
Dog bites dog causes injury

author:Bright Net

Dog bites have occurred from time to time, but this time it was because two dogs tore at each other, causing people to hurt people. Recently, the Chuxiong Municipal People's Court heard two civil litigation cases involving disputes over liability for damage to animals and disputes over the right to health.

Peng raised a Chihuahua pet dog. On October 13, 2020, Peng's mother took a Chihuahua to walk around the community and met Zhang and his corgi pet dog. At that time, both dogs were unchained and suddenly tore at each other, and the chihuahua was bitten by corgi. Peng rushed to the scene and was injured after an argument with Zhang.

On October 17, 2020, Chihuahua and Corgi met again. Although Corgi wore a bite-proof mask, the two dogs tore together again and the Chihuahua was injured again.

Afterwards, Peng sued Zhang in court, demanding that Zhang compensate him for the medical expenses, nursing expenses, and appraisal fees caused by his injuries totaling 4651.61 yuan and the examination and treatment costs of the pet dog's bites of 1600 yuan.

After trial, the Chuxiong Municipal People's Court held that if raising animals causes harm to others, the animal keeper or manager shall bear tort liability. Peng and Zhang, as animal breeders, did not manage the animals they raised, and the two dogs met and bitten in the community, resulting in Peng's pet dog being bitten, Zhang should bear the main responsibility, and Peng should also bear the corresponding responsibility. After the two parties tore at their respective pets, causing a dispute and causing damage to Peng's injury, Zhang should bear all the liability for compensation, combined with various evidence and case facts, it was determined that Peng's economic loss was 1566.45 yuan.

In the end, in the case of the dispute over the liability for damage caused by the animals, the court ordered Zhang to compensate Peng for the medical expenses of his pet dog bitten by 1120 yuan, and the rest was borne by Peng himself; in the right to health dispute case, Zhang was ordered to compensate Peng for economic losses of 1566.45 yuan within three days of the judgment taking effect.

Judge reminds

In daily life, it is inevitable that everyone will have disputes, but we must remain rational when things happen.

At the same time, citizens with dogs out of the house, need to do a good job of safety measures. If a dog bites a person or bites another dog, it is necessary to actively treat the injured person and take immunization measures. "Consciously civilized dog raising, jointly building a better home" is everyone's responsibility and obligation, and the public should be scientific and civilized dog raising.

Reporter Lin Shujia Correspondent Li Wanrong

Source: Spring City Evening News

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