
Keanu Reeves, who is kind to all beings but does not forgive his father; longs for a family but is still unmarried. why?

author:Half-body history

In 2019, the New Yorker wrote: The world is not worthy of Keanu Reeves.

At the end of the "Fast And Furious 4" crew, Keanu Reeves gave each of the five stuntmen a Rolex worth $10,000.

This isn't the first time Keanu Reeves has given a gift to his crew colleagues. In 1999, after filming The Matrix, Keanu Reeves bought 12 Harley motorcycles for 12 stuntmen.

In 2003, after the release of the hacker series, Keanu Reeves donated 70% of his income to leukemia research and treatment institutions, and distributed $75 million to 29 stuntmen and other crew members...

Keanu Reeves loved everyone except his father.

In 2002, Keanu Reeves's father, Samuel Norlin Reeves, cried bitterly in an interview with the American cable network, saying that he was sick and running out of time, hoping that his son Keanu, who had been separated for 25 years, would come back to see him and hope to get his son's love and forgiveness.

But neither Keanu nor his mother, sister, nor his agent reacted to Norlin's call.

Keanu Reeves treats sentient beings well, but does not forgive his biological father, why?

Keanu Reeves, who is kind to all beings but does not forgive his father; longs for a family but is still unmarried. why?

Old Levi's

Keanu Reeves's father, Reeves Sr., was originally an American geological expert, born in Hawaii, with Chinese ancestry. In the 1960s, he was sent to Lebanon to work, met a stripper in the wind and moon field, and in 1964, the two gave birth to a boy, named Keanu. Reeves, "Keanu," means in Hawaiian, "the breeze blowing through the top of the mountain."

When Keanu Reeves was 3 years old, his mother chose to divorce and fled Tony New York, married a theater director, Paul, and later immigrated to Canada. Old Reeves returned to Hawaii.

Before the age of 13, Keanu would visit his father in Hawaii every year during the holidays, but since he was 13, he has not seen his father, who was arrested and jailed for drug trafficking.

Since then, Keanu Reeves has hated his father to the bone, and in all the interviews and autobiographies written for him, he has not mentioned his father at all.

Keanu Reeves' mother also failed to last a second marriage, divorced and married a third time, then left again, and then married a fourth time.

However, the failed marriage of his parents did not make Keanu have negative feelings about marriage, on the contrary, he was eager for marriage and longed to be a father.

So why didn't Keanu marry and have children at 57?

Keanu Reeves, who is kind to all beings but does not forgive his father; longs for a family but is still unmarried. why?

Keanu Reeves's mother's second husband, Paul, had a great influence on Keanu, so that Keanu, who was not outstanding in learning, finally embarked on the road of acting.

In 1990 Keanu and Jennifer Sam fell in love, and in 1999, Saim became pregnant, keanu was full of hope, he wanted to be a good father, wanted to make up for his father's debt to him. But against the grain of the day, at the eighth month of pregnancy, the fetus was stillborn, and the reason was that Jenniferssim was stillborn due to drug use.

Soon, their relationship also came to an end.

Eighteen months later, Jennifer died in a car accident. Keanu attended Jennifer's funeral and personally supported the coffin.

The death of his daughter and the death of his ex-girlfriend have dealt Keanu a deep blow.

In addition to these, Keanu's buddies died of drug overdose, Keanu's sister suffered from leukemia...

Keanu Reeves, who is kind to all beings but does not forgive his father; longs for a family but is still unmarried. why?

In the first forty years of Keanu's life, suffering ensued, and misfortune was not alone.

What kind of person must be able to withstand these sufferings and not be destroyed by them?

I think it has to be a person who loves life, a person who is good by nature.

Keanu is.

Keanu Reeves, who is kind to all beings but does not forgive his father; longs for a family but is still unmarried. why?

When a person lacks something for a long time, he will form two completely opposite psychologies: one is abnormal desire, and the other is indifferent, even rejected.

For example, money, such as freedom, such as love, it is no different.

Keanu is longing. Because of the lack of fatherly love, he longed for fatherly love, looked forward to becoming a father, to make up for his own lack, but did not expect that fate gave him a blow to the head.

Why didn't he forgive his father?

Because of care, because of love.

Why has he been single for so many years?

Keanu said two words that touched me greatly, I never admired anyone, but this man really made me admire.

One sentence is:

The host asked Keanu, what happens when we die?

Keanu said, I know that those who love us will miss us.

I don't want to live in a world where kindness is considered weakness.


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