
The 8th Member Congress of Shaanxi Provincial Education Society closed in Xi'an

author:Shaanxi education
The 8th Member Congress of Shaanxi Provincial Education Society closed in Xi'an

On May 23, 2021, the 8th Member Congress of Shaanxi Education Society was held in Xi'an. A total of 324 people from the branches of the Provincial Education Society, directly subordinate institutions, local and municipal education societies, teaching and research departments, relevant primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, relevant institutions of higher learning and publishing units attended the meeting. According to the agenda, the meeting successively listened to the work reports of the seventh board of directors, voted to adopt the constitution of the society and three management methods, and elected the eighth director, standing director, president and vice president.

Li Zhendong, secretary and vice president of the Shaanxi Academy of Educational Sciences, executive vice president, secretary general and legal representative of the seventh society, comprehensively and systematically reviewed the work of the seventh society in the past five years from eight aspects, including political study and education, gathering the advantages of various educational talents, and providing think tank professional services.

After 324 deputies voted, 109 people, including Ma Bo and Ma Ying, were elected as directors of the Eighth Provincial Education Society, and 39 newly elected directors elected Ma Bo and Ma Ying as executive directors of the Eighth Provincial Education Society, and then elected the president and vice president of the eighth council. Zhang Xinmin was elected as the president of the 8th Shaanxi Provincial Education Society, Yang Xiaoyan was elected as the executive vice president and secretary general of the 8th society, Fu Ruibin was elected as the full-time vice president and legal representative of the 8th society, and 10 people, including Wang Yong'an, Xie Junzhan, Zhao Xiaofeng, Wang Shufang (female), Qingqun (female), Zhang Jianlong, Wu Jijun, and Wang Caifeng (female), were elected as the vice presidents of the 8th society.

Lv Yuan, director of the Policy and Regulation Department of the Provincial Department of Education, read out the election results of the standing director, president and vice president of the eighth council and made a speech.

Zhang Xinmin, the newly elected president of the Provincial Education Society, said that the new society will work harder and more solidly, strive to lead all members, come up with some influential work results nationwide, and contribute more "learning strength" to the development and progress of Shaanxi's education.

Feng Yu, director of the Social Organization Management Bureau of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, introduced that the Provincial Education Society is a social group in Shaanxi Province with standardized management, remarkable results, and a good social impact.

The 8th Member Congress of Shaanxi Provincial Education Society closed in Xi'an

Liu Baoping, member of the Provincial Party Committee Education Working Committee and deputy director of the Provincial Department of Education, made a concluding speech. He first fully affirmed the work of the Seventh Council of the Provincial Education Society in the past five years, and hoped that the new Provincial Education Society would follow the direction of "think tank service, academic leadership, standardized management, and risk reduction" and cooperate with the Provincial Department of Education to carry out mass teaching and research, subject research, academic exchanges, teacher training, teaching guidance, public welfare activities and other work, so as to make new contributions to the reform and development of education in the province and the overall improvement of education quality.

In the afternoon of the same day, a special academic lecture was held. Chen Juan, director of the Second Division of Basic Education of the Provincial Department of Education, Wang Binwu, director of the Teachers' Work Office, and Luo Dong, deputy director of the Office of the Provincial Government's Education Supervision Committee, respectively made keynote reports on three topics: "Guiding Opinions on the Reform of Ordinary High School Curriculum Plans and Curriculum Standard Education Methods", "Being the Promoter of Education Evaluation Reform in the New Era", and "The Status Quo, Problems and Countermeasures of Shaanxi Education Supervision Work".

After the completion of all the agendas, the Shaanxi Provincial Education Society will focus on the center, serve the overall situation, give full play to the academic leading role of the Education Society, and contribute wisdom and strength to Shaanxi basic education.

Contributed by: Secretariat of Shaanxi Provincial Education Society

Editor: Liu Xin

Shaanxi Education Newspaper and Periodicals is an education propaganda functional department directly under the Education Working Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Cpc Committee and the Department of Education of Shaanxi Province. Edited and published newspapers and periodicals such as "Teacher's Daily", "Self-study Examination Newspaper", "Shaanxi Education", "New New Primary School Students", "New New Junior High School Students", "New New Children" and so on.

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