
Did you read The Revenant? What are some intriguing details of the movie "The Revenant"

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<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > intriguing details of the movie "The Revenant."</h1>

1, it says that the Indian boss who lost his daughter and his daughter Povaca are of the Sioux ethnic group, so let's make up for themselves before giving other history whites

2, in fact, they are not only not Sioux, but the Sioux enemy of the Arikala, that is, the "Li tribe" mentioned in the movie; the Boni tribe where Xiao Li's wife is located is also the enemy of the Sioux, so to a certain extent, the Li clan and the Boni tribe belong to the peaceful tribe, and both tribes speak the same Cardo language (wiki out), so when Xiao Li saves Povaca, the two people can communicate in language.

Another point is that the Sioux were able to wash the Bonni because they were good at fighting on horseback. As the birthplace of the Archaeopteryx, the north American continent horse was extinct during the last ice age 9,000 years ago, the cause of extinction in addition to climate change, but also may be human hunting, in short, before Columbus discovered the New World, the Americas had no horses, until 1519, the Spanish colonist Jonan Cortis with 500 people and 15 horses broke into Mexico, the Americas ushered in the return of horses.

The Sioux of North America acquired the first horses by trading with the Spaniards, who then discovered that they were naturally good at raising horses and fighting on horseback, and then they dominated by their ability to fight on horseback. And the Sioux people are very good at raising horses, so the Sioux people do not lack horses, and it is precisely because of horses that they can dominate. The lack of horses is the Li and Bonni tribes who are abused by the Sioux blood, so the Li boss will run to the French side and quietly endure the low-price oppression to find the French to buy horses. Another detail is that at the beginning of the retreat of the American hunter group, kill their own horses, and then say "kill and leave them", on the one hand, do not want the Li people to pick up the cheap, on the other hand, it can also indicate that the Li people lack horses.

In fact, the French officer jokingly said, "I want a big wave of women" to change horses, but in fact he had secretly sent someone to kidnap Povaca, the daughter of the rich boss. Later he had people give the Li five horses, and then said "fair, fair", indicating his kidnapping of Povaca.

And then why look for a Frenchman? Because this land (Louisiana, from Canada in the north to the Gulf of Mexico in the south, equivalent to the 13 states of the present-day Midwest) was originally a colony by the Spaniards, and later snatched from Spain by Napoleon.

3. The Pony people who saved little plum (Glass) built a shack for little plum with branches and let him spend the night cold.

And the Pony's horse, like its owner, used his body to let the little plum spend the second night.

(The horse that Little Plum snatched back from the French was the horse of the Bonni who saved him.

To add details, the Horse of the Bonni Man was a group of Spotted Horses, the Apalusa Horses, which were war horses bred by the Indians themselves from horses exchanged from Spain, a common American horse breed of Spanish ancestry. And the color of his horses is leopard print.

Did you read The Revenant? What are some intriguing details of the movie "The Revenant"

At the same time, Fitzgerald and Bridger passed by a ransacked village and got two horses from there, and it was supposed to be Sioux people who ransacked the village. If the Li people attacked here, they would surely take all the horses away, because they were short of horses. Similarly, if the French looted, they would have taken the horse with them, because the horse was an important trading currency. Therefore, only the people who are enemies of the Sioux will look down on the horses in the village, because they are not short of horses. Combined with what the Poni people who saved Xiao Lizi said, his people were killed by the Sioux, and he was going to the south to find some Poni people to see, and this village was likely to be his village. And he was riding a horse when he left home, which was also in line with the fact that there were at least two horses in the village.

4, Captain Henry learns of Fitzgerald's betrayal and goes after Fitzgerald, before he was looking for someone to offer a reward of $10 each, but this time only he and Grass went, because his money was stolen by Fitzgerald, and he had no money to offer a reward. That's why Henry was later killed by Fitzgerald and had his scalp cut off. For Fitzgerald to cut off Henry's scalp, some people have already said that it was to marry the Li people. Then Fitzgerald and Glass shot each other in the jungle, and Fitzgerald threw away his shotgun because there was only one bullet in the gun, and it took a long time to reload the bullet, and Glass immediately caught up with him and simply threw away the weight. Glass is still holding a gun because At this moment, Fitzgerald is like a deer that has been frantically running away, and he wants to hunt the "deer" with a gun; the scene about the deer hunting echoes the scene in the beginning of the film where Grass and his son hunt deer by the water's edge and Glass picks up a wooden stick by the river and points it at the deer crossing the river.

Then in the end, Glass stabbed Fitzgerald several times, and after saying the Bonnie man's phrase "the sword of vengeance is in the hands of God", he passed the ball to the Boss of the Li Clan, and then the Boss of the Li Clan cut off Gerald's scalp. Why did the Li clan old congress cut off Fitzgerald's scalp, Povaca will definitely tell his father that the French did something bad, the Li people should not hunt down the Americans, so killing Fitzgerald so cleanly should have an old vendetta. Combined with the scene where Fitzgerald tells Bridger about the fact that he was almost cut off by the Li people one night, and resents the noise made by The Li people, Fitzgerald should have been caught by the Li boss before, and he owes the boss a scalp.

The historical background begins with the fur trade, and the leather business described at the beginning of the film is the occupation on which Glass relied for their survival, and it is also a profiteering industry in North America for centuries.

Speaking of the fur trade in Europe and the United States, it can be traced back to the 11th century. At that time, mink skins were sought after by high society, and a priest in northwestern Europe believed, "Rightly or wrongly, we equate getting a mink robe with the supreme happiness." "Theologically explains that material satisfaction can lead to spiritual abundance. In the 14th century, King Edward III of England issued a decree stipulating that only members of the royal family, nobles and church people receiving salaries of more than £100 could wear precious furs. Therefore, at that time, mink was a symbol of status and wealth, for example, in the 15th century, a long mink robe was worth 33 shillings and 4 pence, and a short one was also worth 26 shillings, which was a huge amount at that time, which was equivalent to more than 140 pounds in 2005. Speaking of the fur trade in Europe and the United States, it can be traced back to the 11th century. At that time, mink skins were sought after by high society, and a priest in northwestern Europe believed, "Rightly or wrongly, we equate getting a mink robe with the supreme happiness." "Theologically explains that material satisfaction can lead to spiritual abundance.

In the 14th century, King Edward III of England issued a decree stipulating that only members of the royal family, nobles and church people receiving salaries of more than £100 could wear precious furs. Therefore, at that time, mink was a symbol of status and wealth, for example, in the 15th century, a long mink robe was worth 33 shillings and 4 pence, and a short one was also worth 26 shillings, which was a huge amount at that time, which was equivalent to more than 140 pounds in 2005.

Did you read The Revenant? What are some intriguing details of the movie "The Revenant"

At the same time, the navigators who returned from the Americas, although they did not bring back gold, brought news that there were many beavers in the New World. Because beaver skins are very expensive, European beavers are basically hunted and killed, and in the face of increasing demand in the market, French merchants and politicians have found business opportunities and decided to start a fur business in the Americas. (In fact, the Sea Otter fur business done by the British and Russians on the west coast of North America is more profitable, but the British Hudson's Bay Company and the Northwest Company basically monopolize the industry, outsiders can't drink soup, make up a super cute sea otter picture)

Did you read The Revenant? What are some intriguing details of the movie "The Revenant"

The process of the fur business is simple, the merchant carries some metal utensils, necessities to the North American Indians, and then exchanges them for beaver skins, and then takes them to the European market for processing and sale, usually up to 1800% profit. Henry IV, who was brilliant, saw the opportunity to colonize North America, but because he could not afford so much colonial funds, he encouraged merchants to colonize North America by granting trade monopolies. Samuel Champlain, the famous "father of New France", relied on the trade monopoly granted by the royal family to establish the Colony of New France in Quebec, which is now Canada.

The fur trade was inseparable from the cooperation of the Indians, so Champlain began to establish good relations with the Indians, first allied with the three local tribes, and then helped their allies to attack the enemy, gaining the trust of the local Indians. At the same time, he also sent white youth to live in Indian tribes and learn Indian customs. But this alone was not enough to fully gain the trust of the other party, so Champlain used one of the most commonly used methods of the Chinese Han Dynasty - marriage. Champlain encouraged intermarriage between the two sides, and white youths married Indian maidens, but also at least one in every clan they were good friends with, and it was strange that every white young man who married an Indian maiden not only did not change the Indian customs of his wife, but became accustomed to Indian customs.

There is a scene in the movie where the Pony man who saved the little plum is hanged by the French with a wooden sign hanging on his chest and the words "We are all barbarians" in French. This sentence is not a mockery of the Indians, but the mental expression of the French in the colonies, and this sentence has historical significance beyond the plot of the film, that is, "when these Indians cannot become French, the French become barbarians." ”

Did you read The Revenant? What are some intriguing details of the movie "The Revenant"

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