
Border City: Cuicui and The First Encounter with The Pure Beauty

Border City: Cuicui and The First Encounter with The Pure Beauty
Border City: Cuicui and The First Encounter with The Pure Beauty

It was the Dragon Boat Festival, and the drums of the dragon boat race evoked cuicui's memories of two years ago

It was after watching the dragon boat, Cuicui was quietly waiting for her grandfather at the dock, she did not know that her grandfather had gone back to drink and chat with another old man, so that Cuicui was still waiting by the river alone and a yellow dog. There is a very coincidental and wonderful scene that follows.

Cuicui misunderstood the kindness of the man who invited him into the house, and was remembering the ugly things about the woman that the sailor said, she thought that the man wanted her to go upstairs where the woman sang, and originally never cursed, at this time, because she had waited for her grandfather for too long, her heart was very anxious, and when she heard that someone wanted her to go up, she thought that she had been bullied, so she said softly:

"You cut off your brain at the wrong time!"

Although the words were soft, the man could hear it, and he could hear Cuicui's age in his voice, so he said with a smile: "What, you curse!" You don't want to go up, you want to stay here, turn around in the water big fish come to bite you, don't shout! ”

Cuicui said, "I don't care if the fish bites me." ”

The yellow dog seemed to understand that Cuicui had been bullied, and barked again. The man lifted the white duck in his hand, frightened the yellow dog, and went up the river street. The yellow dog still wanted to chase after him for being bullied, and Cuicui shouted: "Dog, dog, you call people to look at people!" Cuicui meant as if she was only asking the dog, "That thin man is not worth barking", but the man listened to another kind of kindness, the man thought that she wanted the dog not to bark to the good people, laughed wildly, and disappeared.

In the end, it was sent to send her home, and on the way home, she learned that this was a surprised and shy misunderstanding that surprised her, innocent, natural and kind, and the heart of Cuicui, who had just opened up, had not been peaceful for a long time, and had not slept all night, making her silent for a night. So what had she been thinking all night?

I don't know how the experience of the first love encounter of netizens is? What kind of restless mood is there? Sometimes the unexpected encounter of love inadvertently slides through his body and mind, and the taste of warming his whole body is fragrant and pure.

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