
| The prudent and capable Peng Duanshu

author:Changsha Library
| The prudent and capable Peng Duanshu

The wax statue of Peng Duanshu made by the present-day people in the Danling Daya Hall Xiangxian Hall

The author of "For Learning" is Peng Duanshu, a Danling man from Sichuan in the Qing Dynasty, who is not only a writer and educator, but also ranked among the "Three Talents of Sichuan in the Qing Dynasty", but also a prudent and capable official.

Peng Duanshu (c. 1699 - c. 1779) from the eleventh year of Yongzheng (1733) to the twenty-sixth year of Qianlong (1761) resigned and returned to his hometown, from zhengqi pinguan to zhengsi pin official, before and after nearly thirty years of official, career can be called stable, the key is that he is prudent and capable of government, which is evident in his experience, especially in his poetry.

Loyalty comes first

When Peng Duanshu was studying at the Ziyun Temple at an early age, he saw his cousin Peng Duanjie zhongwuju and was made the viceroy of Guyuan Prefecture in Ningxia, and was greatly encouraged, and from then on he was determined to forge ahead and take it as his duty to enter the shi kuang and help the world.

Peng Duanshu's grandfather Peng Wankun was a man who was "generous and ambitious, and often regarded helping the poor and helping the needy as his own responsibility", who disciplined his children and grandchildren very strictly, and when he was dying, he tried to instruct his descendants: "Only be loyal and filial, be diligent and thrifty, insult widows without old grudges, and observe the precepts of each to enlighten future generations." "Peng Duanshu began to be the head of the Jinshi Department in the eleventh year of Yongzheng, and wrote more than seventy poems expressing loyalty and love during his entry. He believes that Du Fu is a model of loyalty and love, and Peng Duanshu's "Hanging Du Gongbu of the Caotang" says: "I am loyal and loving in my life, and I cry full of chapters." He also believes that "Leaving Sorrow" was provoked by Qu Yuan's loyal love: "The person who left the trouble is extremely popular with words through the ages, and the person who is inspired by loyalty and love is also ... The so-called 'there is no Qu Yuan, can you see "Leaving the Troubles"' is already there. If it is the spirit of purity and whiteness, the indignation of the heart, the expectation of the king in the former saint, the peak of the sorrowful society... Push this Zhiye, although it is already battling with the sun and the moon. ”

The manifestation of Peng Duanshu's loyalty and love is first of all loyalty to the king and patriotism, and always attaches great importance to national affairs. He once lamented that his half-life efforts were not enough, and he was ashamed of the country's training and appointment, as long as he could contribute to the country, no matter how hard he was willing, "dare to resign and take a step, deeply ashamed to answer Hugh Ming." During the Qianlong period, the Qing government spent nearly thirty years of energy to pacify the big and small Jinchuan and maintain the stability and unity of the country. Peng Duanshu enthusiastically supported this, and also wrote a poem praising the improvement of the people's lives: "The past is not peaceful on the side, and the fields are less millet." Tang Tang Fu Xianggong, talking and laughing jing bashu. The southerners are no longer reversed, and their eyebrows are raised high. That is, now that the division has been returned, the troops are he sued. But if you are relieved of your sorrows, you should rejoice in the blessings of the heavens. Since then, Jing Feng Smoke, Shino Anqiao Mu. ”

Peng Duanshu's loyalty and love are also manifested in his concern for the suffering of the people. Peng Duanshu was influenced by a good tutor from an early age, and was very concerned about the well-being of the people, especially after he entered the army, he wanted to seek benefits for the people, and wrote the poem "The old man has no other thoughts, and he looks forward to the prosperity of the day and night", taking the people's harvest and living in peace as his wish.

In April of the nineteenth year of Qianlong (1754), Peng Duanshu left Beijing and went south from the canal by boat to Guangdong. After passing through northern Jiangsu, he wrote the scenes he saw into the poem, which truly reflected the poverty of the people on both sides of the canal, and analyzed the causes of the people's difficulties: such as thieves, "side smell thieves, this township is poor"; such as the plague of water and drought, insects and locusts, "yin and yang are confused, and greetings are out of order." This autumn and the moon are looking forward to it, and the heat is steaming back as promised. After several years of drought, the farmer's heart is bitter." At the same time, Peng Duanshu also clearly knew that the cause of the suffering caused to the people, as well as the oppression of officials and landlords, borrowed nostalgic poems to express the anger in his heart.

Peng Duanshu went to Guangdong to serve as a Daoist of Zhaoluo. He wrote in the poem "In the Boat of Yangjiang", "The prison is no big or small, and the love party begins to rest." Ming is known to spread the burden of officials, not to shame his parents", determined to become a magistrate who seeks the welfare of the people, so he often takes the people's worries as his own worries and the people's pleasures as his own pleasures. In the poem "Bitter Rain", he lamented that the rain of obscenity affected the harvest of the people continuously, and in the poem "Happy Rain", he praised ganlin who landed after a long drought.

When he resigned and returned to his hometown to teach Jinjiang Academy, Peng Duanshu still cared about the people's livelihood, and the so-called people's livelihood first lies in food and clothing, which is very clear in Peng Duanshu's next two poems. In the poem "Happy Snow on the First Day", he lamented the great drought in the whole country, which caused the grain price to soar and the people to live in hardship, but fortunately, the snow fell and alleviated the drought, which was said to be "no stored livestock in Sanchuan, and there is a great drought in the past." The northeast is still thin, and corn is more expensive than pearls. Heaven casts snow, green pheasant wheat sparse". In the poem "Jincheng Has Feelings", it is worried that the continuous war will lead to an increase in prices, which is said to be "the bottom of the salary and rice pearls, and it is not enough to bear the thick sun and stars".

Diligently practicing

Peng Duanshu served his grandfather in his youth and was often taught by him: "Ruzu Haojie... The Ru generation should be a pioneer, revere the truth, and be mechanical, do not give up. Peng Duanshu remembered his grandfather's teachings, and was not only honest and honest, but also pragmatic and promising. During his tenure as the head of the bureaucracy, Peng Duanshu was heavily relied upon and handled many tricky tasks. When he was a fellow examiner in Suncheongo, his colleagues recognized his level and were convinced of his recommendation. When cleaning up the backlog of cases in Guangdong, governor Yang Yingju praised his talents even more.

Peng Duanshu said in his long poem "Sending Zhongyin" that the most important thing in governing the localities is to stabilize the people's livelihood and bring benefits to the people, while the key to the security of the people lies in "inspecting officials," that is, to supervise officials large and small, and to put an end to their favoritism and fraud, corruption and bribery. They deal directly with the people, officials are only a few years a year old, but officials may stay in the yamen for more than ten years, they know the local situation best, and they are also the most likely to exploit loopholes and infringe on the interests of the people. Peng Duanshu also believed that the officials themselves should be both diligent and cautious, and the so-called "diligent cultivation of duties, night and night freezing."

Peng Duanshu's diligence and ability, the "Jinli New Edition" contains examples. The first is to solve the inconvenience of the people, and if the people have difficulties, he will deal with them. The second is to try the backlog of cases fairly and quickly; during his term as a Daoist officer, he saw that because the officials blamed each other, there were many backlogs of cases, and the people had grievances that were difficult to get justice, so he was determined to work tirelessly and try and judge one by one according to the circumstances; for thousands of backlog cases, he quickly reviewed the case files of various states and counties, and together with his staff, he openly and honestly tried and judged them, and all the cases were closed within a month, and his colleagues and ordinary people were very impressed, calling him "God." The third is to successfully transport disaster relief grain. Guangdong has always had many difficulties in distributing grain to Guangxi, and shipowners, shipwrights, and escorting officials have each cheated or colluded in fraud, so that most of the grain in transit has been stolen. At that time, Guangxi was just affected by the disaster, the Cangwu to Xingye area of Guinan was affected by drought and flood disaster, the area from Hezhou to Xing'an in northern Guizhou suffered from plague, and the victims were in urgent need of food relief, because Peng Duanshu's reputation for integrity was outstanding, so he was entrusted by the governor of Liangguang with a heavy responsibility to escort and distribute disaster relief grain. Peng Duanshu formulated a meticulous and feasible plan, promulgated strict punishment regulations, and selected honest and capable officials to assist her; she not only grasped the key points of major matters, but also worked tirelessly to inspect and supervise day and night, so that when the grain was handed over and unloaded, there was no loss, and the victims were fortunate to live.

Seek the state's side

Peng Duanshu not only pays attention to the hardships of the people's lives, but also attaches importance to the cultivation of good folk customs, and often thinks deeply about this. Peng Duanshu wrote a poem "Xia Zhen" during his appointment to Guangdong, proposing that the frequent floods in Xia Zhen, even "corn is as expensive as pearls", the people are also very poor, but this place is strategically located, and it is entirely possible to make a living by developing transportation and commerce, overcome natural disasters, and invigorate the economy, but the people of Xia Zhen are "sitting on the hanging pipe" and are lazy and extravagant instead of being diligent and thrifty. This shows that Peng Duanshu recognizes the importance of logistics and commerce, and more importantly, emphasizes that avoiding laziness and extravagance and thrift is the basis for developing production and maintaining livelihood.

Peng Duanshu noticed that the contradiction between people and land in Sichuan in the middle of the Qianlong period was already more obvious, "In those days, thorns were spread across the country, and on this day the beans and sorghum were high and low. Cultivators are thousands of people in the clouds, and the huts are divided into one village each. Shu land has exhausted all the benefits, and it must be known that there are too many people to come", because the population is too large and the land reclamation is exhausted, so it is difficult to continue to improve people's livelihood, and the population will further grow in the future, it is necessary to guide family fertility.

Peng Duanshu is concerned about the livelihood of the people, but also concerned about the country's financial and economic affairs, his paper "Envy Private Discussion" on the consumption of envy (here envy is the consumption of silver, when the government collects money and grain, because there may be loss in transportation and other links, so the levy of silver to make up for the loss, bits and pieces of silver with fire cast into yuanbao, will also produce loss, for this reason levy fire consumption silver) to the people and the people are not rich, return to the officials and officials are more greedy, return to the public is the country to use enough, so it can only be returned to the public. He went on to put forward some policies to solve the insufficient use of the imperial court's wealth: such as clarifying the rule of officials; such as getting rich and the people should go hand in hand with persuading peasants to save money; such as developing industry and commerce, and practicing various industries in parallel; such as rewarding diligence and punishing laziness, and practicing frugality. This text is unique and was selected by Wei Yuan to be included in the Imperial Dynasty Classics. Peng Duanshu also attaches great importance to the cultivation and implementation of the etiquette law, and his "Theory of Etiquette and Raising People" contradicts the previous generation of etiquette to standardize people, and believes that etiquette should be based on raising people, reflecting the poet Rende-based concept of government.

Ice self-inflicted

In his thirty years of political career, Peng Duanshu "took care of himself with prudence", not only taking care of himself as an official, but also doing his best to prevent his subordinates from cheating and corruption.

During his tenure as a Daoist in Zhaoluo, Peng Duanshu often went to the prefectures and counties to inspect the work, only took one or two followers with him, did not accept gifts from the prefectures and counties, returned after doing things, did not play and stayed, and did not accept gifts and money, that is, "everything is completed and returned, and there is no slightest gift from the prefecture and county", which was praised by the officials. Peng Duanshu only deliberated and worked in the public court, and did not allow his subordinates to act privately and ask for bribes to disturb the people, "When there is something pro-public, Xu officials do not leave the left and right, and the obstruction is very serious."

Peng Duanshu resigned from the government and returned to Sichuan, serving as the president of Jinjiang Academy, but he ate less meat and used his own vegetables to accompany porridge, and his life was extremely simple. The poem "Growing Vegetables" describes his industrious and simple life style: "What is it to be old, there is no camp and no desire." Indifferent to sweetness, eat no fake sorghum meat. There is an idle garden outside the house, and the soil is fertile for planting vegetables... Household chores are troublesome, and diligent movements are in the hands and siblings. ”

In contrast to the people in the official arena at that time, Peng Duanshu was "kind and welcoming, and there was no official status." When the old people meet the old age, they will circle and reminisce about the past, that is, they will continue to advance, and it will be easy as usual. Therefore, knowing and not knowing, salty is called Sidley. At that time, Liang Guozhi, a scholar of Dongge University and a scholar of the Hubu Shangshu, praised Peng Duanshu as "calm in virtue and pure in cultivation." ”

Whether Peng Duanshu was an official or resigned from his hometown and returned to his hometown to devote himself to education, his concern for the country and the people has never changed, and he still wrote poems and cared about the production and life of the people until his death. For more than two hundred years, although Peng Duanshu is famous for "For Learning", in addition to his "For Learning", we see a richer and more respectable Peng Duanshu, who is a scholar who painstakingly persuades him to learn, and is also a far-sighted, diligent and loving official, honest and honest.

| The prudent and capable Peng Duanshu

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| The prudent and capable Peng Duanshu
| The prudent and capable Peng Duanshu
| The prudent and capable Peng Duanshu

Source| China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily

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| The prudent and capable Peng Duanshu

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Route 1: Take Bus No. 520 or No. 804 to Binjiang Cultural Park Station. Route 2: Take Bus No. 2, No. 357, No. 111 to Beichen Times Square Station. Route 3: Take Bus No. 11 and No. 106 to the Second Hall and Hall 1 Station.

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| The prudent and capable Peng Duanshu