
Sholokhov's "Quiet Don River" has influenced a large number of Chinese writers, and these eight sentences are too profound

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Chinese writers Ding Ling, Zhou Libo, He Jingzhi and Ding Yi all won the Stalin Prize for Literature, which was established in 1939. Of the Russian writers, only one has won both the Stalin Prize in Literature and the Nobel Prize in Literature, and this writer is the former Soviet writer Sholokhov.

Sholokhov's "Quiet Don River" has influenced a large number of Chinese writers, and these eight sentences are too profound

Although among the younger generation, Sholokhov's fame is not loud. However, he was introduced to China very early, and the person who introduced him was Mr. Lu Xun, the founder of China's new literature. Under the new wave of literature, almost every Sholokhov work was introduced to China, so people at that time must have been very familiar with him.

Like many writers, Sholokhov did a lot of work in his youth. Later, after experiencing the First World War, he left his hometown for Moscow, and it was the war that led him to start creating and become a member of the proletarian writers' organization.

At first, Sholokhov was unknown, and after 14 years, although he published many books, his influence was not great, and it was only after the publication of "Quiet Don" that there was a response. In addition, the short story "The Encounter of a Man" also had a great influence and was hailed as the first work of the new wave of contemporary Soviet military literature.

Sholokhov's "Quiet Don River" has influenced a large number of Chinese writers, and these eight sentences are too profound

In 1965, For his outstanding contribution to the Don epic depicting the various historical stages of russian life, Sholokhov was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature that year.

In his later years Sholokhov lived in his hometown until his death in 1984. In 1999, the Russian government bought the Sholokhov manuscript of the "Don River" for $500,000. In 2005, UNESCO designated that year as the "Year of Sholokhov", which is a great honor for deceased literary scholars.

Sholokhov's works bring together various dialects, the communication between the characters, intertwined into a colorful atmosphere. He portrays characters meticulously, meticulously describing every picture in the plot, and Sholokhov is a strictly realistic writer.

Sholokhov's "Quiet Don River" has influenced a large number of Chinese writers, and these eight sentences are too profound

Sholokhov's works are recognized by the Central and Western worlds, not only as a literary giant of the Soviet period, but also as a profound influence on the literary circles of later generations. In the works of Chinese writers Zhou Libo, Ding Ling, Liu Qing, Liu Shaotang, Chen Zhongzhong and other works, the impact factor of Sholokhov can be clearly seen.

On May 24, 1905, Sholokhov was born, and today is the 115th anniversary of his birth, and we will commemorate this literary giant with these eight sentences written by him.

Man lives for his own hopes. - Sholokhov

Sholokhov's "Quiet Don River" has influenced a large number of Chinese writers, and these eight sentences are too profound

The east wind is mighty, and it can't blow the thoughts of relatives in my hometown. - Sholokhov

Sholokhov's "Quiet Don River" has influenced a large number of Chinese writers, and these eight sentences are too profound

The past is like the grassland lost in the distant fog. - Sholokhov

Sholokhov's "Quiet Don River" has influenced a large number of Chinese writers, and these eight sentences are too profound

In the years of absurdity and shamelessness, do not blame your brother deeply. - Sholokhov

Sholokhov's "Quiet Don River" has influenced a large number of Chinese writers, and these eight sentences are too profound

Don't spit into the well, maybe you'll come back and drink the water from the well. - Sholokhov

Sholokhov's "Quiet Don River" has influenced a large number of Chinese writers, and these eight sentences are too profound

No matter how well the wolf was fed, it still wanted to run into the woods. - Sholokhov

Sholokhov's "Quiet Don River" has influenced a large number of Chinese writers, and these eight sentences are too profound

If you want to tell the truth, you have to say it bluntly, and if you want to cut it, you have to cut it hard! - Sholokhov

Sholokhov's "Quiet Don River" has influenced a large number of Chinese writers, and these eight sentences are too profound

He walked back, looking toward the place where the sunrise had come, where the pre-dawn darkness had faded. - Sholokhov

Sholokhov's "Quiet Don River" has influenced a large number of Chinese writers, and these eight sentences are too profound

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