
5 Benefits of Folic Acid for the Body and 4 Tips for Supplementing With Folic Acid, How Much Do You Know

author:Seek medical advice

Speaking of folic acid, everyone is more familiar with folic acid, especially, female friends who are preparing to become pregnant are more familiar with folic acid, because only accurate folic acid supplementation during pregnancy will help the healthy growth of the fetus, but folic acid is not something that everyone can supplement, the following will give you a detailed introduction, then folic acid on the body 5 points of benefit and folic acid supplementation of 4 suggestions, how much do you know.

5 Benefits of Folic Acid for the Body and 4 Tips for Supplementing With Folic Acid, How Much Do You Know

First, folic acid on the body of these benefits, you should know

1. The growth and development of the fetus requires folic acid, and adequate folic acid supplementation can reduce the occurrence of congenital diseases, deformities and other symptoms of infants, which must be known to most people, so many people will choose to supplement folic acid in large quantities when preparing for pregnancy.

2. Folic acid can assist the body's enzymatic reaction, promote the metabolism of red blood cells, can effectively treat anemia, and its content is too low to easily cause megaloblastic anemia.

3. Folic acid also helps to improve people's memory, effectively delay the degradation of brain ability, and to a certain extent, can play a role in preventing Alzheimer's disease.

4. Believe that everyone is afraid of the appearance of cancer, and the level of serum folic acid is too low, which can easily lead to the occurrence of cancer, so folic acid is also known as a natural anti-cancer vitamin.

5. People with low folate levels, the incidence of heart disease, hypertension, arteriosclerosis and other diseases is relatively high, timely supplementation of folic acid, can soften blood vessels, enhance physical resistance, many diseases can play a good preventive role.

Second, a few small suggestions for supplementing folic acid, take a look

1. The best way to supplement folic acid is to eat foods rich in folic acid, which is the healthiest and most convenient way. Fruits include lemons, bayberry, pomegranates, hawthorns, kiwis, strawberries, etc.; Vegetables include carrots, spinach, mushrooms, lentils, tomatoes, etc.; Meats include beef, chicken, lamb, etc.; Nuts include pine nuts, chestnuts, cashews, walnuts and so on.

2. Folic acid is easily soluble in water, so if you want to supplement folic acid more fully, cooking should be reduced, and use less oil to fry quickly to retain more folic acid.

3. In addition to being careful when cooking, you should also pay great attention when washing. The way of soaking for a long time or cleaning after cutting can also easily lead to a large loss of folic acid.

4. If you need to take folic acid because of serious shortage of folic acid in the body or illness and other special circumstances, you need to go to a regular hospital for examination, and the type and dosage of the body should also be carried out in an appropriate amount through the guidance of a doctor.

I believe that through the above article content introduction, you should have more understanding of some of the relevant knowledge of folic acid, the benefits of folic acid is still relatively much, not only can help the growth and development of the fetus, but also will improve people's memory, in fact, we can also supplement folic acid through some diet, you can eat more carrots spinach mushrooms, etc.

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