
Zhang Yan, Li Yuexi, Zhu Rui, etc. starred in "The War Behind the Smoke of Gunfire"

Zhang Yan as Xiao Tong in "The War Behind the Smoke of Gunfire".

Zhang Yan, Li Yuexi, Zhu Rui, etc. starred in "The War Behind the Smoke of Gunfire"

Li Yuexi as Cao Shunhua in "The War Behind the Smoke of Gunfire".

Zhang Yan, Li Yuexi, Zhu Rui, etc. starred in "The War Behind the Smoke of Gunfire"

Zhu Rui played Yan Ziyun in "The War Behind the Smoke of Gunfire".

Zhang Yan, Li Yuexi, Zhu Rui, etc. starred in "The War Behind the Smoke of Gunfire"

Yuan Zhongfang in "The War Behind the Smoke" as Keiko Nishimura.

Zhang Yan, Li Yuexi, Zhu Rui, etc. starred in "The War Behind the Smoke of Gunfire"

Zhu Lin played Mrs. Nishimura in "The War Behind the Smoke".

Zhang Yan, Li Yuexi, Zhu Rui, etc. starred in "The War Behind the Smoke of Gunfire"

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