
Depression is not only an expression of emotion, the body will also appear these signals, so what are the physical symptoms of depression?

author:Psychologist Yang Bailao

The three main symptoms of depression are persistent low mood, loss of interest, and decreased energy.

In terms of clinical diagnosis, depression is mainly diagnosed on two grounds: one is the depressed state of mind, and the other is the lack of interest and fun that lasts for more than two weeks.

Depression is not only an expression of emotion, the body will also appear these signals, so what are the physical symptoms of depression?

1. Sleep disorder: it is one of the most common symptoms accompanied by depressive states, and it is also the main complaint of many patients. It is manifested as early insomnia, middle insomnia, terminal insomnia, and lack of sleep sensation. Among them, early insomnia is the most common, and terminal insomnia (early awakening) is the most characteristic. Unlike these typical manifestations, snooze can occur in patients with atypical depression.

2. Appetite disorder: mainly manifested as decreased appetite and weight loss. The incidence of loss of appetite is about 70%. Mild cases are manifested as unpleasant food, but the amount of food eaten does not necessarily have a significant decrease, at which time the patient's weight change may not be obvious for a period of time; In the case of the heavy, the desire to eat is completely lost, the weight is significantly reduced, and even malnutrition is caused. Atypically depressed patients may see hyperinflation and weight gain.

3, sexual dysfunction: mainly men manifest erection difficulties, ejaculation delay, etc., men and women will have a decrease in sexual function, or even no sexual desire.

Depression is not only an expression of emotion, the body will also appear these signals, so what are the physical symptoms of depression?

4. Loss of energy: manifested as listlessness, fatigue, laziness, and reluctance to see people. Sometimes accompanied by psychomotor retardation.

5, the morning is heavy and the night is light, that is, the mood is aggravated in the morning: "Depressed patients wake up every 3-4 a.m., and then begin to fall into a state of inability to fall asleep again, so in the morning, it is refreshing for ordinary people, but for depressed patients, it is a "long" ordeal time that has been tried. Most patients feel: "Whimsical, foggy and other dawns", "The brain is like a layer of paste".

But in the afternoon and evening, some depressed people will gradually improve their mood, no longer "sadder than death", and even after nightfall, they will be no different from ordinary people, and will also join some common nightlife entertainment.

6. Pain phenomenon: Pain is one of the types, which can occur in various parts of the body, and is more likely to occur in the elderly and some special groups. Most patients see various departments for headaches, shoulder pain, leg pain, back pain, etc., but are eventually suspected of depression, so it is recommended that patients seek help from professionals in time to cooperate with treatment.

Depression is not only an expression of emotion, the body will also appear these signals, so what are the physical symptoms of depression?

The biggest dangers of depression are suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

According to statistics, the suicide rate of depression is 15%, and patients with suicidal thoughts and suicidal behavior can reach 60% or 70%. It is 30 times more likely to commit suicide than the general population.

Therefore, it can be said that depressed patients are not only psychologically, but also physically injured, and active treatment is the way to recover from depressive symptoms.

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