
How to build meizhou "kedu grass carp" brand? Today's meeting is clear

author:South Plus client
How to build meizhou "kedu grass carp" brand? Today's meeting is clear

On the morning of the 28th, the Meizhou "Kedu Grass Carp" brand building promotion and fishery standardization breeding technology training meeting sponsored by the Meizhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and the Institute of Animal Sciences of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences was held in Meizhou. Gao Qingying, deputy director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province, and Zhang Chen, vice mayor of Meizhou City, attended the meeting. Liu Yutao, director of the Meizhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture, presided over the meeting.

It is understood that edible grass carp and farmed grass carp have a long history in Meizhou. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Meizhou had a record of "grain and fish juxtaposed with rice", which shows the prosperity of the development of grass carp.

Grass carp is the main dish of Meizhou Hakka family during the New Year festival and various banquet tables. In recent years, with the vigorous development of cultural tourism and leisure agriculture in Meizhou, "Kedu grass carp" has extended many opportunities for the integration of three industries, such as "traditional brand derivation", "raw fish culture inheritance" and "grass carp agricultural commodity b2b+o2o e-commerce".

How to build meizhou "kedu grass carp" brand? Today's meeting is clear

Gao Qingying, deputy director of the Department of Rural Agriculture of Guangdong Province, said at the meeting that Meizhou relies on the unique natural environment, selects grass carp with foundation, heritage and characteristics, and focuses on building it as a regional brand, initially launching the "Kedu grass carp" brand, and driving the rise of other aquatic products such as "Jiuye turtle", "Chunxing" white jade snail and other characteristic brands, so that Meizhou fishery has gradually entered the road of high-quality development, accumulating valuable experience for the province's fishery brand construction work and promoting the "one village, one product" rural economic development model. Next, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will give full support in terms of policies, projects and technologies to promote the high-quality development of Agriculture in Meizhou.

At present, Kedu grass carp is exported to Jiechaoshan, Xiazhangquan, pearl river delta and other places, the market reputation and popularity are rising; white jade snails containing 20 kinds of amino acids and cholesterol tend to be zero are exported to international markets such as Japan; imitation wild farmed jiuye turtle continues to be supplied to Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region; freshwater sharks raised in hot springs, containing medicinal value, and vigorous grass carp have attracted great attention and special reports from CCTV. It is estimated that the total output of aquatic products in Meizhou this year will be about 108,900 tons, with a total output value of 2.047 billion yuan.

How to build meizhou "kedu grass carp" brand? Today's meeting is clear

Zhang Chen, vice mayor of Meizhou City, said that in recent years, Meizhou has taken brand building as an important starting point for the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, launched the implementation of the "enterprise brand + regional brand + longevity brand" trinity differentiated agricultural brand strategy, and cultivated many agricultural public area brands such as Meizhou grapefruit, Jiaying tea, Kedu rice, Kedu grass carp, etc., and the influence of agricultural product brands has gradually expanded, and the market competitiveness has also increased year by year.

Zhang Chen pointed out that grass carp, as the largest aquaculture area and the highest yield of aquatic products in Meizhou City, has a long history and culture and a solid industrial foundation. Meizhou inherits the millennium "raw fish" culture, creates the "Kedu grass carp" brand, promotes the transformation and upgrading of Meizhou fishery, and drives the development of freshwater sharks, Australian freshwater lobsters and other more than 20 kinds of aquatic products breeding structure to further optimize, fishery output value steadily increased. At present, Meizhou has become an important supply base for high-quality grass carp in the guest areas of Guangdong, Fujian and Gansu provinces, and occupies a pivotal position in the high-quality grass carp market in the whole south China region. Zhang Chen stressed that the city's agricultural departments at all levels should take this meeting as an opportunity to take agricultural branding and standardization as a powerful engine for improving agricultural quality and efficiency, and take the "world's guest capital • longevity Meizhou" as the leader to further launch the "Meizi" agricultural brand and promote Meizhou's fishery to become bigger and stronger.

"Meizhou has been documented from the end of the Tang Dynasty to raise fish in rice fields, and has a long history. How to package the brand and build the brand is a problem that Meizhou's aquatic industry needs to think about in the next development process. Liu Yutao, director of the Meizhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture, said that this meeting is committed to disseminating and promoting the Meizhou "Kedu Grass Carp" brand, dissecting the "Kedu Grass Carp" brand building process, building a communication platform between authoritative experts in the field of aquatic products and enterprise management and technical personnel, and promoting the healthy development of Meizhou's aquatic industry.

How to build meizhou "kedu grass carp" brand? Today's meeting is clear

The meeting held the awarding ceremony of the first batch of standardized breeding bases for Grass Carp in Meizhou, and announced that these ten standardized breeding bases will become the top ten high-quality aquatic product procurement bases of Meizhou "Hakka Cuisine Project". Subsequently, the "industry-university-research" school (institute) cooperation agreement was signed on the spot, and Sun Yat-sen University, South China Normal University, South China Agricultural University, and the Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences signed cooperation agreements with relevant enterprises in Meizhou City.

How to build meizhou "kedu grass carp" brand? Today's meeting is clear

The meeting site also carried out the signing ceremony of the "production and marketing docking" cooperation of fresh aquatic products in Meizhou City and the signing ceremony of the credit grant for financial assistance to the development of the aquatic products industry.

How to build meizhou "kedu grass carp" brand? Today's meeting is clear

"In the past, most of the aquatic enterprises in Meizhou were self-produced and self-sold, and now with the strong support of the Meizhou Municipal Government and relevant departments, the 'Kedu grass carp' has been classified into the Hakka cuisine, which has given us great confidence and encouragement." Next, we will continue to insist on maintaining the quality of fish products, break through the limitation of only eating raw fish in practices, achieve 'one fish and many flavors', and let more professional people participate in this industrial chain. Lin Weiqiang, manager of Meizhou No. 1 Fish Agriculture Co., Ltd., said after the meeting.

How to build meizhou "kedu grass carp" brand? Today's meeting is clear

Link: Meizhou Kedu grass carp first batch of standardized breeding base

Meizhou Weiqun Co., Ltd

Meizhou Chenfeng Aquaculture Co., Ltd

Meizhou Qingda Industrial Co., Ltd

Meizhou Lulin Bay Aquaculture Co., Ltd

Meizhou No. 1 Fish Co., Ltd

Meizhou Sifeng Aquaculture Co., Ltd

Meizhou Good Natural Agriculture Development Co., Ltd

Meizhou Lushengyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd

Meixian Nankou Sanfeng Breeding Farm

Wuhua Xintian Agricultural Development Co., Ltd

[All-media reporter] Ma Ji chi He Yuanni He Senyao

[Correspondent] Xiao Minghao, Li Xin

How to build meizhou "kedu grass carp" brand? Today's meeting is clear

【Author】 Ma Jichi; He Yuanni; He Senyao

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

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