
Good news! Our army's convalescent policy has issued new regulations, and the garrison in remote and difficult areas has taken the lead

author:The People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center integrates the media
Good news! Our army's convalescent policy has issued new regulations, and the garrison in remote and difficult areas has taken the lead
Good news! Our army's convalescent policy has issued new regulations, and the garrison in remote and difficult areas has taken the lead

Guo Chen, a reporter from the People's Liberation Army Daily, and Sun Congyan, a correspondent, reported: Recently, the Health Bureau of the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission made arrangements for the pilot work of recuperating regimental cadres and attachés in the army's troops stationed in remote and difficult areas. This is an active exploration of implementing the spirit of the work conference on serving the troops in the nursing homes of the whole army hospital and serving the officers and men stationed in remote and difficult areas, and marks a solid step forward in the reform of the policy and system of the convalescent care guarantee of our army.

Officers and men of the troops stationed in remote and difficult areas work in harsh natural environments all year round, have heavy combat readiness tasks, are difficult to leave their posts and take vacations, and are one of the key points of the army's recuperation and support. This pilot project, aimed at the regimental cadres of the army stationed in the remote and difficult areas of Tibet and the professional and technical cadres of the corresponding level and their spouses, adopted the method of combining collective convalescence and rehabilitation and rehabilitation for specialized diseases, and not only carried out health education, physical examination and other services, but also carried out specialized rehabilitation treatment for multiple diseases in low-oxygen areas of the plateau.

In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the pilot work, the relevant departments of the organs of the Central Military Commission in the early stage conscientiously formulated the pilot program, studied and determined the pilot targets, coordinated the solution of practical difficulties, organized and guided the nursing homes that undertake the task of support to improve facilities and equipment, improve safeguard measures, and provide high-quality service guarantees. Immediately following this pilot work, the next step will also be to carry out the exploration of convalescent models such as the convalescent treatment of military personnel with support cards, the two-way referral of rehabilitation patients in military hospitals and nursing homes, and the relevant policies and systems for optimizing the military convalescent security are also being adjusted and improved.

It is reported that the pilot began in mid-May, a total of 2 months and 4 treatment periods, it is planned to arrange 1200 regimental cadres to bring their spouses to recuperation, the army Kunming sanatorium, the rocket army Emei sanatorium and the Zhengzhou joint logistics support center Lintong sanatorium and other 3 units to undertake the task of support. After the pilot has gained experience, it will be pushed forward to the troops of the whole army.

This article was published in the 1st edition of the "People's Liberation Army Daily" on May 19, 2017, and the original title was "Our Army's Convalescence Policy Introduces New Measures RegimentAlty-level Cadres Bring Spouses to Recuperate Pilot Work in The Army's Troops Stationed in Xinjiang and Tibet's Remote and Difficult Areas"

Good news! Our army's convalescent policy has issued new regulations, and the garrison in remote and difficult areas has taken the lead
Good news! Our army's convalescent policy has issued new regulations, and the garrison in remote and difficult areas has taken the lead

What are the provisions for military convalescence,

Do you know?

Good news! Our army's convalescent policy has issued new regulations, and the garrison in remote and difficult areas has taken the lead

Kobayashi Sensei:


I am a teacher in military academies and universities, and most of our teaching and research departments are comrades of middle age or older, who have worked in the front line of teaching for a long time, invested more in work training, and have little understanding of policies and regulations. Recently, everyone talked about the problem of "military convalescence", and I am specially entrusted to consult with you, what are the specific regulations for military convalescence? Which military personnel can participate in convalescence and what benefits can they enjoy during convalescence?

Instructor Lao Wu

Instructor Wu:

According to the Regulations on Military Convalescence Work (Hou Fa [2007] No. 15), military convalescence is divided into health care recuperation, rehabilitation recuperation and special service recuperation. Among them, health care recuperation mainly carries out health examination, disease correction, health education, fitness activities and landscape treatment; rehabilitation and recuperation mainly carries out continuous correction of injuries and diseases, functional rehabilitation and prevention and treatment of mental illness; special service recuperation is based on health care recuperation, mainly for health identification, physiological and psychological examination and training and physical training.

According to the "Regulations", officers on active duty at or above the regimental level, civilian cadres and retired cadres under military management may enjoy health care and recuperation for a period of 15 days. Among them, officers on active duty at or above the military level, civilian cadres and retired cadres in military management can be recuperated once within 2 years, and officers and civilian cadres in division and regimental positions and retired cadres in military management can be recuperated once within 3 years.

Cadres at or above the regimental level and flight, submarine and divers who do not need special treatment after injury or surgery and can take care of themselves can enjoy rehabilitation and recuperation. Among them, the period of rehabilitation and recuperation of cadres at or above the regimental level generally does not exceed 30 days, and those who enjoy rehabilitation and recuperation in that year no longer enjoy health care; the maximum period of rehabilitation and recuperation of flight, submarine and diver personnel does not exceed 60 days.

Special service recuperation is arranged once a year for flight, submarine and diving personnel for 30 days, and for navigation personnel and personnel directly engaged in nuclear weapons radiological operations, propellant operations, etc., every 2 years for 30 days.

(The above content is compiled by Wu Jia and Wang Xiaoyu of information engineering university) This article was originally published in the 7th edition of the "People's Liberation Army Daily" on April 16, 2017, and the original title was "What are the Regulations on Military Convalescence"

Good news! Our army's convalescent policy has issued new regulations, and the garrison in remote and difficult areas has taken the lead

Author: Guo Chen, Sun Congyan, etc

Edit: Fire Arts Hui

Editor: Qu Yantao

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