
Sui Hongbo: Strict discipline strengthens supervision to create a clean and healthy environment for the change of office To provide a strong organizational guarantee for promoting the high-quality transformation and development of Yichun

author:Yichun released

Lindu Yichun Home in the forest

Sui Hongbo stressed at the meeting of the municipal party committee on the serious change of discipline collective talks

Strict discipline strengthens supervision to create a clean and healthy environment for the change of office

Provide a strong organizational guarantee for promoting the high-quality transformation and development of Yichun

On the afternoon of August 6, the municipal party committee held a collective heart-to-heart talk meeting on the serious change of discipline, and Sui Hongbo, secretary of the municipal party committee, and the secretaries of the county (city) district party committees collectively talked with each other. He stressed that it is necessary to conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on doing a good job in the work of changing the term, thoroughly implement the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee on the discipline of the change of office and strengthen the supervision of the atmosphere of the change of office, effectively improve the political position, strengthen education and guidance, strictly discipline the change of office, correct the atmosphere of the change of office, and promote the work of the change of office with high standards and strict requirements of "zero defects", so as to provide a strong organizational guarantee for promoting the high-quality transformation and development of Yichun in the new era.

Sui Hongbo: Strict discipline strengthens supervision to create a clean and healthy environment for the change of office To provide a strong organizational guarantee for promoting the high-quality transformation and development of Yichun

Yang Shoude, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal PARTY Committee, secretary of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission, and director of the Municipal Supervision Commission, read out the "ten strictly prohibited" requirements for the discipline of the change of term, and Zhao Guang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and director of the Organization Department, presided over the meeting. At the meeting, the party committee secretaries of Tieli City, Dajishan County, and Yimei District made statements.

Sui Hongbo: Strict discipline strengthens supervision to create a clean and healthy environment for the change of office To provide a strong organizational guarantee for promoting the high-quality transformation and development of Yichun

Sui Hongbo stressed: It is necessary to improve our political standing and use "political nature" to ensure the high quality of the work of changing the term of office. It is necessary to regard doing a good job in the work of changing the term of office as a concrete practice for strengthening the party's ability to build its ruling capacity and its advanced nature and purity, enhance the "four consciousnesses," strengthen the "four self-confidences," and achieve "two safeguards." With a high degree of political consciousness, we should solemnly enforce discipline in the change of term, ensure the smooth development of the change of term, have a clean and upright atmosphere, and ensure that there are "zero flaws" in the work of the change of term. In connection with the study and education of party history, it is necessary to carry out ideological and political work throughout the transition, persist in putting education first, warning first, and prevention first, conscientiously grasp the study of discipline, extensively carry out heart-to-heart talks, further strengthen warning education, earnestly strengthen public opinion propaganda, and create a strong atmosphere of serious discipline in the whole city.

Sui Hongbo stressed: It is necessary to adhere to the above rates and ensure that the atmosphere of the change of office is clear, upright, and fresh. The secretaries of the county (city) district party committees should give full play to their exemplary and leading role, earnestly implement the discipline for the change of term, and ensure the successful completion of the work of the change of term. It is necessary to strictly select people, put political criteria in the first place, and strictly control the political, moral, ability, work style, and honesty of cadres, so that the selected cadres can be worthy of their positions and only then can they be worthy of their positions. It is necessary to focus on enhancing the overall functions of the leading bodies, base ourselves on both the present and the long term, make overall plans for the selection and exchange of personnel, pay attention to the building of a young cadre contingent, persist in "matching people with posts and suitable personnel," and strive to match leading bodies with excellent structures and strong functions. It is necessary to strictly abide by work procedures, strictly implement the requirements of "everything mentioned and four musts", and ensure that the work of changing the term of office is standardized and orderly. It is necessary to strictly enforce political discipline, and leading cadres at all levels should recommend cadres to organizations with a heart of loyalty to the party, and earnestly establish and strictly establish and strictly enforce political discipline and political rules. It is necessary to strictly enforce discipline and accountability, strictly implement the "ten strictly prohibited" requirements, and resolutely and seriously investigate and deal with problems of violating the discipline of the change of office, such as canvassing for votes and bribing voters, running for office, and buying and selling officials.

Sui Hongbo stressed: It is necessary to strengthen education and guidance, so that party members and cadres can correctly treat "advances, retreats, retention, and transfer." It is necessary to educate and guide party members and cadres to correctly treat "advancement," turn the trust of the organizations and the masses into a driving force, and ensure that they are full of vitality and have a more promising position. It is necessary to educate and guide party members and cadres to correctly deal with "retreat" and always ensure that political consciousness does not retreat, spiritual pursuit does not retreat, exemplary role does not retreat, and clean image does not retreat. It is necessary to educate and guide party members and cadres to correctly treat "retention" and continue to do their own work well in a down-to-earth manner. It is necessary to educate and guide party members and cadres to correctly treat "turning," swoop down and strategize officers, and constantly open up new situations and create new achievements.

Sui Hongbo stressed that it is necessary to tighten the responsibility of compaction and ensure the smooth and orderly progress of the change. It is necessary to persistently run the party's leadership through the entire process and all links of the discipline of the serious change of term and the strengthening of the supervision of the work style of the change of term, strictly implement the "five responsibilities," strengthen the supervision and assessment of the work style of the change of term, and seriously investigate the responsibility of relevant party organizations and relevant personnel in accordance with the rules, discipline, and law, if the local atmosphere of the change of term is not correct, the discipline of the change of term is lax, and non-organizational activities occur in the election of the new term. It is necessary to organically combine the tasks of the change of office and reform, development and stability, make overall plans for key tasks such as epidemic prevention and control, project construction, deepening reform, flood prevention and fire prevention, and improvement of people's livelihood, ensure the smooth development of the change of term and the orderly advancement of all work, strive to complete the annual work goals and tasks, and achieve a good start and a good start in the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan".

The meeting was held in the form of video, and the secretaries of the county (city) district party committees, the members of the leading group of the municipal discipline inspection commission, the organization department of the municipal party committee, and the responsible comrades of relevant departments attended the meeting at the main venue. Responsible comrades of the discipline inspection commissions and supervision committees and organization departments of various counties (cities) and districts listened to and watched the meetings at various sub-venues.

Source: Yichun Daily

Producer: Zhang Qiang

Editor-in-Charge: Fang Shuang

Editor: Li Lin Bai Hui

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