work with Leonardo on "Hoover" and play the secretary in it, and chose to play a neurotic, manic, tangled female agent who could always find the truth in the TV series "Homeland Security". She proved to be the wrong choice, and so far Homeland has earned her two Emmys, two Golden Globes and a sag.

Claire Dennis, beauty twilight

▲ Actresses like her are born with a temperament of nerve sensitivity

Time flew by, and I thought she was still the girlish appearance of the memory, sometimes gentle, sometimes cunning.

Claire Dennis, beauty twilight
Claire Dennis, beauty twilight
Claire Dennis, beauty twilight

But unconsciously, time has carved a mark on her face. When this year's Emmy Awards red carpet photo came out, it really surprised her change.

Claire Dennis, beauty twilight

But on second thought, there is nothing, because beauty has never been her trademark. Looking forward to more good works of her in the future.

Claire Dennis, beauty twilight

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