
Potted sunflower sowing and seedling care tips, sun-resistant plants that bloom brilliantly in pots

author:Flower cultivation exchange

Usually, some of the melon seeds we eat, as long as they are raw melon seeds that have not been cooked, can be used to grow, but if they are planted in pots, the flowers will bloom particularly small, and the ornamentality will be reduced.

Potted sunflower sowing and seedling care tips, sun-resistant plants that bloom brilliantly in pots

If we want to grow potted sunflowers ourselves, we should pay attention to buying some varieties that are suitable for potted maintenance, especially some dwarf stalk varieties.

Sowing time:

Potted sunflower sowing and seedling care tips, sun-resistant plants that bloom brilliantly in pots

The sunflower seeds that I just bought are some "sunflower seeds". Sunflowers are more suitable for spring warmth, the temperature is stable above 18 degrees and then sown and cultivated, generally it is the end of April, the beginning of May when sowing and cultivating is the most suitable, if it is sown now, it must be a little late, but if it is in the southern region of the perennial frost place, in the summer and autumn sowing does not matter.

Potted sunflower sowing and seedling care tips, sun-resistant plants that bloom brilliantly in pots

For example, sunflowers planted in August can also be seen in late September and October (it generally takes only about two months from seedling to flower), and its growth rate is very fast, especially in some warm weather, high temperature, good ventilation, and sufficient light, they will grow particularly fast.

Choose the right variety

Potted sunflower sowing and seedling care tips, sun-resistant plants that bloom brilliantly in pots

Sunflowers also come in a variety of different varieties, with varying ornamental properties, with some plants growing up to 4 to 5 meters tall, while others can only grow to 30 to 60 centimeters tall.

Now we buy a lot of sunflower varieties are horticultural ornamental varieties, especially some heavy petals of flowers, basically can not bear melon seeds, if you want to have sunflower seeds to eat after flowering, then you have to choose a good variety in advance.

Sunflower varieties that are more suitable for pot maintenance include the common Miss Sunshine (heavy petal flowers), glorious years (a large number of flowers), double flare (heavy petal flowers), sunflower varieties are very rich, and there are dozens of common varieties.

Potted sunflower sowing and seedling care tips, sun-resistant plants that bloom brilliantly in pots

If you want to bloom vigorously, you can choose the glorious years of sunflowers, its flower volume is extremely large, ornamental is very strong, more suitable for pot maintenance.

Sowing seedlings:

Potted sunflower sowing and seedling care tips, sun-resistant plants that bloom brilliantly in pots

The sunflower seeds just bought can be sown and raised with some relatively small nursery pots, preferably with small black squares, that is, some particularly small plastic pots, with a special number of drainage openings at the bottom, and smaller containers, which are very suitable for seedlings.

The soil can use the common peat soil with perlite, and the 4:1 ratio can also use fine coconut bran with peat soil. In fact, it is to ensure that the soil has good water retention capacity and good air permeability.

Potted sunflower sowing and seedling care tips, sun-resistant plants that bloom brilliantly in pots

When many people cultivate sunflower seeds, they do not know which end of the seed should be placed upwards, in fact, they can directly put the sunflower seeds flat on the soil, and then properly cover a little thin soil.

After placing the sunflower seeds in the soil, cover a thin layer of soil one centimeter thick, it is necessary to water and moisten, and keep the potting soil slightly moist in the later stage, and raise it in a ventilated and transparent position.

Potted sunflower sowing and seedling care tips, sun-resistant plants that bloom brilliantly in pots

After the seedlings grow out, they should be placed in a sunny position, do not raise in the shade, once the seedlings grow out, if the lack of light seedlings will grow in vain, the later stage will certainly not be able to grow well, and even affect the flowering.

When the sunflower seedlings grow more robust, even larger than the small nursery pots, it is necessary to change the pots in time, directly with soil to the larger pots, such as the use of common gallon pots or terracotta pots, and even some relatively large root control pots.


Potted sunflower sowing and seedling care tips, sun-resistant plants that bloom brilliantly in pots

Sunflowers are a very good flowering plant, and the germination rate of the purchased sunflower seeds is also very high, basically every grain can germinate. The temperature of sowing is generally above 20 degrees.

After the seedlings grow out, we must ensure sufficient light, avoid long-term lack of water in the soil, when the weather is relatively hot, try to raise in a well-ventilated outdoor place, try to give more direct light, ensure that the light is sufficient, it is not afraid of the sun, even if the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, there is no need for shade, and more light can make it grow more robust.

The more intense the sunshine and the better the ventilation in the outdoor maintenance pot, the more diligent the watering, so that the conservation sunflowers will grow extremely robust and the flowering will be particularly vigorous.

Potted sunflower sowing and seedling care tips, sun-resistant plants that bloom brilliantly in pots

If you maintain potted sunflowers indoors, you have to wait for the soil to dry slightly, and then water it thoroughly, so as to avoid rotten roots, but the sunflower flowers that are maintained indoors tend to be very small, and even the flowers will hang prematurely and low.

Potted sunflowers in addition to ensuring sufficient light and proper watering, but also to add some slow-release fertilizer, such as seedlings to large pots planted, you can sprinkle some slow-release fertilizer in the soil, supplement nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium three nutrients.

Seedlings can be transplanted into new pots, which can be maintained in shade for a day or two, and then they can be raised in a sunny place, and after a week, they can start to add some water-soluble fertilizer to it, including the common flower Duoduo No. 1 and Huaduoduo No. 2.

Potted sunflower sowing and seedling care tips, sun-resistant plants that bloom brilliantly in pots

When the leaves are growing vigorously, first add some flowers to more than 1, so that its branches and leaves grow strong, and after its plants grow particularly robust, you can start to supplement some flowers and potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, so that you can promote continuous flowering.

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