
When the summer solstice arrives, if you have money or no money, you have to eat noodles, 6 kinds of summer solstice noodles, and you can spend the summer comfortably in accordance with the season

author:Ho Mama cuisine

Summer solstice arrives, rich and no money to eat noodles, 6 kinds of summer solstice noodles, follow the season to spend the summer comfortably!

As the saying goes: "winter solstice dumplings summer solstice noodles", today is the summer solstice, everyone should not forget to eat a bowl of summer solstice noodles in their busy schedule

Eating noodles in summer can help people remove moisture and heat in the body, and the arrival of the summer solstice also indicates that the hot summer is coming, so some adjustments will be made in the diet, mainly light and simple, so the summer solstice noodles are also called "into the noodles".

Noodles are simple and easy to do, easy to digest, no appetite in summer, noodles can be eaten in a variety of ways, today share 6 kinds of noodles, cold noodles, soup noodles, fried noodles, there is always one that you like.

The first course: Sichuan cold noodles

This is the most classic noodle in Sichuan, especially in the hot summer, especially popular, can be a staple food, can also be a small snack, spicy sweet and sour and salty, cool and smooth, well-rooted, chewy, with a variety of side dishes, a delicacy you can't miss in the summer.

When the summer solstice arrives, if you have money or no money, you have to eat noodles, 6 kinds of summer solstice noodles, and you can spend the summer comfortably in accordance with the season

Ingredients: 1 pound of alkaline noodles, cucumber or bean sprouts, millet spicy, garlic, lettuce oil

Seasoning: soy sauce, aged vinegar, sugar, chili red oil, salt, peppercorn oil (preferably with peppercorn powder), green onion, MSG added as appropriate.

When the summer solstice arrives, if you have money or no money, you have to eat noodles, 6 kinds of summer solstice noodles, and you can spend the summer comfortably in accordance with the season

Production process:

1, boil a pot of water, boil a small spoonful of salt, and then under the alkali noodles, cook for 3-4 minutes, leave a little white core in the noodles, about 7 to 8 minutes cooked, cold noodles to be hard to eat it.

2, the noodles are fished out of the filtered dry water, pour the rapeseed oil while hot, use chopsticks to quickly shake the noodles apart, let the noodles evenly dip in oil, and blow with a fan while shaking, so that the noodles can cool down quickly.

3, after cooling the noodles are cool, the roots are clear, if you do more, you can seal it and put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration.

4: Cut the cucumber into strips, cut the millet into spicy rings, and mince the garlic and set aside. Put the minced garlic puree in a small bowl and add 2 to 3 tablespoons of cold boiling water to make garlic puree water.

5: Make a base for cold noodles, put on cucumber shreds, chopped kohlrabi, 2 spoonfuls of garlic puree water, 1 spoonful of sugar, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1/2 spoon of aged vinegar, 1 tbsp of chili red oil, a little pepper noodles, millet spicy, green onion can be.

The noodles are smooth, soft and hard, cool but not ice, wrapped in a flavorful sauce, eat a mouthful of fresh and spicy, especially exciting. No matter how hot the weather is, this bowl of noodles is enough to make your appetite open.

The second course: Korean cold noodles / homemade cold noodles

Cold noodles originated in North Korea, I believe you must have heard of North Korean cold noodles, but North Korean cold noodles are generally sour and sweet, it is estimated that most people are not necessarily used to it. In terms of taste, the northeast cold noodles are more in line with the taste of Chinese, salty, spicy and sour, and more breath of life.

When the summer solstice arrives, if you have money or no money, you have to eat noodles, 6 kinds of summer solstice noodles, and you can spend the summer comfortably in accordance with the season

Ingredients: 1 piece of beef tendon meat, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, 10 peppercorns, 10 g of ginger, 1/2 onion, 1 star anise, 1 Yamana, 2 dried chili peppers (can not be put), 1 handful of green onion knots, 1/2 apple.

Ingredients: salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, sugar, chili oil, sesame seeds according to taste

When the summer solstice arrives, if you have money or no money, you have to eat noodles, 6 kinds of summer solstice noodles, and you can spend the summer comfortably in accordance with the season

1: Cut the beef tendon meat in half, soak in water for more than 1 hour, remove the blood water, put the cold water into the pot, put in the cooking wine, peppercorns, boil on high heat, skim off the foam and fish out, rinse clean. Cut the onion, apple into pieces, pat the ginger and knot 1 onion.

2: Put the blanched beef tendon meat into a pressure cooker or casserole, add ginger and shallots, onions, star anise, apples, etc., add the water that has not been over the ingredients, cover the pot and simmer thoroughly. Remove the stewed beef and put it fresh in the refrigerator to make the beef tendon meat better cut and not easily broken.

3, the boiled beef soup filtered a large bowl out, add the right amount of salt, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and then add some sugar, not too sweet Oh, sesame oil mix well, put in the refrigerator for more than half an hour.

4: Boil water, add fine pasta to cook and fish out, put in the prepared cold boiling water and let it cool.

5: Slice beef, slice tomatoes, shredded cucumbers, if there is a spicy cabbage, you can come a little, the boiled eggs are peeled and cut in half.

6: Take a noodle bowl, put in the cold noodles, take out the cold noodle soup and filter into the noodle bowl.

7, finally put the cut accessories on the table, super material a bowl of home-cooked cold noodles will be made. Friends who like coriander, you can put some coriander Oh, cool through the heart, eat a bite of super satisfaction!

The third course: rattan pepper beef noodles

Rattan beef noodles, which look like light noodles, are actually spicy and fragrant, and the most important thing is in the rattan pepper oil and fresh peppers. Eat a mouthful of fragrant, spicy, aftertaste numb, the whole tongue is jumping. Eating a bowl outside, beef is not addictive at all, making it at home, the taste is not lost to the noodle restaurant, and it is economical and affordable.

When the summer solstice arrives, if you have money or no money, you have to eat noodles, 6 kinds of summer solstice noodles, and you can spend the summer comfortably in accordance with the season

Ingredients: beef tendon about 800 g, 1 piece of ginger, 1 spoonful of cooking wine, spices (cinnamon, star anise, yamana, dried chili pepper, peppercorns, shallot knots)

Noodles, coriander, millet spicy, green pepper, salt, soy sauce, rattan pepper oil (a little more to reflect this bowl of noodles)

Preparation Method:

1, beef key meat cut in half, and then cut it, so that it is easy to cook and easy to taste. Put cold water into a pot, bring to a boil over high heat and remove the floating ake, then remove it.

2: Put the blanched beef in a casserole dish, add ginger, dried chili peppers, green onions, spice packets (peppercorns, fennel, star anise, cinnamon) on high heat and cook on medium heat for 40 minutes to 1 hour, and cook easily with chopsticks. Turn off heat, soak and let cool (refrigerate after cooling in summer)

3: Slice the marinated beef, cut the green and red peppers into rings, and chop the coriander

4: Boil water in a pot and cook the noodles; soup base: a little salt, 1 spoonful of soy sauce, plus the soup of marinated beef (don't look at the white brine soup, very fragrant) or bone broth

5: Put the cooked noodles into a bowl, spread the beef slices, sprinkle with green and red pepper rings and 1 tsp of rattan pepper oil

Fourth course: black pepper beef pasta

The noodles are refreshing, the beef is smooth and tender, with beans, and red peppers, the color is rich, it looks very appetizing, and there is no need to stir-fry the sauce, so that the whole plate of pasta looks refreshing and very delicious.

When the summer solstice arrives, if you have money or no money, you have to eat noodles, 6 kinds of summer solstice noodles, and you can spend the summer comfortably in accordance with the season

Ingredients: 150g of beef, 1 handful of beans (or change to green pepper), 1/2 small onion, 2 garlic cloves, 2 red peppers, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1/2 spoon of dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, minced black pepper, a little salt, cooking oil.

Cooking Method:

1: Wash the beef and tap it with the back of the knife a few times, then slice it, wash and cut the beans into small pieces, cut the onion into strips, slice the garlic, slice the pepper with a knife and set aside.

2: Put the cut beef in a bowl, add cooking wine, black pepper, 1 teaspoon of starch and 1 spoonful of cooking oil and marinate for a while.

3: Heat the pan with cold oil, heat the oil and then put in the marinated beef and stir-fry to change color, and put it out.

4: Stir-fry a little cooking oil, add garlic slices, onion strips and stir-fry until fragrant, add beans and chili peppers and stir-fry evenly. Blanch the beans in advance.

5: Remove the cooked pasta with cold water, put it in the pot, then put the fried beef together and mix well.

6, finally add a little soy sauce and soy sauce, oyster sauce and a little sugar seasoning, reproduction grind a little black pepper crushed, a little more black pepper flavor is enough, mix well.

Fifth course: tomato mushroom squeezed vegetable noodles

When the summer solstice arrives, if you have money or no money, you have to eat noodles, 6 kinds of summer solstice noodles, and you can spend the summer comfortably in accordance with the season

Ingredients: noodles, squeezed vegetables, mushrooms, tomatoes, ginger and garlic, green onion, salt, pepper, sugar, vinegar, tomato sauce


1: Mince the ginger and garlic, chop the green onion into green onions, slice the mushrooms and dice the tomatoes

2: Heat the pot and pour in the appropriate amount of cooking oil, add ginger and garlic to stir-fry until fragrant, add tomatoes and fry soft and red, add 1 spoonful of tomato sauce and fry

3: Add boiling water to a boil, add salt, pepper, sugar, soy sauce to taste, turn to medium heat and cook for 5 minutes,

4, put the mouth mushrooms cooked, put in the noodles to cook, taste salty, salty taste is not enough, then add some salt, put in a little vinegar to adjust the taste, sour is very delicious.

5: Put it in a bowl, put on the squeezed vegetables and sprinkle with green onions.

Sixth course: tomato and shrimp pasta

When the summer solstice arrives, if you have money or no money, you have to eat noodles, 6 kinds of summer solstice noodles, and you can spend the summer comfortably in accordance with the season

Ingredients: 2 handfuls of pasta, 1 to 2 tomatoes, 1 spoonful of tomato sauce, 1/2 bowl of green shrimp, salt to taste, 1 tsp of olive oil, pepper to taste, half a bowl of broth or water, herbs leaves, minced garlic or onion

First of all, to cook the pasta, due to the particularity of the pasta, the water is not boiled on the pot, about 12 to 15 minutes, this time to buy the pasta is a bit coarse, cooked to no white core can be fished out.

Mince the garlic and peel the tomatoes and cut into small cubes. Stir-fry the minced garlic until the oil is cooked, sauté the diced tomatoes until soft, add a spoonful of tomato sauce and stir-fry until fragrant, add the shrimp and stir-fry to change color.

Bring to a boil in half a bowl of water, add salt, pepper and sugar to taste, and finally add a little water starch to thinly chop to give the tomato juice a slightly thickened feel.

Remove the cooked pasta, put in cool water, mix with some olive oil to prevent stickiness

Finally, when the tomato sauce is ready, mix well in the pasta, let each pasta be wrapped in sauce, sprinkle with chopped celery and mix well to get out of the pot.

I am Hema, a mother who loves food, shares, and life. Thank you for your reading and support, more home-cooked delicious methods, please pay attention to "Lotus Mom Food"! If you like my sharing, welcome to like, favorite, forward to more friends. If you have a better way to share, welcome to comment and leave a message, learn from each other, and exchange cooking tips!

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