
Xia Shenzong Li Zunyan: Those years of mixing with the Mongolian big brother, it is true that they did not have a good life

author:History is actually quite interesting
Xia Shenzong Li Zunyan: Those years of mixing with the Mongolian big brother, it is true that they did not have a good life

(Xia Xiangzong, Li An'an)

One thing that everyone knows is that the throne of Xiangzong Li Was secure was taken from the previous emperor Huanzong Li Chunyou.

Ironically, when the Western Xia Dynasty was under Emperor Huanzong,the wind and rain were smooth, the country was peaceful, and it developed in a similar way, and when it reached the safe hands of Emperor Xiangzong and Li, it became a mess full of holes in the blink of an eye.

Natural disasters continue in the country, earthquakes today, tornadoes tomorrow, floods the day after tomorrow.

Even if the country did not stop, the Mongol army besieged the city several times, and almost put the Western Xia in a pot.

Pressed to the ground by the Mongols, the Western Xia Emperor had to ask the Big Brother of the Jin Dynasty for help.

After all, Western Xia's previous foreign policy had always been to attach funds to the Jin and Song.

The People of Western Xia recognized the Jin Dynasty as a big brother, and paid some protection fees when there was nothing to do.

As a younger brother, the Western Xia people deserve to be quite in place.

Now that the little brother has an accident, as the big brother, he should take the lead for the little brother.

Unexpectedly, in the face of the sudden attack of the Mongol army, The Western Xia asked the Jin Dynasty for help, but the Jin Dynasty did not go out of the gate, the second gate did not move, and not a single soldier was sent.

The Jin Dynasty directly sold the Western Xia.

This incident made the Western Xia Emperor understand a truth: there are no eternal friends in this world, only eternal interests.

In the past, the Liao Dynasty was strong, and the Western Xia was attached to the Liao Dynasty, and followed the Khitans upside down, and later the Jin Dynasty was strong, and the Western Xia recognized the Jin Dynasty as the big brother and unswervingly followed the Jin Dynasty.

But now that the situation is no longer what it used to be, a tough, brand-new tribe on the northern steppe has emerged, and Western Xia should reconsider who to mix with.

Since the Jin Dynasty is not affectionate, then don't blame me for the ruthlessness of the Western Xia people.

Emperor Xiangzong's Emperor Li An believed that the Jin Dynasty was ruthless and unjust, and was not worthy of being a big brother at all, not only unworthy, but also should pay the price for the previous behavior of not saving Western Xia.

As a result, Western Xia began to gather heavy troops and attack the Jin Dynasty.

The brotherhood of the past is gone, and now only the hatred of the knife and the soldier is left.

According to historical records, the Western Xia and the Jin Dynasty fought a total of 13 years of battles, with a total of 25 large and small battles, so that on average, they had to fight twice a year, and it was very likely that they would have to fight for half a year.

But the two countries fought back and forth, and neither of them gained any benefits.

The Jin Dynasty "plundered more than 5,000 people, tens of thousands of cattle, sheep and livestock", and was robbed by the Western Xia guerrillas all day long, and its economic strength was greatly damaged.

The Western Xia, which provoked the war, was even more unhappy.

"Since the rise of the army, the defeated pawns have been on the side, and the hungry people have scattered."

A dynasty full of wars must be a miserable dynasty.

Xia Shenzong Li Zunyan: Those years of mixing with the Mongolian big brother, it is true that they did not have a good life

(Xia jin war)

Because the emperor was exhausted and frequently waged wars, the people of Western Xia were displaced and miserable.

For the Xia Jin war, the attitudes of the Song and Mongolian sides were completely different.

The Southern Song Dynasty had a feud with the Jin Dynasty, the so-called "Jing Kang shame, Ju Wei Xue, courtiers hate, when to extinguish." The Jin Dynasty was beaten, and of course the Southern Song Dynasty wanted to help and participate.

However, the Government of the Southern Song Dynasty was located in the south of the Jiangsu Province, in a corner of peace, and it was really powerless and could only look at it coldly.

For the Mongols, the war between the Western Xia and the Jin Dynasty can be said to be an unexpected gain.

Anyway, the Western Xia and the Jin Dynasty will be destroyed by themselves sooner or later, and now let them fight with each other and consume each other, why not enjoy it?

Therefore, the Mongols basically did not intervene in the war against Xia Jin, but waited for both sides to lose and go to clean up the mess themselves.

But the people of their own country have long been talking about the war in Xia Jin.

Li's national policy was unpopular, and the government and the opposition protested, and soon his career as emperor came to an end.

Li Yanzong, the imperial family of the Western Xia Dynasty, had long been unhappy with the emperor, and without saying a word, he launched a coup d'état and directly took Li Safe down.

The phrase "causal cycle" and retribution is very appropriate for Xia Xiangzong Li An.

At that time, he also launched a sudden coup d'état, abolished the throne of Huanzong Li Chunyou, and became emperor himself, and now he has the same fate.

Not only that, Li Security, like Huanzong, was also imprisoned in the dark deep palace, depressed, and died not long after.

Before dying, he had witnessed the Li Yanzong who had taken his throne smiling and expanding his desire, and looking at Li Yanzong, Li An was as if he had seen his former self.

Now, his time is coming to an end, and his life is coming to an end.

But Li Security understands that the victor at that time will also become a loser, and the people who are high above at that time will eventually end up with the same fate as themselves.

Li Safe died, and the Western Xia Dynasty fell into the hands of Li Yanzong.

Li Yanzong, whose birth and death years are unknown, only know that he was a king of the Western Xia Kingdom, because he was not accustomed to the safe rule of Emperor Xiangzong Andi, he launched a coup d'état and sought the throne.

However, when Comrade Li Yanzong deposed Emperor Xiangzong, he was already seventy or eighty years old, really old, and really not suitable to be emperor.

As he grew older, he was overwhelmed, and it was difficult to go from the first floor to the fifth floor, so soon, Li Yanzong decided to cede the position of emperor to his son, Li Zunyan.

Interestingly, this comrade Li Zunyan was still immersed in hard study before his father's coup d'état usurpation, and he took the imperial examination in Western Xia, and also won the title of Champion.

As a result, Comrade Li Zunyan achieved an extremely rare achievement in Chinese history, or even achieved only by himself:

He was the only Emperor Yuanlang in Chinese history.

On August 12, 1211, Li Zunyan became emperor and became the eighth emperor of the Western Xia Dynasty.

Xia Shenzong Li Zunyan: Those years of mixing with the Mongolian big brother, it is true that they did not have a good life

(Xia Shenzong, Li Zunyan)

It is said that the emperor is a champion, so the academic qualifications should not be low.

Since he was a young man full of economy and knowledge, the emperor should have seen through the drawbacks of the Xia Jin war.

The Xia Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty have always been interdependent, and the demise of either side will bring immeasurable chain reactions to the other side.

However, the emperor did not know whether it was a bad brain, or whether people were more convulsive, and after taking the throne, he actually followed the steps and resolutely implemented the previous policy of Emperor Xiangzong -- raising troops from all over the country to attack the Jin Dynasty, and there was a great posture of not destroying the Jin Dynasty.

The emperor of the Jin Dynasty at the time, Jin Xuanzong, was also a cruel man, grumpy, and when he saw that the Western Xia Kingdom did not change the policy of changing the emperor, he actually had to do something to himself, so he also broke the boat and gathered the national army, planning to compete with the Western Xia.

A war, only the difference between victory and defeat, will soon have results, if the balance of strength, it may be an endless contest.

Unfortunately, the Western Xia and Jin Dynasties belonged to the latter.

But to say that they are evenly matched is not to say that they are all strong, but to say that they are all weak.

Years of war had completely destroyed the national strength of the two dynasties, and now, the Western Xia and Jin Dynasties were like two old men with broken candles, weakly waving their fists at each other.

The strength of this fist is so weak that no one can knock anyone down.

Moreover, compared with the Jin Dynasty, the situation in Western Xia was even more unoptimistic.

Because Western Xia's newly recognized eldest brother Mongolia does not seem to take Xixia as his own.

When the eldest brother is to protect his little brother, but the Mongolian big brother not only does not protect his little brother, but also often summons the Western Xia.

Xia Shenzong Li Zunyan: Those years of mixing with the Mongolian big brother, it is true that they did not have a good life

(Mongol Army)

In a major battle, the Mongols asked the Emperor of Western Xia to send an army to work for them and rush to the front of the line.

In the face of difficult opponents, the Mongols asked the Western Xia to send reinforcements, whether they could fight too much, at least as cannon fodder.

As soon as the Mongols fought, they had to recruit the Western Xia army. Not only are they not paid, but they don't even care about food.

The Mongols frequently summoned the Western Xia people, which made the Western Xia Emperor very depressed, Li Zunyan said, Mongolian big brother, we In Western Xia mix with you, the purpose is to seek protection, you can't always use us as cannon fodder.

The Mongols heard that they had turned against you, and letting you be cannon fodder was to give you face, and if you didn't want to be, Lao Tzu would destroy you first.

The Mongols could be said to have done what they said in the matter of the destruction of Western Xia, and the army immediately turned its horse's head and counterattacked Western Xia.

The emperor was so frightened that the three souls lost seven spirits, and the emperor fled in a hurry, until the Mongols retreated, and they dared to return to the palace.

In the past, the Western Xia was attached to the Liao Dynasty, and the big brother of the Liao Dynasty was very particular, shielding the Western Xia people from the wind and rain and caring for them.

Later, the Western Xia people were attached to the Jin Dynasty, although the Jin Dynasty and the Western Xia later tore their faces, but looking back on the past, Xia Jin also had moments of love and affection.

Nowadays, the Western Xia people are attached to mongolia, the benefits have not been gained at all, they are coerced and lured by the Mongols all day, their heads are pinned to the waistband of their pants, and if they are not careful, there is a danger of the destruction of the country and the extinction of the species.

The reason why The Western Xia has come to this point today is because the emperor has mistaken the direction of the country's development.

The Destruction of The Golden Union is a self-destructive portal and self-destruction.

And the joint gold to destroy Mongolia is the best strategy for watching over each other and helping each other and settling the country.

The emperors of Western Xia were fools, but the ministers of Western Xia were not all.

The ministers deeply understood that in order to save the Western Xia, they must clear the relationship between the Western Xia and the Mongols, make an armistice with the Jin Dynasty, and unite with the Jin Dynasty to defend against foreign enemies.

Even the emperor's son, the crown prince of the dynasty, advised the emperor, hoping that the emperor could unite with jin to destroy Mongolia.

Unexpectedly, Li Zunyan was not soaked in oil and salt, and the minister was neglected, so he directly dismissed the minister, and the prince advised him, and he did not say a word, and immediately deposed the Son of Heaven and imprisoned him by the way.

Many years ago, when Li Zunyan ascended the throne, he had a great wish to destroy the Jin Dynasty, so he gambled everything and launched the mighty XiaJin War.

The defeats and bitter battles of one war after another did not make Li Zunyan repent of his actions, but on the contrary, they further aroused the desire and ambition of the emperor.

Today, he has forced himself into a dead end.

If you don't succeed, you become a benevolent person.

But Heaven did not give him the chance to become a ren.

Because the ministers in the Western Xia Dynasty really couldn't stand the emperor being so poor,

The ministers united, forced the palace late at night, forced the emperor to abdicate, passed the throne to the prince, and let out harsh words, if the emperor does not abdicate, we guarantee that you will not see the sun tomorrow.

Li Zunyan had no choice but to abdicate and pass the throne to Prince Li Dewang.

Xia Shenzong Li Zunyan: Those years of mixing with the Mongolian big brother, it is true that they did not have a good life

(Xia Xianzong, Li Dewang)

The ministers threatened the emperor, perhaps only to speak, because the situation was not necessarily serious enough.

But for Li Zunyan himself, whether he abdicates or not, he will not see the sun of tomorrow.

The Western Xia Kingdom has been at war for many years, the people are not happy, and the country is always on the verge of collapse.

An autumn rain fell for more than three months, and there was still no rain stop.

This once mighty dynasty has been shrouded in a thick haze for a long time.

Dynasties are declining, empires are declining, how can we see the sun?

There is no sun in Western Xia, and its fate can only be one step at a time, towards extinction.

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