
Before Emperor Taizong of Tang and Li Shimin died, why did he exile Xu Maogong to other places?

author:Shōryū Meiomi
Before Emperor Taizong of Tang and Li Shimin died, why did he exile Xu Maogong to other places?

Poor red face is always short-lived, the most ruthless imperial family, in ancient times the emperor was the supreme being, of course, also mysterious, unpredictable figures.

Companions are like companions of tigers, vividly describing the relationship between kings and courtiers, and although it is short to have a red face around the king, those iron-boned boys are not much better.

And The emperor of China, since he had this position, has always been in a state of isolation, and in history we have seen many emperors who kill innocents indiscriminately, most of which have nothing to do with the quality of the emperor himself, and the position of the emperor itself requires them to do so.

Before Emperor Taizong of Tang and Li Shimin died, why did he exile Xu Maogong to other places?

Han Fei clearly discussed as early as the end of the Warring States period, what a king should do, the king can not trust anyone, including his wife and son, can not let anyone see his intentions, can not show his likes and dislikes, Han Fei's set of theories, has always been emperors, especially those who want to have a seat as a gui.

Many emperors, behind the seeming ruthlessness, simply want to make themselves and their descendants sit on the throne more securely, after all, they have supreme power, and this position is a super delicacy in the eyes of countless people.

Li Shimin could best understand this feeling of greed, because his throne was stolen, and without conspiracy or trickery, he snatched it hard, killing his brother and brother who were princes.

Before Emperor Taizong of Tang and Li Shimin died, why did he exile Xu Maogong to other places?

This is not the same as the Nine Dragons of the Kangxi Dynasty, those brothers who were not born to a mother were originally emotionless, they were only brothers in name only.

But What Li Shimin killed was the brother of his own mother's compatriot, and this fierceness and greed for the throne made him understand better than anyone that this position was not easy to sit in.

But what Li Shimin is worried about is that his "stupid son" does not understand that the most reassuring thing for the elderly is his son, and for Li Shimin, Li Zhi makes him most uneasy, because this is the worst and weakest of his sons.

In his later years, Li Shimin finally understood his father, it turned out that the emperor was not partial to the prince, let alone did not know the good of other emperors, after all, there was only one imperial throne, and everyone who could give it as a father would give, but the imperial throne could not be broken in half.

Before Emperor Taizong of Tang and Li Shimin died, why did he exile Xu Maogong to other places?

Therefore, no matter how wise and divine Li Shimin was, he still adopted the same strategy as Li Yuan in those years, trying to balance the relationship between the crown prince Li Chengqian and Li Tai.

Li Shimin liked Li Tai very much, but it was impossible to abolish Li Chengqian, after all, the prince did not make a mistake, so Li Tai felt that his ability was stronger than Li Chengqian, and the prince felt that he was the eldest son of a concubine, and others should not have undivided thoughts.

Coincidentally, Li Chengqian, Li Tai and Li Zhi, the three of them are also brothers of a mother and compatriot, this love is simply a copy of Li Shimin's year, but the name has been changed.

What Li Shimin was worried about finally happened, the prince wanted to rebel, but after the prince was deposed, Li Shimin did not appoint Li Tai as the prince, he was too sad, this kind of carnage, from the previous generation actually continued to the next generation, he had to tell the other princes that the position of the emperor was not robbed, so he decided to pass the throne to Li Zhi, who originally had no chance and hope, except for the child of the eldest grandson empress, Li Zhi really did not have any place to take it.

Before Emperor Taizong of Tang and Li Shimin died, why did he exile Xu Maogong to other places?

The child is too weak, this is Li Shimin's biggest worry, after various teachings and plans, Li Shimin gave Li Zhi the last tip on his deathbed, which is Xu Shijie.

Xu Shiji this person is very legendary in his life, but more legendary is his name, he was originally called Xu Shiji, the word Maogong, because of the Sui and Tang Novels, the name Xu Maogong, may be more familiar to everyone.

Xu Shijie was later given the surname Li because of his military achievements, and xu Shijie became Li Shijie, but later the more he thought about it, the more wrong it was, and his name coincided with Li Shimin.'

Although Li Shimin has said many times that there is no need to change, Li Shiji is still very sensitive to change his name to Li Ji, and this name accompanies his later life, without disaster or arrogance to the secretary of state.

Before Emperor Taizong of Tang and Li Shimin died, why did he exile Xu Maogong to other places?

But no one expected that death could not be safe, grandson Li Jingye rebelled against Wu Zetian, he did not have the military ability of his grandfather, wearing the hat after the merit, just because he was very capable of fighting, the result was soon defeated and killed.

He had no grandfather's strategy and vision at all, and Xu Shijie, who was still involved in the defeat and death of the soldiers, was dug up and whipped, which was not to mention, Wu Zetian took back his surname, and from then on Li Shijie became Xu Shijie again.

The several changes in a person's name are all because of the emperor he served, and this life and death event of the trick is completely Li Shimin's final test of Xu Shijie.

Li Shimin planned to reuse Xu Shijie and ask him to assist Li Zhi, although Li Shimin was not very old when he died, but he came out to fight the world before he was twenty years old.

Before Emperor Taizong of Tang and Li Shimin died, why did he exile Xu Maogong to other places?

Therefore, by the time Of Li Shimin's death, most of the first generation of famous generals were dead, or they were too old to be old, and the rest of Xu Shijie could represent the Tang military and support Li Zhi.

Li Shimin's approach was very ordinary, but it was very effective, directly deposing Xu Shiji and exiled him, telling Li Zhi that if Xu Shijie dared to have any objections or walked slowly, he would kill him immediately.

Xu Shijie is a person, it can be said that he is the most ingenious among the generals, it is estimated that he saw through Li Shimin's tricks, and after receiving the order, he did not even return home and went directly to the local post.

Before Emperor Taizong of Tang and Li Shimin died, why did he exile Xu Maogong to other places?

Soon after Li Zhi succeeded to the throne, he recruited him back, which is not uncommon in Chinese history, nothing more than the emperor's ruling technique, but he has tried and tried many times.

Later, Xu Shijie really supported Li Zhi, but the world was unpredictable, those who opposed Li Zhi were not necessarily bad, and those who supported Li Zhi were not necessarily good, Xu Shiji actually supported Li Zhi once, that is, in the matter of Wu Zetian as empress, everyone knew what happened later.

About Xu Shijie, what do you want to say, welcome to leave a message to communicate.

Before Emperor Taizong of Tang and Li Shimin died, why did he exile Xu Maogong to other places?

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