
Know the 228 articles of literary common sense! Junior high school language tests are not afraid! Must be carried

author:Linyi new concept education

Today the teacher sorted it out for everyone: know the 228 articles of literary common sense! Junior high school language tests are not afraid! Must back!

Junior High School Chinese Literature General Knowledge

(1) Spring and Autumn Period

1. Confucius, Mingqiu, Zhongni, also known as The Father of The Nuns, the Holy Father, the Lu people, the founder of Confucianism. The book was compiled for the disciples of Confucius and his disciples. The 20 texts of the "Analects" studied, each taking the first two words of the passage as the title of the article, such as "Learning and", "For Politics" and so on. It records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, representing the basic ideas of Confucius. Zhuzi's philosophical prose, in the form of quotations, is listed as one of the "Four Books" ("University", "Zhongyong", "Analects", and "Mencius"). The text of the study, "The Twelve Chapters of the analects of the < >"

2. Zuo Qiuming, Lu Guoshi official. The texts he studied are "Zuo Chuan", "Spring and Autumn Zuo Shi Biography", also known as "Zuo Shi ChunQiu". "Cao Jiao Controversy", "Cao Kun Controversy", "Battle of Kun", "Candle Wu Retreat Qin Division" and so on are selected from this book. China's first chronicle of detailed narratives, historical essays. It records the historical facts of the Spring and Autumn Period and is rich in literature. The text "Cao Jie Controversy"

(2) Warring States Period

3. Mencius, Ming Ke, Zi Zi You, a representative figure of Confucianism during the Warring States period, known as Ya Sheng. The book was edited by his disciples. It records mencius's thoughts and political remarks. Philosophical prose of the Sons, one of the "Four Books". Mencius was good at argumentative, making good use of metaphors, and had a great influence on the development of argumentative prose in later generations. The texts I studied, "Mencius", 2 articles, each taking the first few words of the chapter as the title of the article, "Rich and Noble Cannot Be Adulterous", "Born of Sorrow and Died of Happiness", "Fish I Want".

4. Liezi, named Yukou, taoist predecessor. The text he studied, Liezi, is also known as the Chong Fei Zhen Jing. Philosophical prose of the Sons. The texts he learned, "Worrying about the Sky", "The Fool Moves the Mountain"

5. Zhuangzi. Ming Zhou, known as Nanhua Zhenren, is a representative figure of Taoism. The text he studied, Zhuangzi, also known as the South China Classic, has 33 extant texts. The philosophical prose of Zhuzi has a strong romantic color and has a great influence on the literature of later generations. The texts studied: "There are fish in the north of the earth", "Zhuangzi and Keiko swim on the haoliang".

6. Lü Buwei, Qin Xiang, and the collection of disciples compiled "Lü's Spring and Autumn". The text he studied is "Lü's Spring and Autumn". Also known as "Lü Lan" a total of 160 articles. It includes the philosophical essays of zhuzi and the representative works of miscellaneous families. Text: "One Man Through the Well"

7. Qu Yuan, Mingping. China's first patriotic and romantic poet, who pioneered the chu ci new poetic style, was listed as a world cultural celebrity. The texts he studied, "Leaving sorrow", "Nine Songs" (including 11 articles such as "Mountain Ghost" and "National Martyrdom"), "Heavenly Question", and "Nine Chapters" (including 9 articles such as "Wading river", "Lamentations", and "Ode to Orange"). Liu Xiang of the Western Han Dynasty compiled the book "Chu Ci" with Qu as the main subject. Because of its strong local color in the Chu state, it is called "Chu Ci", and later generations call this poetic style "Chu Ci Body" and "Riot Body". Pioneered the romantic tradition of poetry in our country. The national style in the "Departure from the Sorrows" and the "Book of Poetry" is called "Wind and Sorrow", which has become synonymous with "literature".

(3) Two Han

8. Sima Qian, the character is long, also known as Taishi Gong, referred to as Shi Qian. Together with Sima Guang, he was called "two Sima of the historical circle" and "Ban Ma" with Ban Gu. The textbook "Shi Ji", also known as the "Taishi Gongshu", is a complete book of 130 articles, including 12 books, 8 books, 10 tables, 30 families, and 70 biographies. Historical essays. China's first general history of the Chronicle of The Chronicles, creating five styles of the Present Chronicle, the Shijia, the Column Biography, the Table, and the Book, is known as the "History of Records and Letters". "The Great Singing of Historians, the Departure of Rhymelessness", one of the "Double Bi" of historiography, the first of the former "Three Histories". The text learned: "Zhou YafuJun Fine Willow".

9. Liu Xiang, according to the Warring States history book collated and edited the national style history book "Warring States Policy". The texts he studied: "Tang Ju does not fail in his mission" and "Zou Ji satirizes the Qi Wang Na Zhi".

10. The Compilation of Treatises from the Warring States to the Qin and Han Dynasties in the Book of Rites is said to have been compiled by the Western Han Dynasty scholar Dai Sheng. There are forty-nine articles such as "Qu Li", "Tan Bow", "King's System", "Moon Order", "Li Yun", "Xue Ji", "Music Record", "Zhongyong", "University" and so on. Text: "Although there is a delicacy" is selected from the Book of Etiquette. "The Journey of the Great Avenue" is also selected from the Book of Rites. Etiquette".

(4) Three Kingdoms, Two Jin Dynasties, Southern and Northern Dynasties

11. Lefu, the texts he learned are "Fifteen Conscriptions from the Army" and "Peacock Flying Southeast". The former can be found in the "Collection of Lefu Poems" compiled by Guo Maoqian in the Song Dynasty, and the latter in the "Yutai Xinyong" compiled by Xu Ling of the Southern Dynasty, of which "Peacock Flying Southeast" is the longest narrative poem in ancient China. Together with the "Mulan Poem", it is called "Lefu Shuangbi". The texts studied: "Fifteen Conscriptions", "Mulan Poems".

12. Cao Cao, nicknamed Ah Qi, the character Mengde, posthumously honored as Emperor Wu, the head of the "Three Caos". The text he studied is "The Collection of Emperor Wu of Wei". It belongs to the lyrics of the music house. Create a new wind of "Jian'an wind bone". Lu Xun called him "an ancestor who reformed articles." The texts he studied are "Turtle Although Shou", "Guan Cang Hai" and so on.

13. The "New Language of the World" mainly records the speeches and anecdotes of the scholars from the end of the Han Dynasty to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and was compiled by a group of literati organized by the Southern Dynasty Song dynasty writer Liu Yiqing. Texts learned in "Wing Xue", "Chen Taiqiu and Friends"

14. Zhuge Liang, zi Kong Ming, nicknamed Wolong, was a Statesman and military figure of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period, and the Marquis of Fengwu Township. There are "Zhuge Liang Collection", the texts learned ,"Book of Commandments", "Table of Teachers"

15. Li Daoyuan, a geographer of the Northern Wei Dynasty, wrote forty volumes of notes on the Water Classics. The "Notes on the Water Classic" is called the Annotated "Water Classic", in fact, it is based on the "Water Classic" as the outline, which is widely supplemented and developed, and has become a huge work of its own, which is an ancient geographical masterpiece in China and has a high literary value. Text: Three Gorges

16. Tao Hongjing, self-proclaimed Huayang hermitage, Taoist thinker during the Southern Dynasty Qi Liang, has "Tao Hermitage Collection". Text: "Thank you for the Book of Middle Books"

17. Wu Jun, Southern Dynasty Liang literary scholar. This article is excerpted from the "Notes on the Proofreading of Wu Junji". Texts learned: "Book with Zhu Yuansi"

18, Liu Zhen, word official. Poet of the late Eastern Han Dynasty, one of the "Seven Sons of Jian'an". The text he learned is "Gifting from The Brother".

19. Tao Yuanming, a diver, ziyuanliang, self-proclaimed Mr. Wuliu, Tan Jingjie, China's first outstanding pastoral poet. There are representative works of "Tao YuanmingJi" such as "Peach Blossom Origin", "Return to Xi Ci", "Return to the Garden and Rural Residence", "Drinking" and so on.

20. Cao Zhi (曹植), zi jian (字子建), feng chen wang (封陈王), 谥思, later known as Chen Si Wang, one of the "Three Caos". Representative works include "Noda Yellow Bird Line", "Seven Steps Poem", and "Roselle Endowment". Text: Liang Fuxing

(5) Tang

21. Wang Bo, Zi'an, one of the "Four Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty" (the other three are Luo Binwang, Lu Zhaolin, and Yang Jiong). He is the author of "Prince Anji". He is the highest achiever among the "Four Masters". The text he learned was "Sending Du Shaofu to Ren Shu Prefecture"

22. Cui Hao, the text "Yellow Crane Tower" learned by the people of Bizhou (Kaifeng, Henan)

23. Wang Wan, poet of the Tang Dynasty. The text I learned, "Under the Sub-North Gushan Mountain", is outside the green mountain on the road, in front of the green water.

24. Wang Ji, Character Wugong, Longmen of Daizhou, Poet of the Tang Dynasty. The text you learned, Wild Hope

25. Chen Ziang (陈子安), also spelled Boyu, was a Tang Dynasty literary scholar whose poems marked the bones of the Han and Wei dynasties, emphasizing Xingyu and opposing the gentle wind. Known as the "bone of poetry". The text you learned is "Dengyouzhou Tai Song"

26. Meng Haoran, a native of Xiangyang. The first person in the Tang Dynasty to write a large number of landscape poems was on a par with Wang Wei and was known as "Wang Meng". He is the author of "Meng Xiangyang Collection". The text he studied was "Wangdongting Lake Gift to Zhang Cheng Xiang".

27 Wang Changling, Zi Shaobo, Jiangning people. He was once a captain of the Dragon Biao, known as Wang Longbiao, and the Seven Sacred Hands. The texts he studied were "Out of the Jam" and "From the Army". Later generations included "The Collected Works of Wang Changling", poems of Shanbian Sai and poems of palace complaints.

28. Wang Wei, the character Mo jie, the official To Shang Shu Right Cheng, so called Wang You Cheng, believe in Buddhism, known as "Poetry Buddha". He was also a representative of the Sheng Tang Pastoral Landscape School with Meng Haoran, and called "Wang Meng" Su Shi Zan "painting in poetry" and "poetry in painting". He is the author of "The Collection of Wang Youcheng", and the texts he studied: "Zhuliguan" and "Envoy to Saishang".

29. Chang Jian, probably a Chang'an native, Kaiyuan Jinshi, learned the text: "Zen Temple After the Broken Mountain Temple".

30, Li Bai, the word is too white, nicknamed Qinglian Resident, known as "Shi Xian". With Du Fu's name, he is known as "Li Du". One of the three great poets of the Tang Dynasty. There is the "Anthology of Li Taibai", which belongs to the romantic extravagant school and the peak of classical poetry art. Han Yu praised: "Li Du's article is here, and the flames of light are long." The texts he studied are "Wen Wang Changling Left Migration Dragon Biao Yao Has This Mail", "Emei Mountain Moon Song", "Spring Night Los Angeles WenDi", "Farewell at Jingmen Gate", "Sending Friends", "Difficult to Walk".

31. Du Fu, zimei, called himself Shaoling Yelao, once served as a member of the Zuo Shiyi and Inspection Work Department, and was known as Du Shiyi and Du Gongbu. With the same name as Li Bai, he is known as "Shi Sheng". One of the three great poets of the Tang Dynasty. Famous articles include "Three Officials" ("New An Official", "Stone Trench Official", "Tongguan Official"), "Three Farewells" ("New Marriage Farewell", "Dying Old Farewell", "Homeless Farewell") and so on, and authored the "Du Gongbu Collection". The peak of the art of realist poetry is known as the "history of poetry". The lefu poem, which was the first to write a famous chronicle, directly promoted the Xinlefu movement headed by Bai Juyi. The texts learned are "Jiangnan Feng Li Gui Year", "Wangyue", "Spring Hope", "The Hut Is Broken by the Autumn Wind", "The Moon and Night Remember the Brother"

32. Cen Shan, who served as the assassin of Jiazhou, was known as Cen Jiazhou. An important representative of the Biansai poetry school, he wrote the Collected Poems of Cen Jiazhou. The texts he studied were "The Nine Days of the March thinking of Chang'an Old Garden", "Every Time He Entered Beijing", "Bai Xue Song Sent the Military Judges Back to Beijing" and so on.

33. Han Yu (汉愈), also known as Han Yu (汉愈), also known as Han Yu (汉官部), Han Wen Gong (汉文公), Junwang Changli (郡望昌黎), also known as Han Changli (汉昌黎). Advocate of the Tang Dynasty Ancient Literature Movement, the first of the Eight Greats of the Tang and Song Dynasties. Together with Liu Zongyuan, he is called "Han Liu". He advocated restoring the prose tradition of the pre-Qin and Han dynasties and abandoning the arrogant style of the Southern and Northern Dynasties; he advocated the enrichment of the content of the articles and "only the business of saying things". In the creation of poetry, he advocates "taking the text as poetry" and strives for novelty. He is the author of the "Collection of Mr. Changli", "Late Spring", "Ma Shu", "Left Moved to Languan To Show Nephew Sun Xiang".

34. Liu Changqing Ziwenfang, Han Chinese, Xuancheng (now part of Anhui), Poet of the Tang Dynasty. Liu Changqing's famous work "The Master of Furong Mountain in the Snow". Text: "Changsha Over Jia Yi House"

35. Liu Yuxi, the character Mengde was once a guest of the crown prince, and was known as Liu Guest. Together with Liu Zongyuan, he was called "Liu Liu" and "Liu Bai" with Bai Juyi. There are "Liu Guest Collection" and "Liu Mengde Anthology". The texts learned are "Autumn Words", "Buried Room Ming", "Reward Lotte Yangzhou First Day Feast Gift"

36, Bai Juyi, the word Lotte. The resident of Xiangshan. The main advocate of the Xinlefu movement in the Middle Tang Dynasty, one of the three major poets of the Tang Dynasty, was jointly known as "Yuan Bai" with Yuan Shu. He was a successor to the realist tradition, advocating that "articles are written for the times, and songs and poems are written for the sake of things". Representatives of the popular school, according to legend, the old woman can understand. Self-edited for the "Bai's Changqing Collection" (later compiled as "Bai Xiangshan Poetry Collection"), the texts he learned, "Spring Trip to Qiantang Lake", "Selling Charcoal"

37. Liu Zongyuan, the character is thick, because he is from Hedong, known as Liu Hedong, who once served as the assassin of Liuzhou, also known as Liuliuzhou. One of the leaders of the Tang Dynasty Guwen Movement, along with Han Yu, was called "Han Liu". One of the "Eight Big Ones". The texts he studied are "The Snake Catcher Says", "The Three Precepts" (including "Qian's Donkey"), "Eight Records of Yongzhou" (including essays such as "Xiaoshitan Record" and "TongQu Sending Biography"), "Fisherman", "Jiang Xue" and so on. He is the author of "Liuhe East Collection". He was the first writer in China to formally write fables into independent literary works, opening up a new stage in the development of ancient fable literature in China. The text he studied, "The Record of Little Stone Pond".

38. Wen Tingjun (c. 812-866), poet and lyricist of the Tang Dynasty. His real name was Qi, the character Feiqing, a native of Taiyuan Qi (present-day southeast of Qi County, Shanxi), and Wen Tingjun was proficient in musical rhythms, gong poems, and words. His poems are gorgeous and exquisite, and Li Shangyin was called "Wen Li" when he was in the past, and his words paid attention to the literary style and sound of words, and more than seventy poems are now preserved, included in books such as "Huajian Collection" and "Jin Tsuen Ci", and are revered as the originator of the "Huajian Word School", and are called "Wen Wei" together with Wei Zhuang. The text he learned is "Shangshan Morning Trip".

39, Li He, the word Changji. His works are imaginative, the words are magnificent, romantic, and the style is unique. Known as the "Poetry Ghost", he is the author of the Changgu Collection. The text he studied, "The Wild Goose Gate is Too Guarded".

40. Du Muzhi, also known as Xiao Du, is on a par with Li Shangyin and is called "Little Li Du". In his later years, he lived in Fanchuan Villa, because of the number Du Fanchuan. He is especially good at the seven laws and seven perfections. The prose culture tendencies of the fu composer had a great influence on later generations, and he wrote the "Notes on Fan Chuan's Poetry Collection". The text he studied is "Chibi".

41. Li Shangyin, zi yishan, yuxi sheng, also known as Fan Nansheng. He is the author of "Collected Poems of Li Yishan" and "Fan Nan Anthology". The texts he studied were "Night Rain Sending North", "Jia Sheng", "Untitled" and so on. The poems of "Untitled" are mostly based on love, lingering and beautiful, and have a great influence on future generations.

42. Xu Hun (c. 791 – c. 858), courtesy name Obscure (一作仲晦), was a Poet of the Tang Dynasty and a native of Danyang, Runzhou (present-day Danyang, Jiangsu). One of the most influential poets of the late Tang Dynasty studied the text: "The East Building of Xianyang City".

(6) Song

43. Fan Zhongyan, Zi Xiwen, Yi Wenzheng, Northern Song Dynasty politician, military and literary scholar. He is the author of "Fan Wenzheng Gongji", the texts he studied, "Yueyang Louji", "Fisherman's Pride" and so on.

44. Ouyang Xiu, Zi Yong Shu, DrunkArd, Liu Yi Resident, Wen Zhong. Leader of the Northern Song Dynasty, one of the "Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties" (Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi, Su Xun, Su Rui, Wang Anshi, Zeng Gong). He co-edited the New Book of Tang with Song Qi and wrote the History of the New Five Dynasties. He is the author of "Ouyang Wenzhong Collection". "June 1st Poetry" is the first poem in China. Texts learned: "Oil Seller", "Drunken Pavilion", "Picking Mulberries" (Light Boat Short West Lake Good)

45. Fan Zhongyan, Zi Xiwen, Courtesy Name Wenzheng, Northern Song Dynasty politician, military figure, and writer. He is the author of "The Complete Works of Fan Zhongyun", and the text he studied: "Yueyang LouJi".

46. Wang Anshi, a native of Linchuan, Jiangxi, Zi Jiefu, No. Mid-Levels, Fengjing Guogong, Wang Wengong, Wang Wengong, Wang Linchuan, one of the eight great masters of the Tang and Song dynasties, and a reformer of the eleventh century in China. The collection is "Wang Linchuan Collection". The texts learned are "Climbing the Flying Peak", "Yuan Day", "Berthing Guazhou", etc.,

47. Sima Guang, Zi Junshi, Duke of Fengwen, Wenzheng, a native of Shuishui Township, known as Mr. Shushui. One of the "two Simas" in the historical world. The Zizhi Tongjian, edited by the editor, is the largest chronicle of General History in China, recording the historical facts from the Warring States to the Five Dynasties in 1362. One of the "double bi" in the history books. The text he learned, "Sun Quan's Persuasion"

48. Zhou Dunyi, Zi Mao Shu, Duke Yuan, a native of Yingdao, Daozhou (present-day Dao County, Hunan). Northern Song Dynasty philosopher, author of "Taiji Tushu" and "General Book" and so on. Text: "Eileen Says"

49. Su Shi (苏轼), Zi Zhan (字子瞻), is a resident of Dongpo. The nickname Is wenzhong. One of the "Eight Masters", he is called the "Song Four Families" in calligraphy together with Cai Xiang, Huang Tingjian and Miti. The greatest literati of the Song Dynasty. It can "come up with new ideas in the Dhamma, and send wonderful reasons beyond extravagance." Pioneered the bold word school. Together with Han Yu, it is known as "Han Chao Su Hai". He is the author of "Dongpo Anthology". Texts learned: "Night Tour of Chengtian Temple", "Bu Operator. Huangzhou Dinghui courtyard residence", "Water Tune Song Head" (when the moon is there) "Jiang Chengzi. Mizhou Out hunting", "Dingfeng Wave" (Mo listened to the sound of leaves beating through the forest).

50, Qin Guan, the word less travel, a word too virtual, Jiangsu Gaoyouren. He is revered as a generation of poets of the Wanyue sect, nicknamed Hangou Resident, and scholars call him Huaihai Resident. Northern Song Dynasty writer and lyricist. Representative works: "Queqiao Immortal", "Huaihai Collection", "Huaihai Resident Long and Short Sentences". Text: "Xing Xiangzi" (Trees Around the Village)

51. Li Qingzhao, a native of Jinan, Shandong, is a native of the same city as Tongxin. The most important female poet in ancient times, the most accomplished of the Song Dynasty's eulogical poetry school, wrote "Shuyu Ci". The texts he studied were "Fisherman's Pride" (Heaven catching clouds and waves and Xiao Fog) and "Dream Order" (often remembering the sunset of Xiting).

52, Lu You, Character Affairs View, Trumpet Fang Weng. Known as "Little Li Bai". He is the author of "Jiannan Poetry Manuscript", "Weinan Anthology", and "Notes of the Old Scholar Demon". The most prolific poet in ancient China (with more than 9,000 poems). The texts he studied are "November 4th Wind and Rain Masterpiece", "You Shanxi Village", "Bu Operator. Wing Mei

53, Xin abandoned the disease, the word You'an, the number Jiaxuan, and Su Shi and called "Su Xin". It is known as the "Dragon of Words". The text I learned is "Jiaxuan Long and Short Sentences". The outstanding achievements in the Song Ci inherited and developed Su Shi's bold word style and expanded the scope of expression of the word. The text I learned, "The Ugly Slave. Shubo Mountain Road Middle Wall (teenagers do not know the taste of sorrow), "Broken Line. Give Chen Tongfu a strong word to send it" "Too often quoted. Jiankang Mid-Autumn Night for Uncle Lü's Subliminal Endowment" Nanxiangzi. Dengjingkou Beigu Pavilion has a heart".

54. Wen Tianxiang, Zi Song Rui, Lu Shan, Wen Shan, National Hero. There is "The Complete Works of Mr. Wenshan". Patriotic feelings, exciting and moving. The texts learned are "Crossing zero Ding Yang" and "Nan'an Army"

55, Chen youyi, the word to go wrong, the number of Jian Zhai. Outstanding poet of the late Northern Song Dynasty and early Southern Song Dynasty, who also worked on filling in words. Although there are only more than ten poems in the present, they have a unique style, especially close to Su Dongpo, the meaning is superb, the pen power is empty, the sparse and bright, the natural blend is formed, and he is the author of "Jian Zhai Collection". The text you learned is "LinjiangXian Night Climbing Small Pavilion, Reminiscing about the Old Tour in Luo"

(7) Yuan

56, Ma Zhiyuan, the word thousands of miles, the number of the east fence. One of the "Four Greats" (Guan Hanqing, Zheng Guangzu, and Bai Pu). He studied the text miscellaneous drama "Han Palace Autumn", the scattered song "TianjingSha Qiusi" (known as the "Ancestor of Autumn Thought"), etc., and wrote "Dongli Lefu". One of the most accomplished composers. The text I learned, "Tianjing Sha Qiu Si"

57. Zhang Yanghao, zi Xi meng, number Yunzhuang, also known as Qi Dongyeren, a famous politician and literary scholar of the Yuan Dynasty. The texts I learned are "Hillside Sheep Tong Care Ancient" and "Hillside Sheep Lishan Huaigu".

(8) Ming

58. Shi Nai'an, a native of the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties. The texts studied, "Zhongyi Water Travel", referred to as "Water Margin", have hundreds of copies, one hundred and twenty copies and seventy copies. It is the first long-form novel in China to reflect the peasant uprising, which has had a great impact on the peasant uprising in later generations. The text you learned is "Outline of The Birth Anniversary of Wisdom"

59. Luo Guanzhong, a man of the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties. Mingben, Huhai Sanren, was the first writer in China to devote himself to the creation of popular novels. His major works include "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" (referred to as "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Sui and Tang Chronicles", and "Three Kingdoms"), which is China's first full-length historical chapter novel. The text learned is "Three Gu Maolu"

60, Wu Cheng'en, the word Ruzhong, the number of sheyang mountain people. The learned text "Journey to the West" is a famous long-form novel of Hui Shen Devil, which is the most brilliant mythological work in classical literature, marking a new peak of Romantic literature.

61. Wei Xuehuan, Zi Jing, Jiashan of the late Ming Dynasty (dynasty). The text he studied, "The Record of the Nuclear Boat".

62. Song Lian, Character Jinglian, Qianxi, Yuwen Xian. A literary scholar of the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties, he was once praised by Zhu Yuanzhang, the grandfather of the Ming Dynasty, as "the head of the founding ministers", and scholars called Taishi Gong. Song Lian, together with Gao Qi and Liu Ji, was known as the "Three Great Poets of the Early Ming Dynasty". His works include "Collected Writings of Song Scholars" and so on. The text you learned is "Sending Dongyang Horse Birth Sequence"

63. Zhang Dai (張岱), Zi Zongzi (字宗子), tao 痷, a native of Shanyin (present-day Shaoxing, Zhejiang), was a writer of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. He is the author of "Tao An Dream Memories" and "Simon Dream Seeking". The text you learned is "Watching the Snow in the Pavilion of the Lake"

64, Xia Wanchun, formerly known as Fu, character Cungu, number XiaoYin. A young anti-Qing hero at the end of the Ming Dynasty, a famous poet. His father, Xia Yunyi, and his teacher, Chen Zilong, were both heroes with outstanding literary reputations and integrity. The text you learned is "Don't Be in the Clouds"

65. Wang Pan, the character Hongwei, is called the crown of southern music. Ming Dynasty essayist, painter, and also known as medicine. From a young age, he despised the name of merit, built a building high in the west of the postal city, and talked with celebrities in the middle of it, because he called himself "West Building". His prose themes are wide-ranging, although there are many leisure works, there are also excellent works that sympathize with the people's suffering and satirize current politics. The text he learned, "Chao Tianzi Yong Horn"

(9) Qing

66. Ji Yun, Zi Xiaolan, Yi Zi Chun Fan, Late Shi Yun, Dao Guan Yi Dao Ren, Zhi Li Xian County (present-day Cangzhou City, Hebei). Qing Dynasty politician and writer, author of "Notes on Reading Wei Caotang". "Notes on Reading Wei Caotang" is a zhiwei novel written in the form of notes, mainly to record the story of fox ghosts and strange insights. Text: Stone Beast in the River

67. Pu Songling, zi liu xian, number Liuquan resident, known as Mr. Liaozhai . The texts he studied, such as "Liaozhai Zhiyi", "Promoting Weaving", "Wolf", "Xi Fangping", "Laoshan Daoist", "Painted Skin", etc. are from this. A collection of famous literary short stories in ancient China. Reflect reality in the way of talking about ghosts and foxes. The text "Wolf"

68. Wu Jingzi, Zi Wenmu, Min Xuan. The text he studied is "The History of Rulin's Outer History". The text he learned is "Fan Jin Zhongju"

69, Cao Guqin, name Zhan Zi Meng Nguyen, no. Xueqin, Qinpu, Qinxi. The main work "Dream of the Red Chamber" (40 times after Gao Yan's continuation) is the greatest realistic classical novel and the peak of the development of classical Chinese novels. The text she learned, "Grandma Liu Enters the Grand View Garden"

70. Naran Zhide, Yehenara clan, character Rongruo, Langjiashan people, Manchurian Zhenghuangqi people, early Qing Dynasty poets. The text you learned is "Huan Xi Sha" (walking towards the bank of Yun Shan)

(j) Modern

71. Zhu Ziqing (1898-1948), Zi Peixian, a native of Yangzhou, Jiangsu, was an essayist, poet, scholar, and democracy fighter. Representative works include "Traces", "European Travel Miscellaneous", "Songtang Travels" and so on. The texts learned are "Spring" and "Back Shadow"

72, Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, the character Yucai. Great writer, thinker, revolutionary, and the main commander of China's cultural revolution. "I wish that the cold star is not noticed, I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood"; "Horizontal eyebrows are cold to a thousand fingers, bowing down to the widow cow", this is the true portrayal of his life. His major works include the novel collection "Scream", "Wandering", "New Compilation of Stories"; the prose collection "Chao Hua Xi Shi"; the prose poetry collection "Weeds"; the miscellaneous essay collection "Erxin Collection", "Hua gai collection", and "And Jieting Essays".

"Chao Hua Xi Shi" was originally titled "Old Things Revisited" and is a collection of reminiscent essays. This book is Lu Xun's recollection of different life experiences and experiences in childhood, adolescence and youth. The whole book is composed of 12 parts: "Little Introduction", "Dog, Cat and Mouse", "A Chang and the Classic of Mountains and Seas", "Twenty-four Filial Pieties", "Five Rampant Society", "Impermanence", "From The Hundred Grass Garden to the Sanwei Book House", "Father's Disease", "Trivia", "Mr. Fujino", "Fan Ainong", and "Afterword". The book "Picking Up Flowers and Nights" enables more teenagers to share Lu Xun's "warm memories and rational criticism".

The texts studied, "From the Hundred Grass Garden to the Sanwei Bookstore", "Mr. Fujino", "A Chang and < Shan Hai Jing >", are all selected from "Chao Hua Xi Shi"; "Hometown", "Social Drama", "Kong Yiji" are all selected from "Scream", "Chinese Have You Lost Your Self-Confidence" from "Scream"

73. Mao Zedong, literally, was the main founder and leader of the People's Republic of China, a great proletarian revolutionary, military and thinker. The texts studied are "In Memory of Bethune", "Qinyuan Spring. Snow》

74. Liang Shiqiu, formerly known as Zhihua, zi shiqiu, a native of Hangxian County, Zhejiang. Modern writer, literary critic, translator. Translation of The Complete Works of Shakespeare, etc. The text "The Bird"

75. Zang Kejia, a native of Zhucheng, Shandong, poet. Representative works include the poetry collection "Branding", the poem "Old Horse" and "Some People". The text he learned was "Smelling Mr. Yiduo's Saying and Doing"

76. Wen Yiduo, a hubei shuishui person, poet and scholar, and a democracy fighter. His representative works include the poetry collection "Red Candle" and "Backwater"; the academic works include "Myths and Poems" and "Miscellaneous Treatises on Tang Poetry".

77. Guo Moruo, formerly known as Guo Kaizhen, was called Shangwu. Outstanding writer, poet and dramatist, historian and paleographer. It is another banner on the Chinese cultural front after Lu Xun. The collected poems "Goddess" (including "Phoenix Nirvana", "The Rebirth of the Goddess", "Coal in the Furnace", etc.) published in 1921; historical dramas include "The Flower of Tang Di", "Qu Yuan", "Tiger Rune", "Gao Gradually Leaving", "Peacock Bile", "Cai Wenji", "Wu Zetian", etc. "Goddess" is an outstanding collection of romantic poetry, the first immortal poetic work in the history of New Literature in China, and has opened up a new generation of poetry. The foundations of the New Poetry Movement were laid. Text: "Street Market in Heaven" Drama "Qu Yuan"

78. Xiao Hong, formerly known as Zhang Yi (nǎi) Ying, a native of Hulan, Heilongjiang, is a modern and contemporary Chinese writer known as the "literary Roselle of the 1930s". Representative works include the novels "The Legend of Hulan River" and "The Field of Life and Death". The text "Remembering Mr. Lu Xun"

79. Duanmu Hongliang, a native of Changtu, Liaoning, formerly known as Cao Jingping, is a writer. Representative works include "Horqin Banner Grassland"

80. Zhang Zhongxing, a native of Hebei Tun (now part of Tianjin), Xianghe, Hebei, was a scholar and essayist. Together with Ji Xianlin and Jin Kemu, they are known as the "Three Elders of Yanyuan". Ji Xianlin praised him as "tall, easy, and superhuman." His masterpiece is "Negative Trivia". Texts learned: "Mr. Ye Shengtao's Two or Three Things"

81, Ye Shengtao, name Shaojun. Modern writer, educator. The long novel "Ni Huanzhi", the short story "Collected Three or Five Buckets", "Night", etc., the fairy tale collection includes "Scarecrow" and "Stone Statue of ancient heroes", he is the earliest writer in the history of modern Chinese literature to write fairy tales.

82, Liang Qichao, the character Zhuoru, the number of Ren Gong, also known as the owner of the ice drinking room. During the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, he was a thinker, politician, educator, historian and writer in modern China. He was one of the leaders of the Penghu Reform Law (Hundred Days Restoration) and a representative figure of the modern Chinese Restoration School. Texts learned: "The Most Bitter and The Most Happy", "Dedication and Happiness"

83. Zhu De, Zi Yujie, Yilongren of Sichuan, one of the main founders and leaders of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the People's Republic of China. Great proletarian revolutionary, military man, statesman. Text: Remembering My Mother

84, Mao Dun, formerly known as Shen Dehong, the word Yan Bing, Mao Dun is a pen name. He is an outstanding modern writer and one of the pioneers of the "May Fourth" new literary movement. The texts he studied, "Eclipse" trilogy ("Disillusionment", "Wavering", "Pursuit"), "Midnight", "Rural Trilogy" ("Spring Silkworm", "Autumn Harvest", "Cruel Winter"), "Lin JiaPuzi", the essay "Landscape Talk", and "Midnight" is the first realist masterpiece in the history of modern Chinese literature, showing the combat achievements of the "left-wing" literary camp. Text: Poplar Praise

85. Wang Zengqi, a modern and contemporary writer, whose representative works include "Ordination" and "Chronicle of Da Nao". Text: "Rain in Kunming"

86, Lao She, formerly known as Shu Qingchun, the word Sheyu, Manchu. In 1950, he was awarded the title of "People's Artist". The texts he studied are "Camel Looking", "Four Generations Together", the script "Tea House", "Longsugou", "Looking West to Chang'an" and so on. Rich local colors, vivid and lively use of Beijing colloquialism, popular and humorous. Formed the style of Lao She, but also the pioneer of "Beijing flavor novel". The text "Winter in Jinan"

87. Mao Yisheng, China's bridge expert. The text "Chinese Stone Arch Bridge"

88. Ye Shengtao, formerly known as Ye Shaojun, character Shengtao, writer, educator. Representative works include the novel "Ni Huanzhi" and so on. The texts learned are "Suzhou Garden" and "Driving Our Imagination" 

89. Tao Xingzhi (October 18, 1891 – July 25, 1946), formerly known as Tao Wenjun. A native of She (Shè) County, Anhui Province, he Chinese educator, thinker, and great democratic fighter. The three major propositions of "life is education", "society is school" and "teaching is one" are put forward, and the theory of life education is the theoretical core of Tao Xingzhi's education thought. His publications include: "Chinese Educational Transformation", "Ancient Temple Bell Ringing", "Zaifu Free Talk", "Xingzhi Letters", "Xingzhi Poetry Collection". Selected text "Declaration of Creation".

89, formerly known as Xie Wanying, a famous female writer. The collection of texts and poems he studied, "Stars", "Spring Water", the prose collection "Send a Little Reader", "Cherry Blossom Praise" and so on. Sing the praises of motherly love, innocence, and the sea in aphoristic verses. The prose also expresses the "philosophy of love" and is known as the representative of "beautiful writing". One of the texts he studied, "Two Prose Poems", "Lotus Leaf Mother".

90, Gu Jie (jié) Gang, the character Mingjian, pen names yu Yi, Mingjian and so on. A native of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. He is a famous historian and folklorist in modern China, the founder of the ancient history school, and the pioneer and founder of modern historical geography and folklore. The text he studied, "Doubt and Learning".

91. Wen Yiduo, whose real name is Wen Jiahua (文家骅), was born in Huanggang City, Hubei Province, in Haoshui County, Huanggang City, Hubei Province, a great modern Chinese patriot, a staunch democracy fighter, an early leader of the Chinese Democratic League, and a poet and scholar representing the Crescent. Selected text: "The Last Lecture"

92. Ai Qing, formerly known as Jiang Haicheng, is a famous poet. His works marked an important stage in the development of free-form poetry after the "May Fourth" and had a great influence on the creation of new poetry in the future. The text I learned is "I Love this Land"

93. Yu Guangzhong, born in Nanjing, later moved to Taiwan, poet and essayist. The text I learned is "Nostalgia".

94. Chen Yi, proletarian revolutionary, politician, military, diplomat, poet, one of the Ten Marshals of the People's Republic of China. In 1977, his posthumous collection "Selected Poems of Chen Yi" was published. Selected into the text "Three Chapters of Meiling".

95. Shen Yinmo, formerly known as Junmo, is an outstanding scholar, poet, and calligrapher. During the "May Fourth" Movement, as a famous professor at Peking University, he took turns editing the magazine "New Youth" with Lu Xun, Chen Duxiu and others, and his representative works were "Moon Night", "Falling Leaves", "Three Strings" and so on. Selected text: "Moonlit Night" of "Five Short Poems"

96. Dai Wangshu, a famous modern poet. Published the first book of poems "Rain Lane" for a while, so it has the reputation of "Rain Lane Poet". At the end of 1941, he was arrested and imprisoned by the Japanese Kou. In prison, he wrote famous poems such as "Prison Wall", "I Use My Broken Palm", and "Waiting". Selected text: "Xiao Hong's Tomb Pankou Zhan" of "Five Short Poems"

97. Bian Zhilin, born in Tangjia Town, Haimen, Jiangsu Province, is a modern and contemporary poet (one of the "Three Poets of Han Garden"), a literary critic and translator. He is recognized as a representative poet of the New Culture Movement, an important poetic genre, crescent and modernism. Selected text: "Broken Chapter" of "Five Short Poems"

98. Lu Di, born in 1912, is a modern poet. Chen Peidi, formerly known as Chen Peidi, was born in Nanhai, Guangdong. He has co-edited publications. He joined the Chinese Writers Association in 1956 and later became a professor at Jinan University. He is the author of the poetry collections "Kuwano", "Chi Driving Collection", "Selected Poems of Ludi", etc., as well as poetry theory, appreciation articles and works. Selected text: "Wind and Rain Yin" of "Five Short Poems"

99. Neruda, a famous Chilean poet. He began publishing poems at the age of 13, published his first collection of poems "Dusk" in 1923, and published his famous work "Twenty Love Poems and a Desperate Song" in 1924, and has since entered the Chilean poetry scene. Neruda's life had two themes, one was politics and the other was love. Selected text: "Unification" of "Five Short Poems"

100, Qiu Jin, formerly known as Yu Jin, the character XuanQing, self-titled Jingxiong, alias Jian Hu Female Xia, Han Xia's daughter. He is an advocate of Chinese feminist and women's academic thought, and a volunteer of the modern democratic revolution. In the early morning of July 15, 1907, Qiu Jin calmly took up his righteousness at the XuantingKou of Shaoxing, at the age of 32. Selected text: "Man Jiang Hong" (Koju Kyowa)

101. Manang Estate, formerly known as Deng Tuo, Deng Zijian and Deng Yunte. Pen names are Manan Estate, Yu Sui'an, Bu Wuji, etc. His major works include "History of China's Salvation of the Wilderness", "Yanshan Night Talk", "On Several Problems in China" and so on. Selected text: "Don't Seek a Solution"

102. Zhu Guangqian, modern aesthetician, literary and art theorist, a native of Tongcheng, Anhui. Zhu Guangqian is one of the pioneers and founders of modern aesthetics in China, and the first person to widely introduce Western aesthetics in China. Selected text: "The Beauty of Speechlessness"

103, Li Keyan, a native of Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. An outstanding painter and poet in modern China, he was a disciple of the painter Qi Baishi. At the age of 72, he was appointed vice chairman of the China Artists Association and president of the Chinese Painting Research Institute. In his later years, the pen tended to be old and spicy. He is good at painting landscapes and people, especially cattle. Selected text: "The Artistic Conception of Landscape Painting"

(xi) Contemporary

104. Shi Tiesheng, a contemporary writer, born in Beijing, whose representative works include the novel collection "My Distant Qingping Bay", "Fate Ruoqin Strings", "Retreat Notes"; the prose collection "I and the Temple of Earth", "Acacia Tree", "Sick Gap Broken Pen" and so on. The text you learned is "Autumn Nostalgia"

105. Mo Huaiqi, a writer in Chongqing. My wife and I walked slowly, steadily, and carefully, as if what was on my back and what was on her back added up to the whole world. It deepens the center of the article and shows the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation of respecting the old and loving the young. The basic methods of character description: appearance description, language description, action description, psychological description.

106. Zheng Zhenduo, modern writer, translator, literary historian. The text "Cat" learned

Yuan Ke, a native of Xindu, Sichuan, is a mythologist who wrote "Ancient Chinese Mythology" and "Annotations on the Classics of Mountains and Seas". The text you learned is "Nuwa Makes Man"

107. Yang Dai, a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, is a writer and translator. His representative works are "Six Records of the Cadre School", translated as "Don Quixote" and so on. Texts learned: Lao Wang

108, Jia Pingwa, formerly known as Jia Pingwa, Shaanxi Danfeng people. In 2008, he won the 7th Mao Dun Literature Award for "Qin Cavity"

109. He Jingzhi. A famous modern revolutionary poet and playwright. In 1945, he and Ding Yi collectively composed China's first new opera "The White-Haired Girl", which won the Stalin Literature Prize in 1951. The text "Back to Yan'an"

110. Liu Chengzhang, a native of Yan'an, Shaanxi. His collection of essays, "Sheep Thinking of Clouds", won the first Lu Xun Literature Award. The text "Anse Waist Drum" is an essay that celebrates the stirring life and the majestic power.

111, Wu Bozhen, formerly known as Xicheng, a native of Laiwu, Shandong. Essayist, educator. The text "Lantern"

Zhu Kezhen, a native of Shangyu, Zhejiang. Meteorologist and geographer. The text "The Language of Nature" was rewritten according to Zhu Kezhen's "A Productive Science - Phenology" in the first issue of "Science For the Masses of Science" in 1963.

112. Ding Zhaozhong, a Chinese-American physicist, won the 1976 Nobel Prize in Physics. Text: "The Spirit of Knowledge of Qualities"

113. Wang Xuan, a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, is an expert in computer text information processing, known as "Contemporary Bi Sheng". In 2002, he won the highest national science and technology award. The successful "Chinese character laser illumination system" led by him has made significant contributions to the popularization and promotion of China's news and publishing industry Chinese computer typesetting. Text: "Important Choices in My Life" was originally titled "Eight Important Choices in My Life"

114. Liang Heng is a famous scholar, journalistic theorist and writer. A native of Huozhou, Shanxi. The text learned: "Hukou Waterfall" is selected from the "Liang Heng Anthology".

115, Ma Lihua, female writer. His representative works include "Into Tibet" and are known as "Singers and Walkers of Tibet". The text learned: "At the source of the Yangtze River, Geladan Winter" is selected from the "Journey of Northern Tibet"

116. Alai, a Tibetan, a famous contemporary writer, in 2000, at the age of 41, Alai won the Fifth Mao Dun Literature Award for his novel "The Dust Has Settled", becoming the youngest winner in the history of the Mao Dun Literature Award. Text: "A Drop of Water Passes Through Lijiang"

117 Mu Dan (1918-1977), formerly known as Zha Liangzheng, used the pen name Liang Zhen, whose ancestral home was Yuan Hua Town, Haining City, Zhejiang Province, and was born in Tianjin. Modernist poet and translator. Text: "I See"

118. Cao Wenxuan, born in January 1954 in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, is a Chinese children's literature writer. He graduated from the Department of Chinese of Peking University in 1977 and stayed on to teach. Text: Journey of Solitude

119, Bi Shumin, selected into the text "Three Cabins of the Spirit"

120. Shu Ting, formerly known as Gong Peiyu, born in 1952, from Quanzhou, Fujian Province. One of the representative writers of the Obscure Poetry School. He is the author of the poetry collection "Brig Boat" (won the First National New Poetry Collection Excellence Award), "Iris Who Can Sing", "Selected Lyric Poems of Shu Ting Gucheng", and the prose collection "Heart Smoke". Texts learned: "O Motherland, My Dear Motherland"

121. Liu Shaotang, a contemporary writer from Tongxian County, Beijing, published the novel collection "Green Branches and Green Leaves" at the age of 17. The title of "Twilight Spring": point out the time when the story takes place; summarize the central content of the article - in the twilight of life and youthful and radiant. Text: "Pu Liu People's Home"

122, Zong Pu, contemporary female writer. "The Green of the West Lake" (selected from the "Zong Pu Novel Prose Collection") Learned Texts: "Wisteria Luo Waterfall"

123. Acheng, formerly known as Zhong Acheng, was born in Beijing in 1949 on the Qingming Festival, and was born in Jiangjin, Sichuan, a contemporary Chinese writer. Published the novel collection "Chess King", which won the 1984 Fujian "Selected Novellas" Excellent Work Award and the 1983-1984 National Excellent Novella Award. Text: Zipline

124. He Jiping, Chinese playwright, member of the 10th Plenary Committee of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In 1988, He Jiping's "The First Floor under heaven" caused a sensation in Beijing after the performance, and the number of performances was second only to "Tea House", which was known as a classic of contemporary realism. Text: "The First Floor under the Heavens"

(xii) Foreign writers

125, Tagore, Indian writer and poet. His works include the poetry collection "Jitanjali", "The New Moon Collection", "The Gardener's Collection", "The Bird Collection", etc., and won the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature. One of the texts he studied, "Two Prose Poems", "Golden Flower".

126 Helen Keller, American writer and educator. In 1964, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. His works include "If You Give Me Three Days of Light." The text you learned is "The Man Who Reshapes Life"

127 Jean Gionor, French writer and screenwriter. The text you learned is "The Shepherd Who Planted Trees"

128, Conrad Lorenz, Austrian (national) animal behaviorist, popular science writer, representative works include "King Solomon's Ring" and "The Dog's Family History". He was awarded the 1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The text you learned is "Animal Laughter"

129, Asimov, American popular science writer, science fiction writer. Representative works include "Base" and "Xinjiang Region". Texts learned: "Dinosaurs Are Everywhere" and "Squashed Sand"

130. Aesop, an ancient Greek writer who was good at telling fables and satirizing the powerful, compiled fables that were processed by later generations to collect "Aesop's Fables". Texts learned: Hermes and the Statuer, Mosquitoes and Lions

131, Tudor, a famous French writer of the 19th century. The representative novels of the texts he studied are "Little Things", and the short stories include "The Last Lesson" and "The Siege of Berlin". Together with Flaubert, Zola, Goncourt and Turgenev, he formed the literary society "Dinner of Five".

132. Pushkin, the founder of modern Russian realist literature, is known as the "father of Russian literature" masterpieces "To the Sea" and "Ode to Freedom". Text: "If Life Deceives You"

133 Frost, one of the most popular American poets of the 20th century. "The Unchooled Road" is selected from the "Selected Philosophical Poems of China and Foreign Countries".

134, Zweig, famous Austrian writer, novelist, biographer, poet, playwright, good at writing novels, biographical biographies of literary masterpieces such as "The Three Masters", "Roman. Roland"), novel masterpieces such as "Letter from a Strange Woman", "The Story of Chess" and so on. Texts learned: The Great Tragedy, Lev. Tolstoy".

135 Russell, British philosopher, mathematician, and writer. Text: "Why Am I Alive"

136, Fabre, French entomologist, writer, representative work "Insects". Text: Cicada

137. Leopold, American ecologist. The text learned: "The Return of the Wild Goose" is selected from the "Shaxiang Yearbook".

138. Coubertin, French educator, social activist, founder of the modern Olympic movement. This is his speech at the General Assembly of the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, Switzerland, in April 1919. Text: Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Revival of the Olympic Movement is selected from Olympism – Coubertin's Selected Writings

139, Mark Towon, American writer, representative works include the novels "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". Text: "Mont d'Éon" is selected from "Green Mountains in the Distance"

140 Hugo, a French Romantic writer, is known as "Shakespeare of France". His major works include "1993", "Notre Dame de Paris", and "Les Misérables". Text: Letter to Captain Butler on the Anglo-French Expedition to China

141. Maupassant, a French critical realist writer in the second half of the 19th century, was known as the "world's three great masters of short stories" along with Chekhov of Russia and O.D. Henry of the United States. Representative works include "Necklace", "Mutton Fat Ball" and "My Uncle Hule". Text: My Uncle Hule

142. Gorky, a great Writer of the Soviet Union, "Outstanding Representative of Proletarian Art" (In Lenin), author of the novel "Mother", the autobiographical trilogy "Childhood", "In the World", "My University", etc. The text you learned is "Haiyan"

143, Hans Christian Andersen, a famous Danish fairy tale writer. He wrote more than 160 fairy tales in his lifetime, such as "The Little Girl Who Sold Matches", "The Ugly Duckling", "The Daughter of the Sea" and so on. The text "The Emperor's New Clothes"

144 Chekhov, Russian writer. His major works include the short stories "The Death of a Little Civil Servant", "Chameleon", the novella "The Sixth Ward", the screenplay "Seagull", "Uncle Vanya", and "Three Sisters", and he is the only Russian writer who has reached the peak of the world literary world with short story creation. The text "Chameleon"

145. Francis Bacon (1561-1626) Famous British materialist philosopher, the progenitor of modern experimental science, and writer. He is the author of "Essay", "New Tools" and so on. Essays are the first of its kind in English literature to be written in 58 essays. The text "Talking about Reading"

146, 100 N. Ostrovsky. Former Soviet writer, the text "How Steel is Made".

(13) Introduction of works

147. "Four Books" and "Five Classics": "Four Books" are the Analects, the University, the Zhongyong, and Mencius; the "Five Classics" are Poems, Books, Yi, Li, and Spring and Autumn. The "Five Classics" plus the Analects and the Book of Filial Piety are the "Seven Classics".

148. "Liezi": It is said that it was composed by the Zheng guoren Lieyu Kou during the Warring States period. The book also preserves some excellent fables and myths and legends of the pre-Qin era, such as "The Fool Moves the Mountain" and "The Wrong Way and the Dead Sheep", etc., with rich imagination, fresh and lively.

149. "History": Sima Qian of the Western Han Dynasty, China's first general history of the Chronicle, formerly known as the "Taishi Gongshu", a total of 130 articles, divided into "Eight Books", "Ten Tables", "Twelve Books", "Thirty Families", "Seventy Column Biographies". It records the history of the Yellow Emperor to the Han Wu Emperor for three thousand years, and its character biography has set a precedent for China's historical literature. "History" is a monument in the history of ancient prose, giving endless enlightenment and far-reaching influence to future generations, and was praised by Lu Xun as "the greatest song of historians, the departure of no rhyme".

150, "Chu Ci": China's first collection of romantic poetry, because the form of poetry is processed on the basis of the Chu folk song, and a large number of quotations from the terroir and dialect vocabulary of Chu land, so it is called "Chu Ci". The Chu Ci is mainly the work of Qu Yuan, Song Yu and others, and was collected and compiled by Liu Xiang in the late Western Han Dynasty. Later generations also called Chu Ci "riot body". The Chu Ci had a profound influence on later literature, not only opening up later endowments, but also influencing the prose creation of successive dynasties. It is the source of positive romantic poetry creation in China.

151. "Lü Shi Chunqiu": also known as "Lü Lan", a representative work of the pre-Qin miscellaneous family, compiled by Lü Buwei, the late Qin emperor of the Warring States, and the whole book is a total of twenty-six volumes. This book is one of the earliest collections of theoretical essays.

152, "Book of Poetry": China's first poetry collection, commonly known as "Poetry" or "Three Hundred Poems", to the Han Dynasty, Confucianism enshrined it as "Jing", only called "Book of Poetry", a total of 305 pieces, divided into "wind", "Ya", "Ode" three parts, "Book of Poetry" is the source of China's fine tradition of poetry realism, its ideological content and artistic achievements, on the development of Chinese literature, especially poetry has a profound and extensive impact. The formation of poetry is mainly based on four words, most of which rhyme for interval sentences, and generally use the expression techniques of "fu", "ratio" and "xing", which have the characteristics of repeated chanting in chapters and sentences. Texts learned: Guan Ju (Zhou Nan), Qianye (Qin Feng), Shi Wei (Shao Feng), Zi Gong (Zheng Feng)

153. "Nineteen Ancient Poems": An anonymous work, it inherits the technique of lyric poetry in Lefu folk songs, and absorbs the nutrition of "Book of Poetry" and "Chu Ci", expressing deep feelings in natural and simple language, it represents the artistic peak of the Five Words poetry of the Han Dynasty. Selected text: "Strange Trees in the Garden"

154. The Book of Rites, a compilation of Confucian treatises from the Warring States to the Qin and Han Dynasties, is said to have been compiled by the Western Han Dynasty scholar Dai Sheng. Selected texts: "Although there is a delicacy", "The journey of the avenue"

155. "Zuo Biao": It is the first chronicle of China with a detailed narrative and completeness. Originally known as "Zuo Shi Chunqiu", also known as "Spring and Autumn Zuo Shi Biography", it is said that it was written by Zuo Qiuming, a historian of the Lu State. "Zuo Biao" has a high literary value and has a great influence on later generations, not only making a brilliant example in the writing of historical works, but also providing rich nourishment for the narrative of prose, discussion and the themes of novels and plays.

156. "Yanzi Spring and Autumn": a work that records the anecdotes of the words and deeds of Qi Guoyan's infants. To a certain extent, it truly reflects the social reality at that time, and the article has a strong literary color.

157. "Lefu Poetry Collection": The title of the poetry collection, edited by Song Guo Maoqian, compiled the lyrics of lefu songs from han wei to tang dynasties. There are folk song composers who create, and there are also imitations.

158. Romance of the Three Kingdoms: By Chen Shou of the Western Jin Dynasty. It is a chronicle of the division of the country. It is divided into thirty-eight volumes of Wei Zhi, Shu Zhi, and Wu Zhi.

159. "Three Biographies of Spring and Autumn": refers to the "Spring and Autumn Zuo Clan Biography", "Ram Biography", and "Gu Liang Biography".

160. The Book of Han, compiled by the Eastern Han Dynasty BanGu, is China's first chronicle of the Broken Dynasty, with a total of 100 articles, and the system inherits the "Records of History", but there are changes, divided into "Eight Tables", "Ten Zhi", "Twelve Benji", and "Seventy Column Biographies", which record the history of 229 years from the first year of Han Gaozu to Wang Mang. His achievements were also very high, and had a great influence on the later history of dynasties.

161. The Analects: One of the classic works of Confucianism, compiled by Confucius disciples and disciples, mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius, Confucius answers the words of disciples and people at that time, and there are also disciples who talk to each other about the words of Confucius they hear. The whole book is mainly written in the form of quotations.

162. "Zizhi Tongjian": The largest chronicle of china compiled under the auspices of Sima Guang of Song, which synthesizes the achievements of the "jichuan style" of various dynasties and breaks the history of the dynasties, and narrates the history of more than 1,360 years from the Warring States to the five dynasties, with the years and months as the scripture and the historical facts as the latitude, and the chronological order. The title of the book means "in view of personnel affairs, capital is used to govern the way", that is, to absorb the lessons of the rise and fall of the past, as a reference for feudal rulers to govern the country and the people.

163. "Warring States Policy": It was compiled and edited by Liu Xiang of the Western Han Dynasty according to the Warring States History Book, a total of 33 articles, compiled by country, and is a work of national historiography, also known as "National Policy". 164, "Journey to the West": Is China's ancient famous romantic long mythological novel, the whole book a hundred times, based on the story of Tang Monk to learn the scriptures, portrayed the image of Sun Wukong, showing his contempt for authority, not afraid of rape, eliminate evil and do everything possible to fight spirit, it can be said that the whole book is Sun Wukong's combat history.

165. "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is the earliest chapter and back long historical novel in China, the full name is "Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms", written by Luo Guanzhong. It is the pioneering work of China's historical novels, and its outstanding artistic achievement is the depiction of war.

166, Yongzhou Eight Records: Liu Zongyuan of the Tang Dynasty wrote a continuous landscape travelogue, a total of eight, posterity called "Yongzhou Eight Records", of which "Xiaoshitan Record" is the most famous.

167. "Water Margin": It is a famous long-form vernacular chapter hui novel depicting the peasant revolutionary struggle in ancient China, also known as "Zhongyi Water Margin", which takes the peasant uprising led by Song Jiang in the last years of the Northern Song Dynasty as the theme, clearly puts forward the struggle program of "for the way of heaven", shapes the heroic image of one hundred and eight good men of Liangshan, reveals the objective truth of "officials forcing the people to rebel" in feudal society, and also truly describes the historical tragedy of the inevitable failure of the peasant revolution in feudal society.

168. "The History of Ru Lin": An excellent long satirical novel in ancient China, written by Wu Jingzi, the whole book is fifty-four times, and is composed of many independent stories, the main content of which is to criticize the concept of fame and fortune of various types of feudal scholars, focus on attacking the imperial examination system, portraying the various ugliness of scholars, and exposing the darkness and decay of feudal society. Artistically, the satire surpasses any previous work.

169. Fengshao: The combined name of the Book of Poetry and the Chu Ci. The "National Wind" in the "Book of Poetry" and the "Departure from the Sorrows" in the Chu Ci are all ancient works, which have a great influence on the literature of later generations, so they are often used as "Wind and Sorrow", and later "Wind Andso" directly refers to the "Book of Poetry" and "Chu Ci".

170. "Dream of the Red Chamber": Also known as "Stone Record", it is the greatest novel in China. A total of one hundred and twenty times, the whole book takes the love tragedy of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu as the main line, and through the narrative of the rise and fall of Jia Fu, exposes the absurdity and corruption of the feudal family, and reveals the fate of the feudal system on the verge of collapse and inevitable demise.

171 Aesop's Fables, a collection of ancient Greek fables. The selected text, Hermes and the Statue Bearer.

172. "Krylov's Fables", by Krylov, a famous Russian fable.

173. "Heavenly Nights", also known as "One Thousand and One Nights", a collection of ancient Arabic folk tales, and the text "The Fisherman's Tale" is from here.

(14) Comprehensive common sense

174, folk tales: is a kind of oral literature based on reality and full of fantasy, with four characteristics: A complete storyline B distinct character personality C language colloquialism D rich in life and local color.

Four major Chinese folk tales: "The Legend of the White Snake", "Cowherd Weaver Girl", "Meng Jiang Girl", and "Legend of Liang Zhu".

175. Mythology: Refers to stories and legends that reflect the ancient people's understanding of the origin of the world, natural phenomena and social life, and are expressed through supernatural images and fantasy forms. The biggest feature of mythology is the use of imagination to express the ideals and pursuits of ancient peoples to conquer the forces of nature.

Chinese mythology is mostly found in the Classic of Mountains and Seas: a geographical masterpiece of Our country. Most of the content is the geographical knowledge of ancient folklore. Among them, a large number of ancient myths and legends have been preserved, such as "Yellow Emperor Zhan You", "Jingwei Reclamation", "Quao Father Chasing the Sun" and so on.

Common Chinese mythological stories: Nüwa created man, Pangu opened the sky, Chang'e ran to the moon, Houyi shot the sun, etc.

Western mythology, mostly Greek mythology. Related mythological figures:

(1) Zeus (known as Jupiter in Roman mythology), the highest god in Greek mythology, was in charge of thunder, lightning, clouds, and rain, and was the master of man and god.

(2) Apollo, the son of Zeus in Greek mythology, in charge of light, youth, music, poetry, etc., often appears as a young man with a bow and arrow.

(3) Athena, the goddess of wisdom in Greek mythology, the patron saint of the Athenian city-states.

(4) Pandora, the first woman in Greek mythology. Beautiful and deceitful, she opened a box given to her by Zeus, which contained diseases, madness, sin, jealousy and other scourges, and flew out at the same time, only "hope" remained at the bottom of the box, and the world was full of disasters. "Pandora's box" became synonymous with "source of calamity."

(5) Prometheus, the god of Greek mythology who benefits the human world. Stealing the heavenly fire and bringing it to the human world, and teaching it to mankind a variety of crafts, angering Zeus, he was locked in the cliffs of the Caucasus and pecked at by condors. He is a hero who resists rape and sacrifices everything for mankind.

(6) Sphinx, the Sphinx in Greek mythology. He often asked passers-by to guess the riddle, and could not guess that the pedestrian was about to be killed; later, because the mystery was broken by Oedipus, that is, suicide. The latter is often metaphorically "enigmatic" like a character. The Egyptian Sphinx has the same name.

176, biography, also known as character biography, is an application of the life and deeds of the characters, the genre belongs to a narrative style. Biographies fall into two categories: autobiographies and those. Main features: "Transcript". Expression: mainly noteworthy, interjected discussion.

177, the four major literary genres, novel, prose, poetry, drama.

178 Drama is a comprehensive art centered on the performing arts. The main features are sharp contradictions and conflicts; b characters, scenes, and plots are highly concentrated; c character language is personalized, action-oriented and colloquial; drama includes drama, opera, and dance drama.

Stage description, the explanatory text in the drama script is called "stage description", the content includes time, place, costumes, props, sets, as well as the character's expression, action, upper and lower scenes, etc. Role: a portrays the character of the character b expands the storyline

179. The novel is a literary genre centered on the portrayal of characters, reflecting social life through a complete storyline and specific environmental descriptions. The three elements of the novel: characters, plot, and environment. The people and things in the novel are different from the people and things in life (people and things in several styles of narrative). For example, the character "I" in Lu Xun's novel "Hometown" cannot be equated with the author Lu Xun.

The structure of the novel is generally divided into several parts: beginning, development, climax, and ending.

According to the length and capacity of novels, they are generally divided into three categories: long stories, novellas, and short stories, and those with particularly short lengths are called miniature novels.

The novel's common technique for shaping the character image: depiction. Descriptions are divided into language descriptions, action descriptions, appearance descriptions, psychological descriptions, etc., in addition, detailed descriptions and white painting techniques are also used to portray characters.

Positive and lateral depictions are also alternately used in shaping characters. Such as "Kong Yiji".

In addition, the novel uses environmental depictions (natural environment, social environment).

Environmental depiction role: a foil character b promote the development of the plot c explain the background of the times d render the atmosphere

180. Prose is a literary genre that is short in length, free in form, and can quickly reflect social life. Prose does not require a complete storyline, the widest range of applications, more flexible language expression, narration, description, discussion, lyricism, explanation, everything. "Scattered but not scattered" is the main feature of prose structure. According to the focus of prose expression, it can be divided into three categories: lyrical prose, narrative prose, and argumentative prose.

181, communication, the specific reporting of typical people and events in real life is called communication.

Communication is divided into event communication and character communication. Event communications such as "Nine Days of Rising" and "God of Wealth".

Character communications such as "The Choice That Never Regrets" and "Heroes of the Grass".

182. News, including three parts: headline, introduction, and main body. The headline is usually a summary of the news content, the introduction is an overview of the event or the center of the event, the subject introduces the situation or further highlights the center.

The headline of the news can be: the introduction (explain the basic situation, set off the atmosphere)

Topic (represents the main facts and centers)

The sub-topic (supplementary explanation of the main topic) consists of three parts.

183, close-up, close-up is a kind of reportage, it intercepts a certain fragment of a person or event, and describes it in detail, such as "Hard Practice".

184 Letters, divided into two categories, daily letters and special letters. Dedicated letters. Refers to various social letters other than life letters, such as letters of condolence, congratulatory letters, letters of introduction, letters of recommendation, business letters (business letters, business application letters), etc.

185, plan, plan three elements: goals, measures, steps.

There are three components of the text-based planning structure: title, body, and ending.

186. The three components of the summary: title, body, signature and date. The four aspects of the main text: an overview of the basic situation, the main achievements and experiences, the existing problems and lessons, and the direction of future efforts.

187, several common styles of ancient times:

(1) Speaking - a style that can be narrated, discussed, or lyrical, but all for reasoning. For example, "Eilean Says", "The Snake Catcher Says", "Horse Says".

(2) Inscription - Originally a rhyme engraved on metal objects or stone tablets to warn oneself or praise others, it later became a specialized style. Such as "Buried Room Ming".

(3) Table - a style of writing to the emperor in ancient times, which can be discussed, but also narrated and lyrical, such as the "Table of Teachers".

(4) Memorization - Ji is an article that records narrative objects, and mostly consists of narratives, scenes, and objects, but the purpose is to express the author's feelings and ambitions or expound the author's views on the problem. Such as "Peach Blossom Origin", "Yueyang Lou", "Drunken Pavilion".

188, three spring - refers to the first month of Mengchun, February mid-spring, March season spring.

189, brother ranking - Bo, Zhong, Uncle, Ji.

190, ancient eight tones - gold, stone, earth, grass, silk, wood, bamboo, dagger (páo, sheng) eight categories.

191. The Four Classical Novels of China: Journey to the West, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, and Dream of the Red Chamber.

192, grain - millet, wheat, rice, grain, millet.

193, Sansu - Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Rui.

194, Three Cao - Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Zhi.

195. Classification of poetry: divided according to the way of expression - lyric poetry, narrative poetry, philosophical poetry.

According to the genre - ancient poetry (ancient poetry), near poetry (including absolute sentences, rhythmic poems, words, songs), new poetry (including prose poetry, modern poetry).

Characteristics of the verse: Each poem has eight sentences, two sentences and a couplet, which are called the first link, the jaw link, the neck link, and the tail link in turn. The middle two are generally opposed, with even sentences pressing rhymes, and the first sentence can be pressed or not rhymed.

(15) A joint compilation of famous places of interest in secondary school Chinese texts

1. Chuzhou Drunken Pavilion: Weng went to eight hundred years, the drunken town is still there; the mountain travels for six or seven miles, and the pavilion is not alone.

2. Yueyang Tower, Hunan: Lakes and mountains on all sides return to the eyes; thousands of families are worried and happy.

3. Chengdu Du Fu Caotang: The Caotang leaves the posterity; the poetry of the Saints is thousands of autumns.

4. Dong Ting Yue, Heng Yue Yun, Wu Shan Yu, Wave Shake Steam, Sweeping the World Scenery, Can Be Called a Solo Step; Cui Haoshi, Fan Xiangji, Wang Boxu, Two Floors and One Pavilion, Several Jiangnan Cultural Relics, Each with Thousands of Autumns. -- (Yellow Crane Tower Poems, Yueyang Lou Ji, Tengwang Ge Preface)

(16) A series of couplets of odes to famous artists related to the texts

1. Cluster saint Dacheng, Zhenyu Shengjin, Daotong Chinese and foreign; the master of the ten thousand worlds, the existence of gods, virtue and harmony. --Ode to Confucius

2. Where to summon the soul, vanilla is still born in three households; when it was a wall, Xiangliu should know the heart of nine songs. --- praise Qu Yuan

3. Jinshi article empty eight generations, Jiangshan surname wrote Qianqiu. --Ode to Han Yu

4. Han Chao School Hundred and Three Hui, public article eight generations of decline. --Ode to Han Yu

5. The armor is rich in the chest, and a generation of meritorious names are high in the Song Room; the sorrow is related to the world, and the thousand autumn tricks and beans are heavy on Sutai. --Ode to Fan Zhongyun

6. Judas remains righteous in the heavens and the earth, and forever remains in the heart of Dan to illuminate the ancient and modern. --Ode to Heavenly Xiang

7. The prime minister is a remnant of the matter, and the article is both righteous and versed. --Ode to Heavenly Xiang

8 . Iron plate copper lute, following the east slope singing the great river to the east; the beauty of the parsley is sad, and the Southern Song Dynasty Mo flies south with the Hongyan. --Song Xin abandoned the disease

9. Those who have lofty ideals compete for success, break the cauldron and sink the boat, and the hundred and two Qin Passes will eventually belong to Chu; the bitter hearted people will not bear the burden of heaven, and the three thousand Yue Jia can swallow Wu. --Pu Songling wrote a joint praise for Xiang Yu and Gou Jian

10. A generation of monarchy pain Jamsil, a thousand autumn history of the dragon gate. --Song Sima Qian 11 Gang Zheng Bu Ah, stay righteous and domineering; quiet and angry, wrote a letter to the history of the dust. --- Praise Sima Qian

12. Quality and elegance, true and mellow, self-reliant through the ages; wine in the bottle, poetry under the fence, is willing to live this life. --Song Tao Yuanming

13. Daming Lake, baotu spring, the former residence is in the depths of the green poplar; the jade is concentrated, in the golden stone record, the literary collection has the legacy of the lord. --Ode to Li Qingzhao

14. Drinking hops, on the grinding needle stone; leaning on the sword outside the sky, hanging bows and hanging mulberries. --Ode to Li Bai

15. Sheng Tang Poetry Wine Peerless, the first qinglian Wenyuan. --Ode to Li Bai

16. Remembering loyalty, making up for the gap and picking up the remains of yesterday' affairs; How to come to Huan Pei, Qinghui incense mist for the soul of poetry. --Ode to Du Fu

17. The world is devastated, the sage in the poem; the folk suffering, the bottom of the pen waves. --Song Shefu

18. Poetry history thousands of words, autumn a bird Mr. bone; grass hall three or five miles, spring water flock gulls wild old heart. --- praise Du Fu

19. Pen slanders the times and politics, the heart is in Cangsheng, and ten thousand households are vying for the new music house; are built in the West Lake, the gods return to Dongluo, and the old poets of Qianqiu Yong are worshipped. --Song Bai Juyi

20 . Maple leaves four strings autumn, touch the end of the world to move who hate; Xunyang thousands of feet of water, leave the river to leave the love. --Song Bai Juyi

21. Wang Ye is not partial, and the two tables are hanging in the sun and the moon; the ministers should be exhausted, and the commander of the Sixth Army is stationed in the wind and clouds. --Ode to Zhuge Liang

22 . Eunuch Tour Western Shu, Zhifu Zhongyuan, Gao Yin Iron Horse Copper Camel, Smoke and Dust Oath to Sweep Back the Golden Que; Poetry Follows Shaoling, Sends the Southern Song Dynasty, and Enters the Qingfeng Mingyue, and the Pond Hall Reconnects the Caotang. --Song Land Tour

23. The civil officials do not love money, and the military attache does not hesitate to die, as the public saying goes, the Song dynasty how to cross to the south; the crime is false, the loyal tomb qixia mountain, the long stay of the people's wishes, the soul of the country when to come north. --Song Yue Fei

24. Write ghosts and write demons that are superior to others, and stab greed and stab into the bones. --Song Pu Song Ling

25. The most rigorous of the works, the history of the Chinese novel; the last words are still painful, and it is not an empty writer. --Song Lu Xun

26. The father and son brothers are in one door, and the eight Tang and Song dynasties occupy three seats; the characteristics of Wu Biao's scattered poetry are thousands of changes and the source of it. --Song Sansu father and son

27. The translation has not yet been successful, and the chinese people who have led the cry have been heard; mr. Wang has already made an ancient work, remembering the old rain, and the literary world has been wandering since then. --The American writer Snow and the playwright Yao Yun co-wrote a tribute to Lu Xun's elegance

28. Tang Dynasty poet, Li Du is far away, but there are only a few XinleFu; Suzhou Huai Thorn History, on the edge of the lake and mountain, there are still three temples and old ancestral halls. --Song Bai Juyi

29· Collect the two rivers, line up eight, six out of seven tackles, five Zhangyuan front, light forty-nine bright lights, one heart only for the reward of three gu.

Go to the Western Shu, Dingnan Man, East and North Reject, the Chinese army tent, change the gold and wood earth god Gua, the water surface can be attacked with fire. --Ode to Zhuge Liang

Three Gu: Three Gu Maolu , Six Out: Six Out of Qishan, Seven Captures: Seven Captures meng, Dong He: East and Sun Wu,

North Rejection: North Rejection Cao Wei, Receiving Erchuan: Collecting East Sichuan Xichuan, Row Eight Array: Laying eight arrays

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