
Sui Dynasty general Han Huhu: A teenager who captured a fierce tiger, captured the monarch alive in middle age, and became the King of Yan after his death

author:Give history a lifebuoy

"Twenty-Four Histories" is a collective name for the twenty-four historical books written by various dynasties in ancient China, because of its strong professionalism and reliable sources, it has always been regarded as the "correct history" of ancient China. It is said that the legend of ghosts and gods is the most taboo in the history of the main history. However, the Book of Sui, compiled by Wei Zheng and others, still records the legend of a great general of the Sui Dynasty who became the King of Yan after his death. Who is this person? What merit did he accomplish to become the King of Yama? Today Xiaobian will introduce it to you.

Sui Dynasty general Han Huhu: A teenager who captured a fierce tiger, captured the monarch alive in middle age, and became the King of Yan after his death

The Sui Dynasty general who became the King of Yan after his death was Han Huhu. Han Huhu, formerly known as Han Baobao, was the son of Han Xiong, a general of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. Han Xiong was known for his bravery in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and Han Huhu inherited the fine tradition of his father as soon as he was born. Han Huhu was born at the age of thirteen and became famous all over the world. He simply changed the name from "Catching Leopard" to "Catching Tiger", which sounds more domineering. Although he looks rough and heroic, he is actually very good at strategy. He loved to read, and all the sons and hundreds of families and the subset of the history of the classics were all slightly understood.

Northern Zhou Taizu Yuwen Tai saw that Han's tiger weapon was extraordinary, so he asked him to play with his sons more. Later, Han Huhu relied on military merit to achieve Yi Tong Sansi, and was hereditary duke of Xinyi County. After the Sui Emperor Yang Jian established the Sui Dynasty, he had the idea of annexing Jiangnan. He saw that Han Hu was both literate and martial, so he entrusted him with the heavy task of pacifying Nan Chen. In the eighth year of the Sui Kai Emperor, Emperor Wen ordered Yang Guang, the King of Jin, to lead an army to cut down Chen. Yang Guang, with Han Huhu as the vanguard, sent him to lead five hundred soldiers to cross the river at night and attack the quarry.

Sui Dynasty general Han Huhu: A teenager who captured a fierce tiger, captured the monarch alive in middle age, and became the King of Yan after his death

After Han Hu crossed the river, he found Chen Jun, who was guarding the city, drunk, and took the quarry. Then he didn't stop, and within a few days he was even Kegusu and Xinlin. The people of Jiangnan have always admired the prestige of Han Huhu, and when they heard that Han Hu led an army to besiege the city, they surrendered one after another. Chen Guo's soldiers originally wanted to fight, but they were persuaded by the defeated general Ren Barbarian to surrender and switched sides. Later, Han Huhu captured Chen Hou lord alive with the cooperation of He Ruobi, and was praised by Emperor Wen of Sui. Later, Han Huhu was worshipped as a shangzhu state for his military merits, and was made the governor of Liangzhou.

According to the Book of Sui compiled by Wei Zheng, on the eve of Han Huhu's illness and death, the old woman next door to his house saw a huge queue appear in front of his house, just like the honor guard of the imperial palace. The old woman felt strange and asked them, "What are you doing?" Someone in the middle replied, "Come and pick up the king." Suddenly, the group disappeared. After a while, he appeared in the Han family's inner house again. They said to the people under the Han family, "I want to meet the King." The Han family said, "What king?" The man said, "King Yama." The people under the Han family wanted to fight the conversation, but Han Baohu stopped him and said, "I was able to become the King of Yan luo after I died." Time to meet!" A few days later, Han Huhu passed away.

Sui Dynasty general Han Huhu: A teenager who captured a fierce tiger, captured the monarch alive in middle age, and became the King of Yan after his death

As we all know, Wei Zheng is an extremely real person. He was able to add this legend to the main history, which shows that this story was widely circulated at that time. And it was precisely because Han Baohu had convinced everyone by his ability that he would be considered to be the King of Yan Luo after death.

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