
How to make up for folic acid to work faster? Optimal time to replenish folic acid

author:Bright Net

Many couples who are trying to conceive know that folic acid supplementation should begin during the pregnancy preparation period. Today I will give you the knowledge of folic acid

How to make up for folic acid to work faster? Optimal time to replenish folic acid

Question 1: What is folic acid?

Also known as vitamin b9, it is a water-soluble vitamin.

Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin that requires four times more folic acid in pregnant women than the average person. Folic acid has the effect of promoting the maturation of young cells in the bone marrow, and human lack of folic acid can cause megaloblastic anemia and leukopenia, especially for pregnant women. Folic acid supplementation during pregnancy is aimed at preventing fetal neural tube developmental malformations, such as anencephaly, spina bifida, meningocecal bulging and other fetal development abnormalities. Studies have found that folate deficiency, fetal neural tube development malformation rate is very high. The state stipulates that pregnant women should start taking folic acid before pregnancy until 3 months after pregnancy. Folic acid can be discontinued in the first 3 months of pregnancy and replaced with a multivitamin containing folic acid. Because the fetus grows and develops rapidly after 3 months of pregnancy, it requires various trace elements and increased nutrients. After 3 months of pregnancy, simply eating folic acid supplements is not enough, you need to stop folic acid and change to a multivitamin containing folic acid.

How to make up for folic acid to work faster? Optimal time to replenish folic acid

Question 2: Why should I eat folic acid during pregnancy? Our parents didn't take folic acid in their generation, aren't we okay?

There are data showing that the folate deficiency rate in China is 5.8% in the southern population and 37.0% in the northern population, and folic acid deficiency will lead to neural tube malformations in the fetus, so it is necessary to supplement folic acid in advance from the pregnancy preparation period to improve the situation of folate deficiency.

Eating from three months before pregnancy is because fetal neural tube development is completed in the first trimester of pregnancy, so it is necessary to start to improve the level of folic acid in the body during pregnancy, and the level of folic acid in the female body is appropriate when pregnant.

If it is a fetus that has previously bred neural tube malformations, it is necessary to increase the dose of folic acid, generally 5mg, and take it according to the doctor's instructions.

How to make up for folic acid to work faster? Optimal time to replenish folic acid

Question 3: How long do couples who are trying to conceive need to eat folic acid?

For pregnant couples, it is generally from three months before pregnancy to eat folic acid, and both husband and wife have to eat, until pregnant, and then the man can not eat, but the woman to continue to eat, at least until 12 weeks pregnant, want to continue to eat can also eat, do not want to eat can stop.

How to make up for folic acid to work faster? Optimal time to replenish folic acid

Question 4: How much folic acid should I supplement per day, 0.4 mg or 0.8 mg? Because see different folic acid supplements, the amount of folic acid is different.

In general, the folic acid in ordinary folic acid tablets is 0.4mg, and the folic acid in multivitamins (such as Eilevir) is 0.8mg. Because the recommendation is 0.4 mg supplementation, some people will wonder whether it is safe to take 0.8 mg of folic acid orally.

In fact, don't worry, to prevent fetal neural tube malformations, the safe supplement range of folic acid is 0.4-1mg, so the daily dose of folic acid 0.8mg is also safe. Moreover, folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, and the excess part is also metabolized.

How to make up for folic acid to work faster? Optimal time to replenish folic acid

It is generally recommended that women need a moderate amount of folic acid supplementation in the first three months of pregnancy, folic acid can take Slyan or iron folic acid tablets, the effect is the same, are to prevent fetal neural tube malformations effect, no matter which one is taken without special restrictions. In addition to taking folic acid tablets, it is also recommended that you eat more foods that contain more folic acid, such as rapeseed, oranges. Rape, tomatoes, carrots and other foods.

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