
Guangming Daily: The old man's "laughing" exercise cannot be seen only as a joke

author:Red Star News

Looking up 45 degrees on his back, his arms outstretched to the sky, he let out a loud laugh of "hahaha"... Recently, in Panjin, Liaoning Province, the video of the big mother group laughing and exercising in the park caused controversy. Organizer Ms. Cao said that everyone laughed in the park for 15 to 20 minutes a day, and laughter was only one part, which was divided into shouting, full body slapping, laughter, overall movement and singing. Laughing is particularly magical, can treat constipation, cervical spondylosis, etc., and can also treat depression. Originally, many netizens only expressed curiosity about this kind of "performance art" of laughing at the sky after seeing the video, and when the organizers gave this response, there was a wave of worry in their hearts.

Guangming Daily: The old man's "laughing" exercise cannot be seen only as a joke

One is that the act of laughter itself can interfere with others. In particular, some elderly people laugh in groups like square dancing, if the time and place are not appropriate, it is easy to affect the rest and normal life of others, thus stimulating disputes and contradictions. Second, the so-called laughter can treat constipation, cervical spondylosis, depression, is there a scientific basis? That's a big question mark. At present, professional doctors have raised questions and reminders on the Internet. In fact, basically all drugs and methods that claim to be able to cure all diseases must have fictional and exaggerated components. If laughing can cure all kinds of difficult diseases, then how should the hospital deal with itself? What's more, there is probably an essential difference between laughter from the heart and laughter that is forced out. Not only "laughter", in recent years, with the popularity of the elderly fitness and health tide, some strange "folk remedies" have gradually become popular. For example, the "hanging" fitness that was once popular before, by the doctor's science may directly damage the nerves and spinal cord, serious fear of high paraplegia; in addition, there are "hitting the tree with the head", "slapping the gymnastics", etc., all of which have potential harm to the body.

Guangming Daily: The old man's "laughing" exercise cannot be seen only as a joke

Through these phenomena, in fact, we can also see that the elderly's fitness and health needs are increasing, and the facilities and conditions are becoming more and more sufficient, but the scientific, healthy and effective fitness and health concepts that match them are not really popularized. How can science and morality penetrate the barriers that divide the elderly? This is a social test question worth paying attention to and studying. Some elderly people subconsciously believe in the fitness method of the side door, which is subjective, but they lack a certain cultural accumulation and scientific literacy, which is objective. Therefore, we cannot laugh at these "laughing" elderly people, who are both vulnerable groups in this era of rapid development and victims of the spread of misinformation. What they need is help, not condemnation. In addition, the reason why many elderly people follow the trend and imitate these strange "fitness methods" is not only because they lack certain scientific common sense, but also because their social circles are relatively closed and isolated. They are also misled by word of mouth from their old partners and blindly follow suit. This requires the participation of rational voices outside the elderly community, such as children, communities, parks, health management departments, etc.

Guangming Daily: The old man's "laughing" exercise cannot be seen only as a joke

Loving the elderly and helping the elderly requires more initiative, but also requires more meticulous and sensitive awareness and care. In addition to the public opinion persuasion and popular science of the mass media, perhaps in some communities, you can also do some targeted science publicity; some parks where the elderly are more concentrated, you can also do some reminder boards or publicity columns to guide and guide the elderly to health and fitness, scientific health, and so on. The Chongyang Festival is coming, and the physical health and mental health problems of the elderly must be paid attention to. The wrong way of fitness must not be healthy, but likely to be harmful. Now, since it has aroused the attention of the media, and has also been questioned by professional doctors about its so-called efficacy, as well as the popularization of its harmful nature, it cannot be just treated as a joke, but as an urgent problem to solve.

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