
Winter is approaching, what does the old folk saying "sell the silk mother-in-law to see the Eastern Dynasty, no wind and no rain, crying and howling"?

author:Rural sounds

Today is the first day of october in the lunar calendar, and two days later, that is, the third day of the first month of the tenth month of the lunar calendar, it is the lidong festival of this year; lidong is the nineteenth festival of the twenty-four solar terms, and it is also the first festival of winter, so lidong is also called the first winter, the saying of welcoming winter; lidong is a big festival in the tenth month of the lunar calendar, because in ancient times there was a son of heaven, on this day, leading the courtiers to welcome the winter, carry out social activities such as comfort, sacrifice, drinking, feasting, and celebrating the winter; the peasants also take advantage of the day of the winter to stop their agricultural work and take a rest for the time being By the way, steam chicken, duck and fish meat, wrap a meal of dumplings, eat rice cakes once, and treat the family's hard work for a year.

Winter is approaching, what does the old folk saying "sell the silk mother-in-law to see the Eastern Dynasty, no wind and no rain, crying and howling"?

It can be seen from this that Lidong is very important for farmers living in an agrarian society; the importance of Lidong is not only reflected in the expectation that farmers can get a short rest in the winter season and the desire to make up for the winter; to a certain extent, it can also reflect the farmers' desire for a better life of eating, wearing, wearing warm clothes and food in the coming year; because the ancestors of the peasants in the long-term agricultural production and rural life, through observation and experience accumulation, summed up the wind and rain on the day of Lidong, the wind and rain, It can foreshadow the meteorological trend of cold and warm, rain, and drought and flood throughout the winter; and record it using easy-to-understand, catchy, concise and concise colloquialisms or old sayings; in the context of the meteorological forecast level at that time, the level of meteorological forecasting was far less developed than now, and generations of farmers used these old sayings to guide agricultural production at that time, and have been passed down from generation to generation.

Winter is approaching, what does the old folk saying "sell the silk mother-in-law to see the Eastern Dynasty, no wind and no rain, crying and howling"?

For example, there is an old folk saying: "The day of the winter is cold, and there is more cold air in the winter; the day of the winter is warm, and the single clothes are on the edge of the year"; there is also a saying: "The rain in the winter will rot the winter, and the rice and grain will be empty; the winter will be rainless and the winter is sunny, and the charcoal is piled up all over the city"; these two old sayings mean that if the winter is warmer, it indicates that the whole winter is warmer; if the winter is colder, it indicates that the whole winter is colder; and the cold and warm in winter have a great impact on the social production and life at that time Because the cold and warm in winter are related to the climate trend in the coming year, and the climate trend is also inextricably linked to the social activities carried out or engaged in between all walks of life; for example, there is an old folk saying: "Selling the silk mother-in-law to see the Eastern Dynasty, no wind and no rain and crying"; then, on the day of the Winter Festival, why should the mother-in-law who sells the silk look at the Eastern Dynasty? In the winter when there is no wind and no rain, why does the selling woman cry?

Winter is approaching, what does the old folk saying "sell the silk mother-in-law to see the Eastern Dynasty, no wind and no rain, crying and howling"?

Selling silk mother-in-law to see the Eastern Dynasty, no wind and no rain crying

The old saying "selling silk women look at the Eastern Dynasty, no wind and no rain crying" means that on the morning of the arrival of the Lidong Festival, the mother-in-law who sells cotton wool for a living in the market will cry loudly when she sees the sun rising in the morning of Lidong; because on the morning of Lidong, seeing the sun rise, it can basically show that the day of Lidong is mainly sunny and good; that is, the possibility of rain on the day of Lidong is basically ruled out; if the day of Lidong is a big sunny day, there are "Lidong sunny, a warm winter" in the folk It means that if there is no rain on this day of lidong, it indicates that the whole winter is dominated by sunny weather, the climate is dry, the rain and snow are less, and it is relatively warm; even if the day of lidong is cloudy, the folk also have the old saying of "lidongyin, a winter temperature", so lidong without rain should belong to a warm winter year.

Winter is approaching, what does the old folk saying "sell the silk mother-in-law to see the Eastern Dynasty, no wind and no rain, crying and howling"?

Moreover, in the morning of winter, if the eastern sun is high and the sky is clear, it can basically indicate that the day is in a clear and windless climate state; because in the winter season, only when the sky changes will blow the north wind or the northwest wind; if there is no change in sunny rain, the north wind or the northwest wind will generally not be blown, otherwise there is no climatic phenomenon of the day's wind and sunny sky; and there is also a saying that "the winter wind blows the north wind, and the winter rain and snow are more"; and in addition to the change of the rainy weather in the north wind or the northwest wind, Blowing other wind directions will basically not change the fact that it is sunny; because there is an old saying that "the northeast wind in winter is good, the sky is good in winter; the south wind in winter has no rain and snow".

Winter is approaching, what does the old folk saying "sell the silk mother-in-law to see the Eastern Dynasty, no wind and no rain, crying and howling"?

Therefore, if the day of winter is a sunny day, it can be basically concluded that there is no major climate change on the day, and the day is basically based on the wind and the sunny weather. And on the day of the winter, the wind and the sun are beautiful and the sky is clear, and the folk also have the saying of "October small yang spring, no wind warm and melting"; if the winter day is warm and melting, the folk still have the saying that "the winter is warm, the single clothes are to the edge of the year", which also verifies the old saying that "the winter is warm, the winter is warm".

Winter is approaching, what does the old folk saying "sell the silk mother-in-law to see the Eastern Dynasty, no wind and no rain, crying and howling"?

And the warm winter is not a good thing for practitioners who sell cotton wool for a living; because only when the weather is cold, the ice and snow are cold, and the temperature is low, people have a higher demand for cotton wool quilts; when the winter is warmer, the rain and snow are less, and the temperature is higher, people do not need thick quilts, or do not need to increase cotton wool, they can also survive this warm winter; therefore, people do not need to go to the market to buy cotton wool quilts for winter; when encountering warm winter years with higher temperatures and less rain and snow, not many people go to buy quilts for cotton wool mothers-in-law This means that the mother-in-law who sells cotton wool is about to lose her basic source of livelihood; the mother-in-law who sells cotton wool thinks that her future life is not guaranteed, and she may also live on the street without a place to live, and she can't help but cry out in sorrow; so the folk have this old saying that "the wife who sells cotton wool looks at the Eastern Dynasty, and there is no wind and no rain."

Winter is approaching, what does the old folk saying "sell the silk mother-in-law to see the Eastern Dynasty, no wind and no rain, crying and howling"?


Lidong is one of the four seasons and eight festivals, which occupies an important position in the twenty-four solar terms; because Lidong is the seasonal threshold of the autumn-winter transition, and it is also the transitional season of cold and cooler; therefore, the folk attach great importance to the winter festival; therefore, the ancestors in the long-term agricultural production and rural life, by observing the changes in the wind and rain on the day of the winter, summed up many old sayings that can predict the cold, warm, sunny, drought and flood of the winter of that year; for example, "selling the wife to see the Eastern Dynasty, no wind and no rain and crying" is a popular folk saying that is widely spread by the population It means that on the day of the winter, the mother-in-law who sells cotton wool will cry when she sees the sun rising in the east; because the sun rises in the winter, it indicates that the day is a big sunny day, if the winter is sunny, the folk have the saying "standing winter sunny, a warm winter"; in the warm winter, people can survive the winter without increasing the quilt, and they do not need to go to the market to buy cotton quilts; therefore, when they encounter the year of the winter sun, the business of the mother-in-law who sells the cotton wool is bleak; the selling mother-in-law thinks that her life will be difficult in the future, and her sorrow is born from her heart, so she howls and cries.

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