
Architectural symbol of the millennium capital

author:Xinhuanet client
Architectural symbol of the millennium capital

Fucheng Drum Tower.

Architectural symbol of the millennium capital

Former residence of Wu Dian.

Architectural symbol of the millennium capital

Qiongtai Blessed Land.

Qiongtai Revival City Chronicle

Article\Hainan Daily reporter Shao Changchun Special reporter Lin Xianfeng intern Lu Ziying Figure\Hainan Daily reporter Li Xinghuang

From the fourth year of Song Kaibao (971), qiongzhou prefecture was moved to Fucheng, until the Republic of China, in the long history of nearly a thousand years, Fucheng has always played an important role in the political, military, economic, cultural and transportation center of Hainan Island, and is an ancient cultural city with a long history.

The construction of fucheng city pool basically follows the basic model of ancient city pools in China, but after changes in the world, most of the ancient city walls of Fucheng have been demolished, and only the old site of the city gate and part of the city wall, as well as the ruins such as the Drum Tower and Qiongtai Fudi, still exist.

At the same time, Fucheng, as the origin of the island's culture and the birthplace of the ancestors of Qiong, has created a brilliant ancestral hall culture, and the folk buildings represented by the former residences of celebrities and ancestral halls are all over the streets and alleys of the old district of Fucheng, and have also become a unique cultural landscape of the thousand-year-old city.

Remnants of the ancient city of Senzai

According to historical records, since the song kaibao set up the Qiongzhou prefecture office in fucheng in the fourth year (971), the work of building the city outline began, but in the Song and Yuan dynasties, the walls of fucheng were basically made of artificial soil, and the scope was not large, and the circumference was only 3 miles.

The major change in the city wall of Fucheng was in the Ming Dynasty, since the second year of Ming Hongwu (1369) when the military attendant Sun An gave The Command of Guangxi Wei, led more than a thousand officers and soldiers to garrison Qiongdao, asked the imperial court to promote Qiongzhou as the capital, and allowed the city to be opened, agreed to the joint efforts of the military and civilians of Hainan and people from all walks of life in industry and commerce to build the city, and the last repair of the city wall in the fifth year of Qing Xianfeng (1855), in the past five hundred years, the city wall of Fucheng has been recorded in historical records more than twenty times of expansion, addition, repair and reinforcement.

Mr. Huang Peiping, who once wrote "Spring and Autumn of Fucheng", said that since the Ming Dynasty, due to the increase in national strength and economic development, especially out of the need to fight against the Wokou, the coastal haiphong city walls have been made of stones, stone strips, and bricks, and the same is true for the qiongzhou fucheng.

In the fifth year of Hongwu (1372), Hainan set up Wei commander to command the entire island military, Wei commanded Zhang Rong to succeed Sun An to continue to build the city, from the northwest corner to the southeast corner of the construction, the project is huge, lasted 9 years, and finally built the city 1253 zhang long, 2.7 zhang high, 2.8 zhang thick, to the Hongwu decade (1378) basically completed, thus laying the basic framework of the city wall, although it was eroded by several typhoons, many times collapsed, but have been repaired successively, continuously used, but also added sub-cities and outer moon cities.

By the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Fucheng city wall only 1.8 kilometers, into the Republic of China period, most of the city wall has collapsed, incomplete, most of the current Fucheng city wall has been bulldozed, and some are covered by residential, the old city wall made of volcanic stone in the Grass Bud Lane area is still relatively intact, and has long been considered to be the last historical witness of the old city wall of Fucheng; in addition, there are still ruins of the ancient city wall in the east gate of fucheng, but the traces of the old city wall are difficult to find.

Just last year, Haikou City carried out "double creation", transformed the Peilong Market, demolished a number of flat-roofed temporary building paving, but accidentally found the old city wall that was obscured by the paving, so that an original Ming Dynasty ancient city wall could be displayed in front of the public again. Today, this ancient city wall with a rich history has become the biggest highlight of the transformed food street.

In addition to the ancient city wall, the Ya Bureau is called the most important public building in the ancient Fucheng City, Qiongzhou Fucheng has a fu ya and a county ya, of which the fu ya is located in the middle, backed by the north city wall south of the street, the east is the Fuxue Palace, the west is the Guandi Temple, between bao'er Mountain and Wenlong Mountain, is the so-called "Qiongtai", is the site of the main official ya after the Song Dynasty in Hainan, and now it is still the site of the Qiongshan District Committee and District Government, but it is difficult to find the remains of the ancient Yamen architecture.

"There are only a few ancient buildings preserved in Fucheng to the present, the most important of which is the Drum Tower, which is also one of the best preserved ancient buildings in Hainan dating back to the Yuan Dynasty." Liang Tongxing, an expert in Hainan literature and history, said.

The drum tower was originally known as the YuanLou, also known as the Civilization Building, which was originally built in the Yuan and destroyed at the end of the Yuan. The existing drum tower originated from the fifty-third year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1788) of the Qing Dynasty, and now only one floor remains, although it looks somewhat dilapidated, but it is relatively well preserved; the ancient drum tower was once the cultural center of the literati and inkers who ascended to the far and wide, and the friends of the literati, and now it is hidden in a modern building, which is somewhat lonely.

Where to find the ancestral hall of the former residence

With the ancient city wall, the office, the drum tower and other public buildings can be called double walls, is lined in the old district of Fucheng in the small streets and alleys of celebrities and ancestral halls, these ancient folk buildings that have survived in the historical changes have become an important cultural symbol of the city, Qiu Hai's former residence, Wu Dian's former residence, Zhong Fang's former residence, Huang Zhongyi's ancestral hall, etc. are all cultural architectural masterpieces.

Huang Peiping said that the traditional houses in Fucheng are mostly multi-courtyard styles, with strict layout, clear axes, left and right symmetry, clear architectural priorities and orders, ingenious decoration design, reasonable interior space, exquisite carving and decoration craftsmanship, and achieved the perfect unity of use function and architectural art; at the same time, influenced by the Culture of the Central Plains, its architectural style and house layout embody the hierarchical dignity and patriarchal system of distinguishing between dignity and inferiority, and the orderly order of the elder and young.

Qiongshan is known as the "Qiongtai Fudi", the people are brilliant, and the culture is up. Reading the history books shows that there are many Zhongzhou scholars who serve or live in Qiongzhou, and under their influence, Qiongzhou and even the whole island have been confucian and virtuous, and there are still many former residences of historical celebrities in fucheng, the most famous of which are Qiu Jun's former residence and Hai Rui's former residence.

Most of these celebrity residences are characterized by "ugly" and "elegant", but at present, except for the former residences of Qiu Mao and Hairui, many of which have been dilapidated or traceless, but the existing pattern and style can be used as references, and contain rich historical and cultural connotations such as "loyalty, righteousness, filial piety, compassion, etiquette, faith, honesty, and shame". For example, the Qingguan culture represented by Hai Rui, Qiu Jun, and Xu Ziwei is a big golden signboard in fucheng.

According to the genealogy, the former residence of Qiu Mao was built in the second year of Ming Hongwu (1369), that is, the same year that the stone city wall of Mingfu City was built, when the scale was the largest, it was said that "Qiu's Eighteen Houses", in the 1990s, it was large-scale repaired by taking the method of "overhaul of the falling frame" and the old as old, which can be called the treasure of the ancient wooden structure of Qiongya in Hainan, which is the earliest and highest level of craftsmanship in Hainan.

At the same time, Fucheng is also the birthplace of Hainan's ancestors, in the thousands of years of history, created a brilliant ancestral hall culture, as a landmark of the ancestral hall culture - the ancestral hall, but also lined in the streets and alleys of the old district of Fucheng, such as the Huang Ancestral Hall, Wang Ancestral Hall, Lin Ancestral Hall, Feng Ancestral Hall, Xing Ancestral Hall, Qiu Ancestral Hall as the main surname of Hainan Province, are located in and around the old area of Fucheng.

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, there were many ancestral halls in the area of Wenzhuang Road in Fucheng, all of which were built with relatively large surnames, one to facilitate the concentration of ancestors by the clansmen, and the other to facilitate the students to come to Xuegong Academy for boarding.

Wugong Ancestral Hall is a special case in the Fucheng Ancestral Hall, it is not a private clan ancestral hall, but during the Qing Guangxu Period, Lei Qiong Bingbei Dao Zhu Cai was built to worship the Tang Dynasty Li Deyu, Song Dynasty Li Gang, Li Guang, Zhao Ding, Hu Quan and other five historical ministers who were degraded to Hainan, with an official background and the nature of public buildings, is a two-room wooden structure, single bucket arch ancient building, took three years to build, then known as "the first building of Hainan".

The millennium context is yet to be tapped

In the first year of the "13th Five-Year Plan", Qiongshan District launched the "Qiongtai Rejuvenation Plan" aimed at continuing the thousand-year cultural context of the Fucheng area, and the expert group of the Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Planning and Design Research Institute and the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences was hired to investigate the cultural relics and cultural resources of Fucheng, and at the end of last year, the "Qiongtai Revival Plan" - Special Planning Report on the Excavation and Utilization of Fucheng Historical and Cultural Heritage was completed.

Experts believe that the first priority of the Qiongtai revival plan is to protect and restore the cultural relics, monuments and traditional houses in the city, because these are non-renewable material historical and cultural heritage, it is recommended to adopt rescue, excavation and restoration measures as soon as possible, so as to attract tourists and introduce consumption.

The report also comprehensively analyzes the disadvantages and advantages of the development of Fucheng, pointing out that although Fucheng has lost its status as the center of the island in the past hundred years, and the cultural relics and monuments have been seriously damaged in the past 30 years, the comprehensive tourism development has never been carried out; but the Fucheng has the historical and cultural accumulation of the core of Qiongdao Island for thousands of years, and was rated as a national historical and cultural city more than 20 years ago, and still retains the status of one of the main educational centers on the island, and there are more resources available for tourism development.

Experts suggest that fucheng no longer has a complete city wall, and it is necessary to have several iconic city wall sites, such as the restoration of a section of the East Gate city wall, as well as the Drum Tower, Qiongzhou Fuxue and Qiongtai Fudi, etc., to make it look like a thousand-year-old city.

At the same time, in the process of transformation of fucheng shantytowns, attention should be paid to the rescue and excavation of existing traditional residential courtyards, and consideration can be given to rebuilding the prefectural and county mansions on the original site, which can be used as various museums to concentrate on displaying various historical and cultural treasures in Hainan and forming scenic spots or tourist routes.

The transformation of the old town of Fucheng should pay attention to highlighting the functions of different areas, and distinguish the priority and secondary, and improve it in stages and batches; we can learn from the successful cases of the transformation of the old city in some cities in Europe, America and Asia to retain the appearance of the original street and the façade of the building, and the interior of the building is updated according to the current needs.

In addition, the ancestral hall culture of Fucheng is a highlight of Hainan culture with international influence, and it is possible to reflect the rich and colorful culture of Hainan ancestral hall by establishing the Hainan Ancestral Hall Main Hall or Museum to display the genealogy of each surname, the portraits, tablets, deeds, etc. of the ancestors of Qiong, etc.; and the Fucheng Ancestral Hall Cultural Center and the resource advantages of the West Coast Conference Center of Haikou City are combined to form a "ancestral hall exhibition economy".

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