
After watching the video of "Luo Yonghao's Interview with Luo Xiang"

After watching the video of "Luo Yonghao's Interview with Luo Xiang"

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At the beginning of the video, Luo Yonghao and Luo Xiang were walking and chatting, when suddenly there was a shout from behind: Teacher Luo signed it. The two men stopped, took out their pens, and gave in to each other. The girl ran forward and asked: Who is Luo Zhenyu? The two shook their heads in embarrassment, and Luo Yonghao took out his usual tone: Walk around, it's too annoying.

A small video, tying three Internet celebrity Lao Luo together to "mock" a bit, I couldn't help but watch it.

Knowing Luo Yonghao, began with the Niu Bo Network he founded, when the Niu Bo Network was really bullish, gathering Famous Artists such as Liang Wendao, Han Han, Lian Yue, Chai Jing, etc., providing unique articles in various styles, the popularity of the website once soared, and I occasionally went up to observe them "quarreling".

Later, I watched Lao Luo eat with the old men in Beijing's cultural circle, watched him set up an English training school, watched his hammer mobile phone go public, watched him pay off 600 million yuan in three years as an Internet celebrity live streamer, and heard that he had recently been related to the "meta-universe".

I never hide my love and appreciation for Luo Yonghao, his intelligence and fun, and the generosity revealed in witty humor, have a natural magic power for me. Influenced by me, over the years, my husband and children will follow him to watch every speech he gives.

The words "feelings" and "responsibilities" have been practiced by him over the years, and they have slowly penetrated into me. He can break into his favorite industry at any cost for the sake of his feelings, or he can refuse to go bankrupt when he is in debt for the sake of responsibility. He lived with himself when he succeeded, and he wanted to die when he failed, and the first half of his life became a legend. Although some people laughed at his ignorance and stupidity, he could live so freely once and die without regrets.

Teacher Luo Xiang was on fire for a long time, I only knew him from the talk show, at that time I was touched by his knowledge and his compassion for the people at the bottom of the society, and watching this video today, I was completely fanned.

Almost every sentence of Teacher Luo in the interview can hit my heart directly.

He said that reading is an important means of combating the nothingness of life. He likes to read literary books, because the virtual characters designed by literary works unfold in life situations that we cannot imagine, and can exhaust our thinking in life. He also liked to read the writings of great thinkers to increase the thickness of his thoughts.

In the public perception, the relationship between criminal law and ordinary people seems to be a little distant, when Luo Yonghao asked him why teaching criminal law can still become popular, Luo Xiang said that criminal law is the most capable of carrying the fairness and justice that the law pursues, and everyone has a desire for fairness and justice in their hearts.

Many times, fairness and justice are like seeds, buried in our hearts, it may be a primitive setting of human beings, when your lectures stimulate the people's desire for fairness and justice, this seed may explode, knowledge will spread, he will find knowledge interesting, related to him, to meet his expectations of fairness and justice.

Luo Xiang said that there are two possibilities for people to contact the darkness, one is to desire the light more, and the other is to be assimilated by the darkness, just like the poem written by Gu Cheng: The night gives me black eyes, but I use it to find the light.

When you choose the light, you will also encounter some doubts, thinking that there may be no light in this world, and darkness may be the norm of life, at this time, you need a kind of perseverance.

Exposure to so many dark cases, from another point of view, will reflect on themselves. He believes that everyone has a Zhang San living in their hearts, the human heart hides the corruption of the whole world, and many evil things we may not do, but will we think? It may just be that there is no action, so these cases will make you reflect on your own heart, and whether you can set up a moral valve in your heart, which can lock this dark idea and will not become actual life.

So in a sense, these trainings in the law, on the one hand, really make me long for the light, on the other hand, also let me reflect on myself, so maybe it is not so sharp to people and things, and may look at people and things in this world with a more tolerant attitude. After all, when one finger points to someone else, four fingers point to oneself.

Teacher Luo Xiang believes that his tolerance is not his nature, it is by training, when people climb towards the light, in the eyes of many others is a kind of hypocrisy, but only people are hypocritical, animals will not be hypocritical, in this sense, perhaps these dark things, the first makes him more eager for light, the second let him know his heart.

How to view the anger of the public in the case of social evil? He personally felt that the anger of the people was justified, because if the people did not have anger, then justice lacked a basic mass base, but the anger of the people should sometimes be noted, it may want to break the flood of the embankment, so sometimes the law may be like the, it places the anger in the, so that the anger does not overflow the embankment to cause new disasters.

The reason why criminal law is called criminal law, first of all, it has a criminal punishment, to a large extent it is a paradoxical existence, on the one hand, to punish crimes, on the other hand, to restrain the power to punish crimes themselves, any power without restriction, it is possible to be alienated.

The anger of the people is just, and we need this sense of justice, which provides a steady stream of living water for criminal law. But on the other hand, this so-called anger should also be normalized, you can't go beyond the law to lynch, so it may be a balance. The law must listen to the voice of the people, but it must not transcend the prejudices of the people.

In response to the topic of "justice may be late but will not be absent", Teacher Luo Xiang believes that there is justice in this world, if there is no justice in this world, what he has learned has no meaning, and simple emotions also tell people that when you think that a thing is unjust, there must be a corresponding concept of justice, otherwise you say that a thing is unjust is meaningless, and your anger has no meaning.

He very much agreed with Plato's understanding of justice, and as early as 2,000 years ago, there was a discussion of justice, which was nothing more than three views: one is, one is nothing (power is justice), and there is eclectic skepticism. The recognition of justice in the world is a prerequisite for the existence of the law.

So how to pursue justice? This, he says, is actually a consideration of legal realism, like: Is there a circle in the world?

There must be a concept of a circle in the world, but man cannot draw a perfect circle, so justice may be like a circle on the idea, people will always move toward justice, law will advance toward justice, but law is a flawed justice in reality. Just because there is a flaw in justice does not mean it is not justice.

Criminal law prescribes procedures for pursuing justice, in other words, the law pursues order. There is a problem here, many times the power of maintaining order itself, will become the destroyer of order, think that indulging their own righteous emotions, like that chivalrous spirit, ten steps to kill a person, thousands of miles do not stay, very cool. But this way of upholding justice may eventually break through justice. What must be accepted in the law is a flawed justice, a fact that we human beings have to accept.

This is why the law emphasizes procedural justice, you must follow the procedure to pursue justice, can not yearn for the justice in your heart. After all, it's often those good intentions that lead people to hell on earth. Therefore, it is better to be late for justice than to not wait for justice.

There are many, many internal philosophies in law that underpin such a vast legal system, but these philosophies may conflict with each other underneath it.

He said that the training of the law allowed him to learn more from foxes than from hedgehogs. The ancient Greek poet once wrote a famous verse: The hedgehog looks at the world with one thing, and the fox looks at the world. The fox is that kind of pluralism, the hedgehog is monism.

The training of the law allows him to embrace pluralism more diversely, so that he always knows that the world is a mixture of many interests, and many times it is not a duel of good and evil, but many times it is a duel between good and good, all of which are beautiful values, but there is a conflict between these beautiful values, how to find a compromise among these conflicting values, and sometimes to have a pluralistic wisdom.

In the world's view, the spirit of the legal system still needs to be continuously developed, because the legal system emphasizes two points, one is to rule by good law, and the other is to universally abide by it.

To rule by a good law is to rule by the law itself. But many people do not have this basic consensus that the law is a tool, why should the law pursue goodness?

In terms of universal compliance, a lot of people's idea is that you have to follow the rules, and I don't have to follow them.

If everyone who truly agrees with the concept of the rule of law can truly have justice in their hearts, and they are willing to be bound by the rules, especially when they have some power, so that they can do a kind of inheritance of the light of the rule of law, the light has a convergent effect, if everyone is a light, the light that is held together will shine more.

At the biennial "Top Ten Most Popular Teachers among Undergraduates" ceremony of the University of Political Science and Law, the award speech to Luo Xiang was: with the rationality of legal people and the temperature of social people, teachers are good at seducing and following, and insist on being the light of the rule of law.

In 2020, when the online course made Luo Xiang the most out-of-the-loop legal examination teacher, when the god of fate pushed him to a larger stage, the title of "most popular with undergraduates" is still luo Xiang's own most important.

Luo Xiang is unique in that in addition to cases, he will also talk about philosophy and literature, the origin of justice, and the relationship between criminal law and morality. He even opened his mouth in class to write a poem about the ancient chivalrous guests who robbed the rich and the poor, and stole the tao, and he recited Li Bai's "Chivalrous Journey".

He would say in his law exam class, "Don't attach unbounded values to your own life," and when he answered questions for others, he would casually say, "You go and read The Bible verse 84:6, that's what I said to you."

He hid himself in the theory of criminal law, Socrates and Plato, and he positioned himself as the "microphone of the wisdom of the ancient sages" And he did not need to perform any fresh performances, as long as the wisdom of the sages was passed on, the mission was accomplished.

It is these that constitute the charm of Luo Xiang and make him the Luo Xiang he is today.

No matter how many voices of opposition and denigration there are in the outside world, Luo Xiang has changed my understanding of legal science, it is no longer boring, it can be as charming as philosophy and religion and literature; Luo Xiang has also changed my understanding of the law teacher, it turns out that he can not be stereotyped and boring, he can be poetry and songs.

The books you have read will leave a mark on people. From Teacher Luo Xiang, I saw the importance and preciousness of the depth and thickness of reading.

This video taught me too much.

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