
Three steps to give your mind a healing

author:Supreme mind learning

One of the core points we've been emphasizing is loving yourself. Love is a miracle drug. "Loving ourselves" can make a miraculous difference in our lives, and love will lead us wherever we want to go.

Of course I'm not talking about vanity, arrogance, self-congratulation, because those are not love, it's just fear. I'm talking about full respect for ourselves and experiencing the wonders that happen to our bodies and minds with gratitude.

Below we take three steps to heal your soul.

Three steps to give your mind a healing
Three steps to give your mind a healing

Step 1: Take a small mirror, look yourself in the mirror, whisper your name, and say, "I like you and accept you as you are." ”

For a lot of people, it's very difficult to do that. When doing this exercise, few people will calmly immerse themselves in joy alone. Some people will cry, some people will get angry, some people will be dissatisfied with their appearance, and everyone just looks at themselves in the ordinary little mirror and becomes uneasy.

Okay, now let's look at the real 'problem'; now we can start to clear the way forward. We need to learn how to start loving ourselves – we stop criticizing ourselves for anything, and that's the first step we take to change.

Mirrors reflect our own emotions back. It clearly tells us what we need to change if we are to live a happy life full of enthusiasm. Every time you look in the mirror, look into your own eyes and say a positive word, it will be difficult at first, and you will find it much easier to stick to it.

Three steps to give your mind a healing
Three steps to give your mind a healing

Step Two: Pull out a large piece of paper and list all the mistakes and shortcomings your parents have said about you. What negative message are you hearing? Give yourself plenty of time and try to recall all the words they've said about you. This usually takes more than half an hour.

Which of the "your mistakes" they say have to do with money? What does it have to do with your body? Which ones have to do with love and relationships? Which have to do with your creative talents? What restrictive and negative things have they said to you?

  Restrictive notions: I'm not good enough, I love myself too little, my life is full of dangers, and our family is in debt.

Now, let's take out another piece of paper and dig a little deeper. What other negative ideas did you hear when you were a child? From relatives, from teachers, from friends, from authority figures, set aside plenty of time to write them all down. Pay attention to the sensations in your body.

What you need to get rid of from your mind, just write these two pages. It is these beliefs that make you feel "not good enough."

Three steps to give your mind a healing
Three steps to give your mind a healing

Step 3: Clean up

Now, let's use an affirmative sentence: "I'm willing to change." It is often repeated that phrase, "I am willing to change, I am willing to change." "When you say this, you can put your hand on your throat. The larynx is the energy center of the body that changes. By touching your throat, you will feel that your process of change has begun. Say to yourself in the mirror, "I'm willing to change."

Change can start with the spiritual pathway, the mental pathway, or the physiological pathway. Overall rehabilitation includes three aspects: physical, mental and spiritual. You can start with either side and gradually infiltrate the other two. People who start from the mental path will first do mental work or psychotherapy, and people who start from the spiritual path will first practice meditation or prayer. Meditation practice, people who start from the physical path will pay attention to the maintenance of their own body and feed their hearts.

Three steps to give your mind a healing

If we bring a three-year-old and put him in the middle of the room, you and I both start laughing at that kid, saying how stupid he is, saying he can never do anything well, telling him he should do these things, telling him he shouldn't do those things, and see how bad he makes everything. After we hit him a few times, we probably got the result: a frightened child, sitting meekly in a corner, or crying there. The child may behave in one of these ways, but we will never be able to know his potential.

If it's the same kid, we tell him how much we love him, how much we like his looks, how smart he is, we like the way he does things, it doesn't matter if he makes mistakes in the process of learning – whatever happens, we'll be here to help him – then the child's potential will burst out beyond your imagination!

Deep within each of us lurks a three-year-old. We spend most of our time laughing at this child in our hearts. Then we couldn't figure out why life was all a mess.

Love yourself, everything is fine in my world.

Three steps to give your mind a healing

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