
When did Sholokhov win the Nobel Prize? Which of his works

author:Interesting history

Sholokhov, born in 1905 and died in 1984 at the age of 79, was a very prominent writer of the Soviet period, having won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1965. Let's take a look at Sholokhov's profile. From Sholokhov's profile, it can be seen that he was born in a village in 1905 and had a lot of experience when he was young. At the age of 11, he went to Moscow, and after the October Revolution broke out in Russia, Sholokhov worked under the rule of the Soviet regime. Sholokhov experienced the First World War when he was 13 years old, and his first close participation in the war made Sholokhov feel the breath of death, although he was not very old, but his psychology had begun to mature.

Sholokhov did a lot of work for the Red Army between the ages of 14 and 17, and although he did not participate directly in the war, he tried his best to help the Red Army win the victory after the war. Sholokhov traveled to Moscow again at the age of 17 and became a member of the "Young Guards". A year later, he married a female teacher and began to make a literary debut. Three of his articles were successfully published in the important Russian newspaper "Youth Pravda", and since then, Sholokhov has really begun his creative journey. At the age of 21, Sholokhov successfully published his famous work The Quiet Don, which made Sholokhov famous. Since then, he has begun a different creative life. From Sholokhov's introduction, it can be seen that Sholokhov used what he experienced as the material for his creation, and his famous work "Quiet Don" was created after he settled in the Don River, and he was a writer born for life.

When did Sholokhov win the Nobel Prize? Which of his works

Sholokhov, born in 1905, died in 1984, died at the age of 79. He was a writer of the Soviet period and enjoyed a high reputation at home and abroad. So what is the relationship between Sholokhov Nobel and Nobel? In fact, the relationship between Sholokhov and Nobel is well explained, that is, Sholokhov once won the Nobel Prize in Literature for his own works. Sholokhov won the Nobel Prize in Literature for "The Quiet Don", and although the Soviet Union and European and American countries were in the Cold War period at that time, Sholokhov's works were still widely disseminated. The reason why this work won the Nobel Prize in Literature can be seen from the speech at the time of the award, because although Sholokhov described the life of the russian people at that time, it reflected a strong artistic strength and integrity. Of course, Sholokhov's award for literature is also related to his creative style. "Quiet Don" depicts the life of peasants living on the Don River, this novel is based on real life, the author Sholokhov returns the truth to reality, and his characters have their own characteristics, portraying the image with dialogue and behavior between the characters. His delicate tone of writing realistically about the life of the peasants on the Don River while perfectly blending beautiful scenery and so on, it can be said that the connection between Sholokhov and the Nobel Prize in Literature has already occurred when he wrote from the material, and it is no accident that he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. In 1965, at the age of 60, Sholokhov chose him for the Nobel Prize in Literature. For Sholokhov, the Nobel Prize in Literature is an affirmation of "The Quiet Don" and an affirmation of sholokhov as an author.

When did Sholokhov win the Nobel Prize? Which of his works

Sholokhov was a very famous writer and writer, and in fact he began writing articles in 1922, when he began to want to express what he had experienced in a way that others would know. A year later three of his articles were published in a newspaper, which was undoubtedly an affirmation of his work, and two years later he created a work that would later become very controversial, "The Quiet Don". Because in this work he recorded so many questions about the darkness of society, it was thought that such a young Sholokhov could not have had so many experiences, so many people felt that this was his plagiarized work. From this time on, Sholokhov devoted his life to creation until his death. This is the life of Sholokhov.

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