
The current metacosm is to cut leeks

author:Li Ge said financial management

These days, the hottest thing in the stock market is the concept of "meta-universe", the first of which is the sharp rise in game stocks, bringing up the media that has not risen for thousands of years...

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

Recent trends of China Securities Media

I do media, mixed circles are highly sensitive to information, all kinds of new things can be quickly accessed, so last year I heard about the concept of "metaverse".

A group of speculators with a particularly sensitive sense of smell, who were still promoting "blockchain subversion of the world" before, began to trumpet "metaverse changes humanity" in the circle of friends overnight

Last year's metacosm, like the smart machine in 2006, Bitcoin in 2012, and the blockchain in 2015.

The problem is that the concept of metaversity is even more ridiculous than blockchain, and it is not like Bitcoin can be directly invested.

What is the metaverse?

I watched it for half a day and found that the standard answer at the moment was: I don't know.

Don't look at Zuckerberg's vow that FB will become a meta-universe company within five years, what is the meta-universe, what the meta-universe company should look like, sorry, all are fans, can only take one step to see one step.

This is different from the previous hottest new energy concept.

Everyone knows that new energy is the future development trend, but also know what specific energy, what application can be, the ideal Weilai Tesla, full of streets, can understand.

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

I also firmly believe that the metacosm is the development trend of the human entertainment industry and even the entire human civilization, but no one can say exactly what the future form of this product is.

This is also different from the previous hot VR/AR concept.

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

What vr/ar is, as soon as you say it, you can understand it, it has been clearly applied and commercialized for a long time.

But what the hell is in the metaverse?

I found that only if the definition is not clear, this concept has enough room for market imagination, can tell an incomparably wild story, and give a frightening market dream rate, depending on whether you believe it or not.

Whether it is "blockchain" or "metaverse", it is a bit like religion, especially to scare people, and people who believe in it are easy to stick to.

An enlightener arrogant posture of "everyone is drunk and I am awake"

Although I am not an expert in the "metaverse" and only have a rough understanding of this concept, I have been a science fiction enthusiast since I was a child, and I have seen countless science fiction movies, so I simply understand it and immediately get the essence of the metaverse concept.

Literally, metaverse consists of meta and verse, meta means transcendence, and verse means cosmic universe, that is, the universe beyond the real world.

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

Speaking human words is to provide human beings with a "second life" possibility through technological progress.

In this world, you may be a low-level dick all your life, there is no hope, but in that world, you still have the opportunity to become the ideal rich and handsome!


There are many possibilities.

For example, the recently released science fiction film "Runaway Player" is about an NPC in the virtual game world who has awakened and become the first self-aware artificial intelligence in the true sense.

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

But this artificial intelligence can only live in the virtual world, destroy the host, and this artificial intelligence disappears.

This is very different from the setting of artificial intelligence in the real world in more science fiction movies.

But as a player, you actually still wear a headset, look at the computer screen, and operate the mouse and keyboard to play the game.

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

What is the essential difference from today's online games?

I said that the open game world created by "Original God" is a grand metaverse, and it makes sense.

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

Another example is the classic science fiction film "Ready Player One", which is considered to describe the metaverse, which allows players to wear a full set of game equipment, and then wrap the entire head, wrapping people's senses in an all-round way, so that people can devote themselves to that virtual world and enjoy a completely different second life.

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

But I have played games for so many years, watched so many years of science fiction films, and I can feel that the sense of deep experience shown by "Ready Player One" is far from being achieved with existing technology, let alone three or five years, 10 years later.

Pull a little further.

Does Sword Art Online count as a metaverse?

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

Is it that if the current online game continues to upgrade, it will naturally enter the meta-universe era?

Does Hacker Empire count as a metaverse?

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

Human beings are killed by artificial intelligence, and as soon as they are born, they are locked in the "mother nest", and they still don't know that this is definitely a high-level meta-universe.

Is Westworld a metaverse?

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

Creating an incredibly real virtual world in some corner of the real world also gives you a second life.

Does Inception count as a metaverse?

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

Whether it is the virtual world created by the Internet, or the virtual world created in the dream, as long as the player has a real enough sense of experience, so that the false is real, he himself does not know which is true or false, Zhuang Sheng Xiao dreams of butterflies, does not know whether he is a guest in the dream, is it not the metaverse?

This kind of yy, human beings have existed since ancient times.

This kind of yy has been imagined in countless science fiction novels and science fiction movies over the past few decades.

But it's one thing to enjoy it, it's another to implement it.

Many people say that the metacosm is the ultimate form of the development of the Internet revolution or the information technology revolution, and I deeply agree with it.

The problem is that this final form requires a lot of infrastructure to reach a very high level, coupled with imagination beyond imagination, to be possible.

These infrastructures include: ultra-high wireless bandwidth (5g is completely insufficient) and big data computing power, high-level artificial intelligence technology (now the so-called "intelligent devices" are still in an infant state), and also need the blessing of the Internet of Things and blockchain.

The maturity of artificial intelligence technology requires the blessing of infrastructure such as 5G, big data, and cloud computing.

The metacosm is a dream that is incomparably correct in direction and incomparably distant in practice.

Now that it is 100 years since the founding of the party, and by the 100th anniversary of the founding of the country, it is difficult to say whether the metacosm can have a unified standard.

Investment has begun to operate commercially, and it can be seen that the whole industry will experience a rapid development trend in the next 5-10 years, which is called investment growth stocks;

Even the basic concepts are confused, and god knows when it will be fully commercialized, bringing a predictable financial model, and then start to hype the concept, and the stock price will soar, which is called cutting leeks.

Recently Universal Studios Beijing is going to open, I watched a lot of private beta experience videos on the Internet, if you let go, there is Jurassic World, Harry Potter Magic Castle, is not also a relatively low-level metaverse?

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

A little lower, those live-action scripts kill, isn't it also a metaverse?

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

Last month, Li Ge Company team building experience real scene script killing yuan universe, the right side of the Jinyi guard is Xiao Bao, the left Jin Yi Wei is Xiao Qiang teacher, Li Ge chest prize proves that I once again won the full mvp

Instead of hyping up these super bad game companies in China, it is better to buy Disney.

I said that Disney, which gives artificial dreams, is also a meta-universe company, and it makes sense.

Therefore, my conclusion is very clear: at this stage, the so-called meta-universe is purely speculative, and it is clear that it is cutting leeks.

The foreseeable 5-10 years are the early exploration period of the metaverse, and god knows what this commodity will develop.

Just like the blockchain concept has been proposed for 10 years, what real blockchain application has profoundly changed your life today?


A person who has a deep understanding of the world will not be too pessimistic about the future, nor will he be too optimistic.

The "real world" in which we now live is also a metacosm (virtual world) created by the Creator.

The "heaven" where the Creator is located is the real "real world."

The current metacosm is to cut leeks

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