
The 17-year-old Chinese girl won the title of the world's top little scientist! Which trick do parents use to educate their children? What are the success factors of self-directed learning that promote children's self-directed learning strategies

author:Singularity Parent Academy

A few days ago, a 17-year-old high school student in Hangzhou, Li Yiting, became the focus of everyone's attention, as one of the 55 scientific teenagers in the country, she participated in the Third World Top Scientist Conference and won the title of "Excellent Little Scientist". Not only that, not long before the award, she also won the title of "Zhejiang Juvenile Literature Star", a small scientist, a literary star Rongjia one person, this "cross-border academic bully" instantly grabbed everyone's attention, when the new college entrance examination model is transitioning nationwide, the future no longer has the concept of liberal arts and sciences, can achieve all-round development is every parent's high hope for their children, then this "other people's children" is undoubtedly a model of "arts and sciences and cultivation".

The 17-year-old Chinese girl won the title of the world's top little scientist! Which trick do parents use to educate their children? What are the success factors of self-directed learning that promote children's self-directed learning strategies

(Li Yiting and President of the Conference Cohenberg group photo)

Unlike most children, due to the busy work of her parents, Li Yiting has lived independently in boarding schools since she was very young, because she likes to read in early childhood, so both teachers and parents pay attention to cultivating her reading habits, so that she has a lot of reading accumulation at an early age. In the third grade of primary school, Li Yiting read the original classic works such as "Dream of the Red Chamber" and "Book of Poetry", and also made annotations, and she always expressed her love for literature when communicating with her mother.

In junior high school, Li Yiting read Fabre's "Insects" - "In fact, it is not rare bugs that deserve attention, those seemingly bland bugs, if you look carefully, will also find many interesting things." Ordinary does not mean insignificant, as long as we pay attention to it, we will find interesting knowledge in it. Ignorance often blinds us to their value. In fact, even the most inconspicuous creatures are indispensable notes that constitute the music of natural life. ”

The descriptions and perspectives in the book made her just beginning to contact the discipline of biology a strong interest, and Li Yiting began to sign up for biology competition classes, devoting a lot of time to various experiments. When the daughter was fully engaged in her own interests, Li Yiting's parents did not feel that this was a waste of time, but supported her own decision as much as possible, until this year's third world top scientist conference, Li Yiting shared her research in the biology class - "Gene Cloning and Analysis of Chinese Velvet Crab Sperm Nest Connexin" to explore the safety of spermatogenesis in invertebrates. This is also the first study of the innexin protein of Chinese velvet crab in the history of life sciences, which is considered to have high value. From interest to achievement, Li Yiting, who has been "free-range", carries out his love to the end, if there is anything that is the most dazzling trait of this child, it must be the ability to learn independently, which is also inseparable from the daily cultivation of parents and teachers.

The 17-year-old Chinese girl won the title of the world's top little scientist! Which trick do parents use to educate their children? What are the success factors of self-directed learning that promote children's self-directed learning strategies

The partnership for 21st century skills (p21) points out that self-learning is a lifelong learning and vocational skill that people need to equip themselves with the ability to learn independently to cope with the learning and work needs that may occur in the future. Henri Holec, a professor of linguistics at the University of Nancy in France, in his book Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning, pointed out that having the ability to learn independently is "taking charge of one's own learning", from the learner's point of view, Having the ability to learn on their own means that learners are empowered to obtain certain learning objectives, determine learning content and progress, choose learning methods and techniques, monitor the learning process such as rhythm, time, place and progress, and ultimately complete the assessment of learning effectiveness.

01, can create a strong sense of self-efficacy

Self-efficacy is proposed by the famous American psychologist Bandura (bandura), which refers to the effectiveness of individuals in coping with or handling internal and external environmental events, judging whether individuals have the ability to complete a certain activity at a certain level of belief, grasp and feeling. In general, people with a high sense of self-efficacy are able to accurately judge their abilities, and the results can directly affect the individual's choice and commitment to learning tasks.

Self-efficacy and independent learning ability to promote each other, mutual support, from the theory of self-efficacy, students in learning to show no will, no interest, procrastination and abandonment and other lack of motivation to learn behavior, directly related to their ability to complete learning tasks self-assessment, therefore, want to enhance the child's learning motivation, it is necessary to enhance their self-efficacy of learning, according to Bandura (bandura) view, the source of personal self-efficacy is achievement performance, alternative experience, verbal persuasion and emotional stimulation and other four items Parents can also start from these four points when helping their children improve their motivation to learn. Just as a strong sense of self-efficacy leads to excellent self-learning ability, a strong sense of self-learning can also enhance a child's sense of self-efficacy, so that they can cope with various academic and career challenges in the future.

The 17-year-old Chinese girl won the title of the world's top little scientist! Which trick do parents use to educate their children? What are the success factors of self-directed learning that promote children's self-directed learning strategies

02. Effective learning strategies can be formulated to improve learning efficiency

Among the groups of students with excellent self-learning ability, common learning psychology and behaviors include: self-awareness, reflection, planning, evaluation and regulation. Self-awareness and reflection is a kind of Vipassana "confidant" consciousness, can understand the strength and weakness of their own ability, so as to stimulate the desire to learn; planning is a kind of appearance of the "overall" consciousness, can set a precise and feasible goal for themselves, understand the learning tasks they need to complete and the difficulties in it, so as to reasonably allocate time, the use of different learning methods to achieve results; evaluation and regulation is a kind of "control" consciousness of the overall situation, able to find their own known and unknown in the process of learning, Then adjust your learning style and pace according to the actual situation, knowing when, where, how, and why to use the learning strategies you have learned, so as to complete the process of efficient learning.

03, can stimulate interest in learning

Tolstoy wrote in his book Childhood. juvenile. "Youth" wrote, "Successful education needs not coercion, but to stimulate students' interest", interest and love can not be erased, psychological research shows that the level of interest index directly affects the effect of learning. In fact, it is not difficult to find that children's initial unconscious independent learning behavior is derived from the interest in the exploration of things, when the child's interest in learning is strong, the emotions are high, often able to devote themselves more deeply to learning and research, and widely dabble in the knowledge points related to it, quickly absorbed; and when the child loses interest, even if forced to ingest, it is difficult to adhere. Self-directed learning can stimulate interest in learning and make learning knowledge a craving. At the same time, cultivating children's interest in learning can also promote the improvement of their independent learning ability.

The 17-year-old Chinese girl won the title of the world's top little scientist! Which trick do parents use to educate their children? What are the success factors of self-directed learning that promote children's self-directed learning strategies

01. Properly plan the learning content and set clear goals

Children are the masters of learning, determine their own learning direction in the learning process, and take responsibility for their own learning. Parents need to understand their children's needs, make good use of resources and plan well, and guide their children to acquire knowledge and skills in the context of learning. At first, we can start from time planning, act according to the established schedule, overcome inertia, and complete learning tasks step by step and step by step; then, we can coordinate learning tasks, starting from the main task and gradually transitioning to secondary tasks; finally, we must also maintain a moderate amount of rest and exercise, and develop good learning habits to achieve high efficiency.

02. Stimulate children's initiative in pre-class and post-class review

Cultivating children's ability to learn independently is a long-term process, and this process should start from the establishment of good learning habits - to do pre-class preparation, read related reading materials, stimulate children's curiosity, let children come to the classroom with expectations and questions, have unlimited interest in the upcoming courses, and be thirsty for knowledge, so as to interact benignly with classmates and teachers in the classroom, and take the initiative to sort out knowledge. After class, it is necessary to give timely feedback, affirm the child's learning achievements, examine the mastery of knowledge, and make analogies flexible. Compared with learning knowledge, it is more important to master learning methods, shape learning ability, optimize learning strategies, and improve learning efficiency.

The 17-year-old Chinese girl won the title of the world's top little scientist! Which trick do parents use to educate their children? What are the success factors of self-directed learning that promote children's self-directed learning strategies

03. Link life learning and increase the opportunity to display results

Learning is everywhere in life, providing children with an environment for personal experiential learning activities, creating opportunities for discovery learning, allowing children to choose their own research projects according to their own preferences, focus of care or doubts in their hearts, and finally narrating and displaying, such a learning mode can encourage children to construct a knowledge system from personal exploration, expand their freedom to choose learning content, thereby enhancing learning interest and investment, and effectively promoting independent learning.

Self-directed learning is "conscious, active and active personalized learning", which is very worthy of admiration. Only when independent learners have a high sense of self-efficacy and "have effective learning strategies", can they be more engaged in and enjoy the learning process, can they become active builders of knowledge, and can they go to a higher level and become the true masters of knowledge and learning.

Children have children's lives, parents have parents' lives, only by cultivating children's ability to learn independently can children think independently and properly deal with problems in future learning and life. For parents, the key to growing up and progressing with their children is to cultivate their children's ability to learn independently. In the Singularity Parents University "Cold Door Students Scattered to Peking University" course, Pei Yuxue, a third-year student at Peking University's Yuanpei College, will lead parents to discuss "how to cultivate self-driven children". Ten years of cold window, it is inevitable that there will be anxiety and boredom, when faced with serious negative emotions, how do we deal with it, how should parents help their children relieve stress and regain confidence? You can get the answers in this class.

The 17-year-old Chinese girl won the title of the world's top little scientist! Which trick do parents use to educate their children? What are the success factors of self-directed learning that promote children's self-directed learning strategies

In the classroom, we will learn:

How important is it for family members to motivate their children?

How big is the role model?

What are some ways to self-motivate?

How to cultivate an interest in learning?

How to deal with the "uselessness of learning" in children?

How to provide a learning method for children?

How to use external forces to educate children?

How to avoid offensive forms of education?

How to accurately choose tutoring materials and extracurricular books for your child?

How can I help my child set a learning schedule?

How can children maintain the same self-discipline during the holidays?

How to correctly borrow the power of teachers, classmates and even the Internet in the process of education?

(The pictures are from the Internet, if there is infringement, it will be deleted)

#家庭教育 #

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