
Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

author:Barron Bay
Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

Recently, Barron Bay cod has been strongly loved by many little fairies and mothers, and has become the ceiling of the cod world.

Our Barron Bay Cod is not only packaged in cute packages, but each product is developed for a different group of people, providing 108 free Michelin recipes to meet the rich protein needs of adults and children.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you
Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

We can pat ourselves on the chest and proudly say: Barron Bay cod is a real Atlantic cod. Scan the traceability QR code on the packaging to query all the information of cod such as origin, fishing time, fishing area, nutrient content and so on. People are no longer afraid to worry about buying fake cod.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

However, there are still too many fake cod on the market, the domestic cod market naming is chaotic, any fish, as long as it is stained with the word "cod", it is easy to sell, resulting in many little fairies and mothers being deceived.

Therefore, in order to give everyone a clearer understanding of which are common fake cod on the market, we specially bought three kinds of fake cod for evaluation, namely: oil fish, deep-sea cod nuggets, and silver cod.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

Let's take a look at a video of our review, so that you can distinguish the characteristics of real cod in Baron Bay and the difference between several kinds of fake cod.

This article must be forwarded + favorite!!! One by one, we unveiled the true face of the fake cod for the little fairies.

Barron Bay cod is

Real Atlantic real cod

First of all, we need to understand that there are only three kinds of real cod on the market: Atlantic cod (gadus morhua), Greenland cod (gadus ogac) and Pacific cod (gadus macrocephalus), collectively known in the market as real cod.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

Little fairies must learn to look at the packaging ingredient list, all the above three are marked with real cod, and the rest are fake cod.

The Atlantic cod production in the real cod is the most abundant in comparison and is also the most recognized by the market. Greenland cod production is so rare that it is hardly visible on the market. The Pacific cod is commonly known as the big head fish, and china's Bohai Rim region is also the production area of Pacific cod.

Our Barron Bay cod (Atlantic Cod) has scales that are gradient gray, fleshy white, and have a blood-colored line in the middle.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you
Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

When frying, because Barron Bay cod is rich in protein and has almost zero fat, it is not greasy at all, it will not be fried more and more oily, and it will lock in deliciousness in time.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

After frying, baron bay cod can see the obvious garlic clove texture, because it cruises 14,000 nautical miles a year from the North Pole to the Atlantic Ocean, so the meat is compact and a proper athlete. Barron Bay cod tastes tender and doesn't melt in the mouth like other fake cod.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

Every bite of Barron Bay cod meat, is full of protein around the mouth, the key how to eat will not be fat, especially suitable for supplementing deep sea omega3, adults and children are super love.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

From the data point of view, we Barron Bay cod per 100g of fish meat is rich in 123mg of dha, 59mg of epa, dha and epa is the golden ratio, recommended by the US FDA as a baby food supplement, you can rest assured that the baby eats every day.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you
Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

Fake cod: Oil fish

Next, we unveil the true face of the most common fake cod on the market one by one, first of all, the big bad guy of oil fish, it has one of the biggest characteristics: it will diarrhea when eaten.

Oil fish is the common name of spiny snake mackerel and heteroscale snake mackerel, in foreign countries, oil fish is mostly used for industrial purposes, mainly used to refine industrial lubricants.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

It has more than 40% wax esters, because the wax ester melting point is as high as 1000 ° C, the human body can not decompose and absorb. And the fat content is as high as more than 20%, and many European countries have put oil fish on the list of prohibited consumption.

Our country in recent years on the control of oil fish a lot of stricter, now the supermarket basically can not buy oil fish, but in the vegetable market as long as you ask cod, the boss will introduce you to the oil fish, we evaluate the oil fish is the vegetable market to buy, simply invincible ah.

There is also a treasure on the search for "dragon cod", you can also buy oil fish, but only 10 pounds of 10 pounds to buy, it is estimated that the oil fish flowing into the vegetable market is a treasure, so everyone must polish their eyes.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

How to use the naked eye to distinguish whether you buy oil fish, oil fish cross-section is relatively large, the flesh color is yellow, the center of the bone has a clear waxy yellow, fish scales gray.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you
Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

There is obvious white grease in the middle bone part of the oil fish and the side of the fish belly, which is the oil fish buddha, and there is a strong fishy smell.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

When we fried the oil fish, we also smelled the smell of inferior burnt lard, and a colleague boldly tasted a small bite to indicate that the fishy smell was particularly heavy. (Other friends were immediately in awe)

The market price of oil fish is very cheap, 10 yuan a pound. Because our country has not yet explicitly prohibited the sale of oil fish, so you little fairies and mothers must be careful, no matter how cheap you are, you must not buy it, especially if you give it to the baby to eat!! Oil fish has no nutritional value, and eating diarrhea is harmful to the body.

False cod: Deep-sea cod nuggets

Let's look at the deep-sea cod nuggets, which is probably the most sold fake cod online and offline at present, and it is everywhere, and it uses the packaging name of the edge ball and the cheap price to hide the sky.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

Many packaging on the market will be "deep sea cod block", "Russian cod block" or "water cod" product name, it belongs to the rat tail cod family, the biggest feature is that the fish scale grid is very large, there is no obvious texture, feel soft and lying.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

When this deep-sea cod piece is fried, the whole fish will shrink rapidly, and the scales of the fish will be prickly, soft and soft, and it will look like no appetite.

After frying, the meat is loose, it breaks in one clip, melts in the mouth, and there is no fish taste in the mouth, which lacks the flexible taste of real cod.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

The market price of deep-sea cod nuggets is about 30 to 40 yuan a catty, because it is most likely to fake the truth, so that the little fairy and the mother mistakenly think that this is a real cod, buy this back to the baby to make complementary food to eat, but in fact, there is no nutritional value, just eat a lonely.

Fake Cod: Silver Cod

Finally, let's take a look at the silver cod that many mothers use to make supplementary food for their babies, we must know that the silver cod is not a real cod, it is an Antarctic canine tooth fish species.

Why everyone calls it silver cod, this is because the Japanese who originally named it "silver cod" saw that the fish was as white and shiny as silver, and gave it such a noble and beautiful name. (Just named after the appearance, not the real cod ha).

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

From the appearance alone, the silver cod does look noble, the flesh is white, the scales are dark gray, and it seems to reveal a royal aristocratic temperament.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

Don't be fooled by the appearance of the cod, if you look closely, you will find a white grease line wrapped between the skin and the flesh of the fish, yes, the cod is very fat, and fitness experts remember to stay away from it.

When fried, the fat of the cod is constantly bubbling out (its fat is really quite a lot), so the taste of the fried cod is really good, but it will feel greasy when you eat too much.

But compared with Barron Bay cod, we realistically say that barron bay cod wins from the following points:

1. In terms of food safety, the heavy metal content (mainly mercury) of silver cod is much higher than that of real cod.

According to data from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the average mercury content of cod is 0.361 mg/kg, which is 3 times that of Atlantic cod (0.111 mg/kg), so the US FDA reminds consumers to be cautious about eating fish with relatively high mercury content, especially babies and pregnant women should eat less cod.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

2, from the fat content, Baron Bay cod per 100g fish fat content of only 0.7g, the real high-protein low-fat cuisine. And the silver cod? The fat content of fish per 100g is as high as 18g, which is about 18 times the fat content of Baron Bay cod.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

Experts recommend eating less foods with high fat content, fat accumulation can easily form cholesterol and lead to diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke.

2, in terms of nutritional value, barron bay cod rich in epa and dha gold ratio is recommended by the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as a baby food supplement.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you
Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

The ePA content of silver cod is 1.58 times that of dha, according to the "GB 10765-2010 National Standard for Food Safety Infant Formula" limit the content of epa can not exceed dha, so the US Food and Drug Administration FDA does not recommend that silver cod as a supplementary food for infants and young children.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

3, from the price point of view, the market price of Baron Bay cod is about 100 yuan a catty, the price of silver cod in 200-400 yuan a catty, because the living environment of silver cod has been damaged and reduced, coupled with poor management to encounter human overfishing, the current production is very small, "scarce is expensive" is expensive.

In contrast, Barron Bay cod in strict accordance with the requirements of the international msc environmental sustainable development, every year in the designated environment of excellent pollution-free sea areas according to the quota fishing, is a healthy and excellent fish species, the international price is stable, in a word: nutritious and affordable.

Barron Bay Cod PK Fake Cod Real Review reveals the true face of fake cod for you

Therefore, what is expensive is not necessarily good, what suits you is the best.

The above is the barron Bay cod and several other common fake cod reviews and comparisons, I hope this detailed article is helpful to you, in the complex cod world, you can identify at a glance which are real cod and which are false cod.

If you don't know how to distinguish between real and fake cod, it's not wrong to look for Barron Bay cod. Our mission is to let every piece of cod you buy know its origin and let everyone eat safe, healthy and traceable deep-sea flavors.

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