
With technology-driven transformation, Ping An Trust creates the "strongest brain" of the trust industry's intelligent benchmark fund manager, the "smart assistant" of the "smart assistant" of the "accelerator" of the insurance fund trust, and the "engine" on the employees of the "accelerator" of the trust industry

author:21st Century Business Herald

The author | Ke Yi

Under the resonance of increasing downward pressure on the economy, strong financial supervision and intensified market competition, the transformation of the trust industry is becoming imminent. Among them, technology empowerment is being regarded by trust companies as an important "booster" to accelerate the pace of transformation. With the in-depth penetration of Ping An's strategy of "technology-enabled finance, financial-empowered ecology, and ecologically empowered finance", the "ecological playing method" of intelligent technology has also become one of the "killer tools" for Ping An Trust's business model innovation and core competitiveness reconstruction.

Compared with banks and other financial peers, the current overall operating structure of the trust industry still has extensive characteristics and many pain points, how to make technology better drive business transformation, many trust companies are actively exploring. In June last year, yao Guipingfu, former vice president of Ping An Bank, was transferred to Ping An Trust, and he proposed a transformation plan of "placing new mechanisms and creating new models", one of the important tasks is to empower science and technology.

With technology-driven transformation, Ping An Trust creates the "strongest brain" of the trust industry's intelligent benchmark fund manager, the "smart assistant" of the "smart assistant" of the "accelerator" of the insurance fund trust, and the "engine" on the employees of the "accelerator" of the trust industry

Over the past year, Ping An Trust has actively introduced the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud technology, big data, and mobile Internet to create an online, intelligent, and ecological trust technology operation system, and has built four "smart" tribes of capital ecology, asset ecology, operation middle office, and wisdom economic division, closely integrating technology empowerment with overall planning for business transformation, and achieving initial results. Since the outbreak of the epidemic this year, Ping An Trust has ensured the smooth and efficient operation of its business through the use of online intelligent tools such as Trust E Home and capital asset matching platform, and customer service has not only not stagnated, but pressed the "acceleration key".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the "strongest brain" of money managers</h1>

For Hu Lunchao, fundraising manager of Ping An Trust, remote working in the special period this year has not affected his work, and through the company's intelligent online system, Hu Lunchao can carry out business as conveniently and freely as usual. After visiting customers online and understanding their investment intentions, he used the Ping An Trust E-home system to publish investment needs, recommend project products, and respond to investment solicitation through the "capital asset matching platform" in Ping An Trust. Subsequent fundraising orders and sealed accounts can be completed online. After the product is established, Hu Lunchao can also carry out post-offering management of products on Ping An Trust E Home, including product net value update and product distribution inquiry.

Behind Hu Lun's ultra-efficient exhibition industry, it is inseparable from the online intelligent system support created by Ping An Trust. Among them, the "capital asset matching platform" can realize the online information sharing of capital assets, reduce the complexity of offline many-to-many communication, and improve the efficiency of capital asset matching. The project team can initiate the funding through the platform and distribute it by the fund consultant; the fundraising manager can see all the information that may be used, including a detailed description of the asset information, the current stage, special preferences, etc. According to reports, since the outbreak of the epidemic, through the capital asset matching platform, Ping An Trust has launched more than 340 projects to invest, and about 267 products in various sales channels have been traded, with an amount of about 47.6 billion.

Long Jian, director of Ping An Trust Operation Center, said that the capital asset matching platform is an important part of Ping An Trust to build an intelligent capital ecosystem, and Ping An Trust hopes to use the capital ecosystem to create the "strongest brain" for fund managers. It is reported that under the multi-wheel drive of online, intelligent and ecological, the Ping An Trust capital ecosystem has comprehensively opened up the barriers between assets, funds and products, and realized the whole process and closed-loop management of pre-investment, investment and post-investment. At present, Ping An Trust can achieve seamless connection with various capital channels, and gradually form a capital ecosystem with comprehensive coverage, in-depth operation and sustainable development, and finally achieve that each project can quickly find the most suitable funds in the circle, and each fund can quickly find the most suitable project in the circle.

Long Jian revealed that Ping An Trust is currently further upgrading the capital ecosystem to achieve more accurate and efficient matching of funds and assets. For each capital client, Ping An Trust will form an accurate "capital portrait" of thousands of people according to their needs for the project, such as asset scale, duration, price, rating and other information. On the asset side, the above information can be confirmed at the beginning of the project establishment, so as to realize the real-time matching of funds and assets in the project establishment and approval process. After the system is launched, the asset side can be informed of the possibility of matching the right funds before the project is established, and the funder can find the right asset more quickly.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the "smart assistant" for product managers</h1>

The capital asset matching platform is only one of the intelligent online exhibition platforms of Ping An Trust. According to reports, ping an trust E home platform has become a "killer weapon" for Ping An Trust to achieve a full range of intelligent office during the "epidemic", the platform integrates all the office systems commonly used by the company's business team, and realizes one-time login and one-stop online office for employees.

With dozens of business operating systems being centrally integrated into one platform, Ping An Trust's operation center has fully realized the automation of product creation and stock business management, which has greatly improved the efficiency of "product creation, fundraising, investment and operation management" and greatly improved the user experience. For example, in the product establishment process of the trust business, in the past, the product manager needed to operate multiple systems and enter various types of project and product information to complete the product establishment, account opening and CITIC registration. At present, ping an trust through the "one-click shell" and "account through train" project, to achieve the same role, the same scene of the high degree of integration, that is, in one interface, one-stop to complete the product establishment, account opening and filing and other work, and the automatic reference of information, data system transmission, operation of the full online interaction, the timeliness from the past 1 week to less than 1 day, greatly improving the efficiency of product managers, while effectively controlling moral hazard and operational risk through data non-landing.

Among them, through the highly intelligent "account through train" business with cooperative banks, the product account opening has been reduced from the original 21 offline processes to 5 online processes, and the account opening time has been shortened by more than 60%, which has created a new model of automation and intelligent management of the whole life cycle of public accounts, which has great reference significance for financial institutions and legal person enterprises with a large number of account needs. "Whether it is efficiency improvement or risk control, the ultimate goal is to provide more convenient, safe and efficient financial support and services for real enterprises." Long Jian said.

"In terms of regulatory submission, in the past, it was necessary to manually collect and sort out the various submission information in the business link, which was time-consuming and laborious. Now, through the integration of the system and data, the online submission of EAST4.0, CITIC Deng, and China Foundation Association is realized, which improves the reporting efficiency and improves the quality of submission. Long Jian introduced that with the help of scientific and technological means, Ping An Trust became the first trust company in China to successfully systematically submit EAST4.0 management information, and automatically generated about 20,000 copies of various letter reports every month through the product reporting platform, serving about 50,000 customers.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > "accelerator" for insurance trusts</h1>

Recently, an insurance fund trust of more than 250 million yuan was quietly established in Ping An Trust, once again refreshing the record for the maximum sum insured of Ping An Trust's insurance fund trust. The data shows that in the first half of the year, Ping An Trust's service trusts represented by insurance fund trusts increased significantly, of which the number of insurance fund trust establishments increased by 470% year-on-year.

Behind the beautiful data, it is inseparable from Ping An Trust's "Ping An Insurance Fund Trust Intelligent Operation Platform". Relying on the platform, the client can complete the whole process of online operations such as online application, online video, online setting of revenue distribution plan, online contract signing, online agent review, etc., bringing customers an efficient, convenient, safe and private technology experience. At the same time, through the platform, the establishment time of Ping An Insurance Fund Trust Product has been reduced from the original 30 working days to 2 working days, the service efficiency has been greatly improved, and the processing time has steadily ranked at the leading level in the industry.

Long Jian said that the improvement of the online level has ensured that customers can achieve remote, non-contact, and set up insurance fund trusts without leaving their homes during the epidemic this year, and also provide cooperative banks and insurance companies with complementary products and efficient and intelligent operations. In addition to the significant improvement in the timeliness of establishment, Ping An Trust Insurance Fund Trust has also realized innovative models such as supporting all-category insurance policies and "policy + cash" through the capital ecosystem system, as well as the availability of high-quality products, which has significantly improved the customer experience.

At the same time, Ping An Trust's family trust business has also been empowered by the capital ecosystem, through the shelves of the capital ecosystem, the investment advisers of the family trust can keep abreast of the company's latest assets and project dynamics, and learn about Ping An Trust's multiple products including fixed income, sunshine private placement, cross-border investment banking, equity investment, etc., so that according to professional judgment and customer needs, the projects and products can be selected from them, and the quota reservation is given priority, making the account allocation of family trust customers more optimized and more efficient.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > the "engine" on employees</h1>

The "self-innovation" of the internal management model is one of the internal driving forces of Ping An Trust's transformation. Although the market pressure has doubled this year, Zhao Haotian, head of ping an trust's pension business team, has successfully completed the annual business indicators, but he has not taken a break, but has taken the outstanding "pension asset management provider" in the market as the goal, taking the product as the starting point, assisting the pension management institution of the funding party to carry out customer marketing and maintenance, and then making the team's capital plate bigger. Behind the changes in Zhao Haotian and his team, it is Ping An Trust's new performance management mechanism that has played a role. "The new performance management mechanism has clearer and more transparent rights and responsibilities, which stimulates the enthusiasm of the whole team, and each individual in the team has a greater sense of ownership." Zhao Haotian said with deep feeling.

"Behind the performance management mechanism is a set of leading technology systems in the industry, through the daily dynamic update of the intelligent performance board, business personnel can view personal production capacity, income, assessment rankings and other information in real time, to achieve performance appraisal transparency; management can view the company's performance in real time every day, real-time understanding of product sales and fund raising progress, real-time grasp of the performance of business teams, production capacity, rankings, etc., so that business analysis 'one glance clear'." Long Jian introduced that through this "business management cockpit", Ping An Trust can now dynamically predict the company's relevant business quotas to ensure that the company's business development is in line with regulatory orientation, which can be said to open the era of digital operation of the trust industry, and assist the company's "prophet, foresight and foresight" through data.

"Today's Ping An Trust has used technology to empower four sentences - use the system to manage the business, use the process to control risks, use data to speak, and use performance to lead." Long Jian told reporters that at present, the company is still continuing to increase technology and gradually moving towards the goal of "intelligent benchmarking in the trust industry".

A number of trust industry insiders said that under the current counter-economic cycle and strong supervision situation, the traditional development model of trust is once again facing challenges, forcing the trust industry to innovate business models and strengthen active management capabilities, accelerate the pace of process reengineering and assessment mechanism improvement, and open up the pain points of poor information and data in business links and poor collaboration as soon as possible, so as to more effectively drive business transformation and development while preventing risks. The recently disclosed performance of the trust industry in the first half of the year shows that Ping An Trust's net profit, operating income and other core indicators are ranked first in the industry, and behind this series of achievements, it proves that scientific and technological empowerment is an "effective weapon" to make up for the shortcomings of the trust industry's current extensive management and risk control management capabilities.

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(Responsible editor: Li Jianhua Intern: Guo Jinwen)

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