
May plantain 9 first reading, red cherry, green plantain, red rose frame green plantain

author:Hatsui Katsuyuki

Basho poems 9: Basho does not show lilac knots, and other idle books are full of plantains

In May of the Gregorian calendar, the weather is sunny and the temperature rises, when the late spring and early summer of the lunar calendar, the spring and summer handover, the sun is bright, the rain is moist, the grass and trees are lush, and the green shade is gradually unfolding. Layers of fresh green make up the most beautiful scenery in May. People change into light-colored spring and summer clothes, let the wind pass through the cuffs of the placket, and walk in the depths of the green shade, and there is a kind of ease and lightness.

At this time, it is the most suitable for green viewing, so what tree green is the most peculiar eye-catching at this time? The ancients summed up a plant, that is, plantains. Plantain is a tall herb that can be up to four meters tall and has huge leaves, presumably used by the ancients in the first place, and banana leaves are the most economical choice, which itself is like green cloth.

May plantain 9 first reading, red cherry, green plantain, red rose frame green plantain

It is often said that plantains are plants in the south, but in fact, in the pre-Qin era, there were wild plantains in the Huai River of Qinling Mountains. King Mu of Zhou records that some Zheng Guoren went out to cut firewood, saw a deer, he beat it to death, and then feared that people would see it, so he covered it with huge banana leaves. When he looked back, he lost his path and direction, thinking that he had a dream, and when someone with a heart heard about it, he found plantains and deer according to what he said.

It also actually proves that the climate in the pre-Qin era was warm, and the primitive mountain forests also had many plantains. The overall climate of the Tang Dynasty was also warm, and plantains were widely planted in the capital and more in the south. Because the leaves of the banana tree are strange and huge, the leaves are flowering, happy, have a good shading effect, and have special aesthetic value.

May plantain 9 first reading, red cherry, green plantain, red rose frame green plantain

Hurry that year remembers Jiangnan

"Cold candle smokeless green wax dry, the heart is still curled up in the cold spring."

What is hidden in a book will be secretly demolished by the East Wind. Qian Jue's "Unexplored Basho"

The new leaves of the plantain bud in late spring, it is the huge size of the plantain tree, and the young leaves are also a kind of magnificence, this Tang Dynasty Poem of Qian Jue describes the beauty of the banana leaves, like a huge green candle, standing in the middle of the leaves. It's like rolled up scrolls and letters.

He used a particularly playful metaphor to say what is hidden in your rolled-up green letter? Only the East Wind will slowly unfold it and see its heart. A static plantain also has vivid anthropomorphic feelings.

"Upstairs at dusk desire to rest, jade ladder across the moon in the middle of the hook."

Basho does not show the lilac knot, and the same spring wind is worried. "Li Shangyin's "Gift"

This is the twilight of late spring written by Li Shangyin. Late spring has a kind of deep spring and loneliness. A woman, upstairs at dusk, looking at the small crescent moon in the sky, the imprisoned body and youth, could not fly out of the high gate compound. Only in late spring, the banana tree by the wall, pulling out new and tender leaves, but like her suppressed curled mood, there was no stretch, like the hanging lilac flower, there were flowers unplaced, with countless knots.

It was plantains and cloves waiting for their spring breeze. And hers? Her fading youth turned into green sorrow.

This is a famous sentence for writing bashos, cute and hurtful. Wrote about the beauty of plantains in late spring. New green, vigorous, lonely.

May plantain 9 first reading, red cherry, green plantain, red rose frame green plantain

When it comes to spring, see the flowers and trees blooming freely.

Because of its huge size, the banana leaf can be used as a banana fan, but the literati's favorite nature is to replace the paper and write poems on it, which is very environmentally friendly. After all, it takes paper to type a draft.

Therefore, most of the poems inscribed with bananas are real scenes, and a small part is elegant. After all, the poems written on the plantain cannot be retained for a long time, but the plantain has become an alternative to the paper seal, satisfying the poetry of many people.

"Rain washes the banana leaves on the poem, alone by the sills when the sun is shining."

Although the old garden hates the wind and the lotus, the new sentences are also full of idle questions. “

"Although I hated losing my green felt when I came, I saw dozens of articles on basho.

It should be Ah Liu who repays the debt, and the remaining struggles to think of folding the money. “

"Basho bushes by the side of The Bi Chan Juan, so as not to disturb the Shu River more leisurely."

When you go there, you will not be able to solve the problem, and you will not send the school letters. "Sikong Tu's "Eighteen Wild Questions" chooses three

It is conceivable that these eighteen poems of Sikong Tu were written on the leaves of the plantain. He himself was a high-ranking official of the Tang Dynasty, but he lived in a very turbulent era, with the Huangchao Rebellion, and his brother's servants also participated in the Huangchao Uprising. The times will lead to confusion of thought, on the one hand, he is loyal to the Tang Dynasty, but the Tang Dynasty is declining, on the other hand, he sympathizes with the vast number of people, so he takes a passive way to live in seclusion in the mountains, in fact, these poems written on the banana can see his helplessness. The passion of life has no way out in reality, and has to pin its mood on wild poetry.

Basho, who is full of poems, pins on the enthusiasm and embrace of life that he cannot release, and these poems melt in the rain, which are very Zen on the surface but sad on the inside.

Basho inscription poems are often written in the unspeakable embrace of oneself.

May plantain 9 first reading, red cherry, green plantain, red rose frame green plantain

"Nothing to send the heart to the wicker, and wait for the idle book to be full of plantains."

If there is an East Stream letter in the township pass, it will be sent to Yangzhou near the Yiqiao. "Tang Dynasty Li Yi", "Every Return to Faith"

This poem is really cute, saying that I am idle to pin my mood on the willow, the willow yiyi, that is wangxiang, writing countless verses on the plantain, that is homesickness. If there is a river leading to your hometown, you can throw the plantains into the water and send them directly home.

Although this is an answer to a letter from his family, he may not really write on the plantain, but the Tang Dynasty plantain is a common homeland courtyard tree species, and this poem expresses that he is homesick all the time. It is conceivable that his hometown is in Jiangnan near Yangzhou, and it is full of plantains.

"When the autumn grass is born in the garden, the brothers of the old garden are in love.

There is nothing to do with the high fasting every day, and the banana leaf is inscribed with a poem. "Tang Dynasty Wei Yingwu "Idle Residence and Sending Brothers"

Although it is a poem written in autumn, basho became the theme of homesteading. The hometown has the memory of the banana homeland, and the brothers once met and fraternally under the banana tree.

So I wrote this basho poem because of my hometown and longing. I miss you here under the banana tree, and I think you must be the same.

"The goose beeps yellow mouth, and the phoenix is light and greasy.

The people under the deep courtyard sleep during the day, and the red roses stand the green plantains. "Tang Dynasty Han Wei's "Deep Courtyard"

Late spring and early summer is the time when the plantain exhibition is new green, and Han Wei describes the beauty of the courtyard home in late spring and early summer, which has a unique style. The little goose had hatched, swaying and swinging around to test the newborn world with its yellow beak, and the butterflies flew lightly.

The afternoon is silent, people are taking a nap, only in the daylight of the courtyard, there is a kind of dark green and bright red beauty, the rose blossoms are written with red flowers, and the background is the green banana trees of sensen.

This red and green can only be seen at this time, the green courtyard, the plantain green, the rose powder, and a rose full of courtyard incense.

May plantain 9 first reading, red cherry, green plantain, red rose frame green plantain

"A spring of sorrow waiting to be poured with wine." The boat on the river is shaking, and the curtain is moving upstairs. Qiu Niang ferry and Tai Niang Bridge, the wind is fluttering, the rain is xiao Xiao.

When will I return home to wash my robes? Silver characters are phonological, and heart characters are incense burning. Streamers are easy to throw people away, red cherries, green plantains. "Song Dynasty Jiang Jie cut Mei "Boat Across the Wu River"

May is the season of plantain cherries, the home is green and heavy, and the cherry fruit hangs red beads. Although spring is about to pass, such greenery and sweetness are a kind of harvest and stable years.

However, this was the leisure of the Taiping period.

Jiang Jie is different. At the age of 29, he was a jinshi of the Southern Song Dynasty, and 5 years later, the Southern Song Dynasty was destroyed. Seeing the tragic world, he did not seek stability in the Yuan Dynasty, he drifted in the chaotic world, running around for his family. The world is still spring and summer, he walks in the boundless rivers and lakes, and feels another flow of years like water.

His boat traveled by the Qiu Niang Ferry and Tai Niang Bridge in his homeland, and the twilight spring wind and rain were filled with smoke and rain in the turbulence, and the stability of the homeland he longed for was only imaginary. The homeland is red with cherries, green with plantains, some people are always waiting, some people are always on the road.

It is like a year of water flowing, like a beautiful flower, a leisurely stroll, all are dreams, only sad and sad for another year of wind and rain to send their youth to send.

How green the plantain is, how red the cherry is, how displaced and sad his heart is, the most important thing is that the human world cannot stay, and the youth falls red on the cherry tree.

May plantain 9 first reading, red cherry, green plantain, red rose frame green plantain

Have you seen the new green plantains and the reddest cherries in May? The beauty of that red-green contrast.

Hatsuyoshi Katsuyuki interprets the love and beauty in the poems for you. #21天图文打卡挑战 #

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