
Golden Autumn Recruitment Month • Special Recruitment Fair for Veterans in the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait (Jiangxi) was held in Nanchang

author:China Daily
Golden Autumn Recruitment Month • Special Recruitment Fair for Veterans in the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait (Jiangxi) was held in Nanchang

The scene of the launching ceremony of the job fair (photo by Wang Jian)

More than 100 enterprises in Gansu, Fujian and Guangdong have "recruited and bought horses", more than 5,000 posts in 12 categories are waiting for vacancies, and more than 3,000 retired soldiers and their families are looking for a platform to spread their wings. On the morning of November 25th, the Golden Autumn Recruitment Month and the special recruitment fair for veterans in the west coast of the Taiwan Strait (Jiangxi) were held in Nanchang.

Golden Autumn Recruitment Month • Special Recruitment Fair for Veterans in the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait (Jiangxi) was held in Nanchang

This special job fair will be carried out simultaneously in the mode of "offline + online".

"Offline", the special job fair site is divided into six functional areas: recruitment enterprise area, education and training area, entrepreneurial project area, financial service area, policy consultation area and comprehensive service area. Enterprises from Jiangxi (11 prefectures), Guangdong, Fujian three provinces, the formation of enterprises from all over the country, so that veterans can find the job of their choice at the "doorstep". In addition to providing a wealth of jobs, it also organized 16 vocational education and skills training institutions and 8 financial institutions to participate in the activities, employment positions, policy information, financial services, skills training, entrepreneurship guidance are readily available, providing employment and entrepreneurship "one-stop" services.

"Online", set up employment and entrepreneurship policy bulletin board and online recruitment interactive platform. November 20-30, "Haixi recruitment" column in the "Nanchang Talent Recruitment Network", "Nanchang Veterans Affairs Bureau Public Account" synchronously launched, candidates can be based on the announcement of recruitment enterprise information and job information to apply, as of now, more than 80 companies with more than 4,000 positions to participate in online recruitment, the number of views reached 135,000 times.

Golden Autumn Recruitment Month • Special Recruitment Fair for Veterans in the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait (Jiangxi) was held in Nanchang
Golden Autumn Recruitment Month • Special Recruitment Fair for Veterans in the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait (Jiangxi) was held in Nanchang

Job fair scene (Photo by Wang Jian)

Golden Autumn Recruitment Month • Special Recruitment Fair for Veterans in the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait (Jiangxi) was held in Nanchang

At the special job fair for veterans, 1392 job search intentions were reached on the spot; more than 1,200 policy consultations were provided, more than 1,000 skills training, employment and entrepreneurship guidance were provided, and more than 3,000 publicity materials were distributed; 107 people reached the intention of entrepreneurship assistance loans, and the amount to be invested was more than 8 million.

Golden Autumn Recruitment Month • Special Recruitment Fair for Veterans in the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait (Jiangxi) was held in Nanchang

Yao Guohui, head of Nanchang Huirui Stainless Steel Co., Ltd., is a retired soldier who has been employed and started a business independently, and is a typical representative of retired soldiers who have made new contributions and re-created new industries, he said, "The job fair has provided more entrepreneurial employment opportunities, and we retired soldiers should continue to carry forward the glorious traditions and excellent style of the people's army, continue to work excellently at different stages of life and posts, and re-cast the glory of contemporary soldiers."

"Our company appreciates the tenacity, hard work and loyalty of the military, and will actively do a good job in various recruitment work, continue to provide more and better jobs for veterans, and build a home with returning heroes." Huang Guojun, assistant general manager of Tianhong Co., Ltd., said. Tianhong Company not only participated in the Jiangxi special job fair, but also participated in the Guangdong special recruitment fair in Haixi region to find talents at the end of October.

The event was hosted by the Nanchang Municipal Government, and co-organized by the Nanchang Veterans Bureau, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and other districted cities in Jiangxi Province, such as the Veterans Affairs Bureau and the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. "Nanchang City is committed to creating an entrepreneurial depression that attracts veterans from all over the country to settle down and develop by holding special recruitment, carrying out skills training, building an information platform, and cultivating entrepreneurial models." The next step for the whole city will be to innovate ideas, consolidate platforms, explore new channels, find new paths, strengthen cooperation with developed provinces and cities such as Guangdong and Fujian, establish a collaborative platform for information sharing and resource interaction, and promote the majority of veterans to achieve employment and entrepreneurship in a wider range and wider fields. Fan Sanbao, vice mayor of the Nanchang Municipal Government and deputy head of the Municipal Committee's Leading Group for Veterans' Affairs, said.

Golden Autumn Recruitment Month • Special Recruitment Fair for Veterans in the West Coast of the Taiwan Strait (Jiangxi) was held in Nanchang

At the job fair, Hu Qiang, vice governor of the Jiangxi Provincial Government and deputy head of the Provincial Party Committee's Leading Group for Veterans' Affairs, talked with Zhu Xin of the Xinyu City Fire Rescue Detachment (Photo by Wang Jian)

"The Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and the Jiangxi Provincial Government have always placed the promotion of employment and entrepreneurship of retired soldiers in an extremely important position, and have established a vocational education and skills training system for retired soldiers with the purpose of promoting employment and guided by market demand; vigorously reduced the reduction and reduction of relevant fees, supported and encouraged retired soldiers to start their own businesses; extensively carried out special job fairs to provide employment and entrepreneurship jobs for retired soldiers; and set up a business incubation base and a business park for retired soldiers." Hu Qiang, vice governor of the Jiangxi Provincial Government and deputy head of the Provincial Party Committee's Leading Group for veterans' affairs, said that government departments should be good "waiters", earnestly strengthen their responsibilities, improve work mechanisms, and speed up the establishment of a platform for information management, a platform for consultation and communication, and a platform for employment services; enterprises should act as the "main force", give more preference and consideration in recruiting and employing people, cultivating and using people, fully tap and give play to the advantages and advantages of retired soldiers, so that the development of enterprises and the realization of the value of retired soldiers complement each other and complement each other Veterans should become "excellent students," continue to maintain and carry forward the fine work style of the people's army in their new posts, speed up the transformation of roles and concepts, constantly enhance the competitiveness of employment and entrepreneurship, have the courage to plunge themselves into the tide of the era of reform and opening up, contribute their wisdom and talents in economic and social development, and make new contributions to the cause of socialist modernization.

(China Daily Jiangxi Reporter Station Wang Jian)

Source: China Daily

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