
Is Gao Qingkui a famous Peking Opera actor, and how is his singing skills?

author:Wei Qingyi

Famous actors in Peking Opera are generally described as some of the more famous actors in the Peking Opera circle, but they have not yet reached the peak, and Gao Qingkui is one of the former "Four Great Su Sheng" of Peking Opera, and is the founder of the Old Sheng Xing Dang Gao School, and he can no longer be described as a "famous actor", and should be called the grandmaster of the Old Sheng Xing.

Gao Qingkui has been learning drama in Qingxianghe Class since childhood, playing for Tan Xinpei on stage at the age of 12, learning martial arts at the age of 18, going to Japan with Mei Lanfang to perform at the age of 29, and forming the Qingxing Society at the age of 31.

Is Gao Qingkui a famous Peking Opera actor, and how is his singing skills?

To say that Gao Qingkui's singing skills, Gao Qingkui, Yu Shuyan and Ma Lianliang were called "three famous students" and "three sages", etc., and between the three of them, Gao Qingkui's voice was the most rushed, and the play road was also the widest. He not only sang Lao Sheng, but also often performed plays such as Hongsheng, Red Face, Flower Face, and Lao Dan.

Gao Qingkui is very good at absorbing the strengths of various genres, for example, his high-school style contains the singing methods of famous artists such as Lao Sheng Tan Xinpei, Sun Juxian, Liu Hongsheng, Lao Dan Gong Yunfu, and Hua face Qiu Guixian, forming a unique artistic style.

Is Gao Qingkui a famous Peking Opera actor, and how is his singing skills?

Gao Qingkui not only sang well, but also read white, worked well, and did well martial arts. However, gaopai impressed people the most was his singing work. His singing can be summed up in sixteen words, that is, "high-pitched, unrestrained, full of joy, in one go."

His voice is not only a high-pitched door when he opens his mouth, but also has a wide range and a loud volume; compared to Liu Hongsheng of his patriarchal law, it is not as sweet as it is, and it has just been pulled out. Because of his good voice, he loves to use the singing method of "upstairs and upstairs" when singing high voice, and loves to use the singing method of "pimple cavity" when singing low cavity.

Is Gao Qingkui a famous Peking Opera actor, and how is his singing skills?

Another characteristic of his singing is that he is full of energy, loves to pull the board, loves to make a long cavity, and loves to sing the next sentence with one breath, so that people can't hear where his breath is. Gao Qingkui said: "This is the method of learning Liu Hongsheng's qi. The biggest characteristics of Liu Pai are to slow down the breath with words, steal the breath with the cavity, raise the breath from the high place, and curb the gas from the low place. ”

Gao Qingkui's new plays "Weeping Qin Ting", "Yu Rang Qiao", "Xin Ling Jun", "Ma Ling Dao", "Gift of Nose Robes", "Shi Kefa", "Yang Jiaoshan", "Heavy Ears Walking the Country", "Su Qin Zhang Yi", "Wu Yue Chunqiu" these plays use various genres of singing methods to express characters with different personalities.

Is Gao Qingkui a famous Peking Opera actor, and how is his singing skills?

In addition, Gao Qingkui can play "Judge" with a flower face, WuSheng can play "Serial Set", Hongsheng can play "Huarong Dao", Lao Dan can play "Fishing for Golden Turtles", "Digging the Ground to See Mother", "You LiuDian" and so on.

It is worth mentioning that when Gao Qingkui performed in Shanghai many times, in addition to the above popular plays, there are one to three copies of "Drama Fan Biography" that are the most famous. In the play, Gao Qingkui, as a fan, plays the role of sheng, dan, net, ugly, and various genres.

It can be said that Gao Qingkui is an all-round Peking Opera talent who is both literate and martial, and kunchao is unstoppable, and the high-school art he created has added many characteristics to the old life industry, and has also made no small contribution to the development of the old students of Peking Opera.

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