
Hongbo County Governor investigates the operation and safety production of enterprises

author:Long Yao media
Hongbo County Governor investigates the operation and safety production of enterprises

A few days ago, Duan Hongbo, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, successively went to Jinlong Cement Co., Ltd., Ruixin Commercial Concrete Co., Ltd., Lihua Cement Co., Ltd., and Keyat Rubber and Plastic Products Co., Ltd. to investigate economic operation and safe production work.  Everywhere he went, Duan Hongbo talked with the relevant person in charge of the enterprise, in-depth understanding of the safety production, epidemic prevention and control, economic operation of the enterprise, and asked in detail about the development direction, the situation it faced and the practical difficulties encountered.

Hongbo County Governor investigates the operation and safety production of enterprises

Duan Hongbo pointed out that safe production is the lifeline of enterprise development, enterprises should put safety in the first place, take the initiative to assume the main responsibility for safe production, strictly implement various rules and regulations and operating procedures, and often unremittingly promote the construction of safety production standardization; they should regularly organize safety knowledge learning, carry out training and emergency drills, establish and improve long-term work mechanisms, and normalize the work of safety production and hidden danger investigation.  Duan Hongbo demanded that the competent departments of the industry should strengthen dynamic supervision, carry out "looking back" at weak links, and urge enterprises to continue to do a good job in rectification and consolidation. It is necessary to enhance the sense of service, in-depth communication and coordination, guide enterprises to dock policies, help enterprises solve difficulties and problems encountered, and create a good environment for enterprise development.

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