
Re-reading "For Learning" – Peng Duanshu teaches us to learn and do things

author:Guoxue Jinyu
Re-reading "For Learning" – Peng Duanshu teaches us to learn and do things

"For Learning" is the Qing Dynasty literary scholar Peng Duanshu's article, the article is simple and simple and contains deep reason, every time I think of it can always give people a great inspiration, the truth is simple and unpretentious and seems to be shallow and deep, is a truly effective law, scientific truth is pragmatic. Peng Duanshu told us three words: one word is "do", practice, and the spirit of hard work; the second word is "accumulation", accumulation, thick accumulation, thin hair, "frozen three feet, not the cold of a day", "the wood of the hug, born at the end of the millimeter; the platform of the ninth layer, starting from the tired soil; the journey of a thousand miles, starting with the foot", learning and doing things need to be layer by layer, layer by layer accumulation; the third word is "change", change, things are man-made, everything can be changed, foolishness can change wisdom, wisdom can become foolish, weak can become strong, strong can become weak, and advantages will become disadvantages. Disadvantages can also be reversed into advantages... The key to "change" lies in "doing" and "product". Learning must be put into action, not just a grand plan without actual action. Learning is not a matter of two days a day, you can't fish for three days and dry the net for two days, you need to insist on and accumulate day after day, month after month, year after year. Only by studying earnestly for a long time will we be able to achieve success. Peng Duanshu said well: "Is it difficult or easy to do things in the world? For this, it is easy to be difficult; if it is not, it is also difficult to be easy. Is it difficult to learn human beings? If you learn, it is easy to learn, and if you don't learn, it is easy to learn. I do not arrest people, I do not arrest people, I do not arrest people, but I learn it, and I do not slacken it for a long time, and I do not know its faintness and mediocrity. My wisdom, double people, my material sensitivity, double people also; screen abandonment and not use, it is no different from fainting and mediocrity... It is the old wisdom and sensitivity, but can be bullied but not ashamed; the self-righteous and sensitive are not scholars, and the self-defeating are also. Fainting and mediocrity, limitable and unrestricted; not self-limiting their faintness and mediocrity, and the tireless mechanics, self-reliance also. "Just like a student who often skips class, does not listen carefully to lectures in class, and does not review after class, then when doing homework and exams, he may do a good job? There is no foundation, it must be a question of three do not know, for him, all the knowledge is so strange, like reading the book of heaven, too difficult. And if a student never skips class, listens to lectures in earnest every day, and reviews seriously after class, then the knowledge of those students who skip class is not difficult in the eyes of this good student, from the first grade to the sixth grade, from junior high school to high school to college, from easy and difficult, from primary to intermediate to advanced, layer by layer accumulation, layer by layer, everything is natural. Why is it said, "For it is easy for those who are difficult; if they are not, it is also difficult for those who are not." If you learn, it is easy to learn, and if you don't learn, it is easy to learn. "What? Take learning, because you have a first-grade foundation, you can learn to understand the knowledge of the second grade, because with the foundation of primary school, you can learn the knowledge of junior high school, only with the knowledge of junior high school, you can learn the textbook of high school, which is the most obvious, knowledge is like a pyramid, one layer is higher than the other, you have to lay a solid foundation from the first layer, then learn the second layer, then the third layer, and then go up. Therefore, to "do" in a down-to-earth manner is to conscientiously lay the foundation of each layer, so that "the difficult ones are also easy to do", this is the second word that Peng Duanshu told us, "accumulation", serious accumulation, layer by layer accumulation, layer by layer, then the difficult can also be learned, and the difficult things can also be solved, whether it is learning or doing things, it is so. Peng Duanshu also told us that those who are more talented will not have any achievements if they are not diligent and studious, which is "self-defeating people"; and those with average talent, if they are diligent and studious, will also achieve good achievements, which is "self-reliant people also". Therefore, people with better talents must not slacken off, let alone be proud, but must give full play to their own strengths and strive to achieve the effect of "sesame blossoming and increasingly high". Talented, can not lose confidence, can not be inferior, can not be pessimistic, as long as hard work, you can reverse the disadvantage, even more than the talent of people. In fact, it is not only the advantages and disadvantages of talent, but also the basis of everyone's learning, the natural advantage of a good foundation, but if you stop here, it will not go to a higher level, if you do not pay attention to the review, even the knowledge that has been mastered has gradually forgotten, but from the advantage to the disadvantage; the foundation is worse, it is indeed at a disadvantage, but if you make up your mind, start from scratch, study seriously and hard, you will gradually get better, slowly catch up with the good foundation, or even exceed the foundation. This is true in school, and it is also true when leaving school, learning is a lifelong thing, only by really learning and thinking, can we learn and reap the various benefits of learning. Not only in learning, we must remember the three words of "doing", "accumulation" and "change", but also remember these three words in life and work. No matter what you do, only by doing it in a down-to-earth manner can you do it well, you will encounter some difficulties and obstacles, but as long as you have this spirit of "doing", you will find ways and do everything possible to solve various problems and difficulties, and people who do not really do it, how can they do good things, "the bell does not ring, the ground does not sweep clean", this is the most obvious truth. Only by doing it conscientiously and conscientiously "accumulating" can we have more ability and ability, subjectively we are becoming more and more excellent, and objectively various conditions are constantly improving and upgrading, and can we achieve greater achievements. Don't be blindly optimistic about your own advantages, if you don't work hard, the advantages may no longer exist, don't be pessimistic because your various conditions are not as good as people, as long as you really work hard, you will get better and better. Only by "doing", only "accumulation" can we change from weak and sick to healthy and strong, can we change from poverty to wealth, can we change from achieving nothing to having a successful career, can we ... Conversely, if you don't "do" and don't "accumulate", then the above changes are likely to happen backwards. Throughout the ages, in personal life, career, business, and even the rise and fall of the country, there are too many examples of such "changes". Truth is simple and simple, but the most profound and effective, let us often review Peng Duanshu's "For Learning", remember the three words of "doing", "accumulation" and "change", and strive hard!

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