
Butanone prices broke through 10,000 and set a new high within 3 years The industry's profitability continued to improve


Securities Times Network ( November 26 news

According to CSI Information, according to Baichuan Information data, on November 24, the domestic butanone quotation was 12250 yuan / ton, which is also the first time that the butanone market broke through the high price of 10,000 yuan since the sharp decline in the chemical market caused by the international crude oil plunge in 2014. The industry believes that in the fourth quarter, the industry is still in the peak season of plant maintenance, and the overall operating rate of the industry is less than 50%. Due to the tight domestic spot supply, butanone market since the end of October began to accelerate the upward pace, into November there was a stock out of stock situation, traders speculated in the mood instantly ignited, with the market price continues to rise, butanone manufacturers quotations have also risen. The price of butanone is expected to continue to rise in the future.

(Securities Times E Corporation)

This article originated from Securities Times E Corporation

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