
Is Fuwa Calcium Gluconate Zinc Oral Liquid Good? How effective is fuwa calcium and zinc gluconate oral liquid

author:TOM News

Parents who have brought children know that children who are not picky and partial to eat are rare in the world. Many parents rack their brains, and their children just don't drink milk and don't eat meat. But milk is the main source of calcium, red meat is the main source of zinc, if you do not drink milk, do not eat meat, it is easy to lack calcium, zinc deficiency. In this case, the child will need to take medicine for calcium and zinc supplementation. As a representative of calcium and zinc with supplementation, Fuwa calcium and zinc gluconate oral solution is good? How effective is Fuwa Calcium And Zinc Gluconate Oral Liquid? Today, I will focus on calcium and zinc supplementation.

Let's start with a case. Lady, female, 3 years old, height 88cm, weight 12 kg. Before the age of 2, because of height and weight problems, I sought countless medical treatments, did a lot of examinations, ruled out various diseases, and concluded that the problem of improper diet was still the problem. After eating calcium carbonate granules, I also supplemented zinc gluconate, but because calcium is difficult to drink, the child refused and slowly stopped drinking.

From birth to now, the weight curve has been maintained at about 15%, indicating that the weight gain is not bad.

However, she was born 50cm tall, 65cm at 6 months, 74cm at the age of 1, 84cm at the age of 2, and 88cm at the age of 3. From being above 50% of the curve at birth to 5% of the 3-year-old, the height curve is constantly going down, which is obviously problematic.

What is the relationship between height and calcium? Why Calcium Supplementation? How to choose calcium?

The "Chinese Children's Calcium Nutrition Expert Consensus (2019 Edition)" pointed out that children with a dietary calcium intake of 566 mg per day increased their height faster, while calcium intake below 300 mg per day in adolescence may lead to short stature in adults.

In other words: Adequate calcium promotes children to grow taller, while inadequate calcium intake can lead to short stature.

Milk is the main source of calcium, "Chinese children's calcium nutrition expert consensus (2019 edition)" recommends that children 1-3 years old milk consumption is not less than 600ml per day, preschool children per day milk intake of 400-500ml.

But the girl hardly drinks milk, what to do? "Chinese Children's Calcium Nutrition Expert Consensus (2019 Edition)" recommends the use of calcium with a large calcium content, easy absorption of the gastrointestinal tract, high safety, good taste, and convenient to take, but it is difficult to insist on taking calcium because of its difficulty in drinking. For children like you, who can't insist on taking or picky eaters, parents can choose Fuwa calcium and zinc gluconate oral solution, which is sweet and sour orange flavor, the child does not resist, likes to drink, can insist on taking.

Why Zinc Supplementation? How to choose zinc?

In 2020, the "Expert Consensus on the Clinical Prevention and Treatment of Zinc Deficiency in Children" was issued, which pointed out that zinc deficiency can seriously damage human health and cause multi-system damage, such as growth retardation, repeated infections, diarrhea, etc.

Zinc is mainly obtained by eating more red meat with more zinc content such as beef, lean pork, liver, etc. If the child does not eat meat, the "Expert Consensus on the Clinical Prevention and Treatment of Zinc Deficiency in Children" recommends the use of zinc supplements that are easily soluble in water, easy to absorb and have a good taste, such as zinc gluconate.

Calcium and zinc supplementation, efficient and trouble-free

As mentioned earlier, you have eaten two drugs, calcium carbonate granules and zinc gluconate, as long as the child can eat it. However, because of the unpleasant taste of calcium carbonate, she refused to take medicine, which directly led to the failure of treatment.

In fact, parents can choose to give their children calcium and zinc gluconate oral solution, not only sweet and sour orange taste is the child's favorite taste, but also can calcium and zinc with supplementation, drink once, supplement two, efficient and convenient. Is Fuwa Calcium Gluconate Zinc Oral Liquid Good? How effective is Fuwa Calcium And Zinc Gluconate Oral Liquid?

Fuwa calcium and zinc gluconate oral solution is the representative of calcium and zinc supplementation, first regardless of whether fuwa calcium gluconate zinc oral liquid is good, fuwa calcium gluconate zinc oral liquid effect, we look back at how the consensus is recommended. It can be found that both recommend calcium gluconate and zinc gluconate. Therefore, Fuwa calcium and zinc gluconate oral solution is in line with consensus recommendations.

That said, for the answer to the above two questions: good, recommended.

Is Fuwa Calcium Gluconate Zinc Oral Liquid Good? How effective is Fuwa Calcium And Zinc Gluconate Oral Liquid? Let's analyze the drug itself.

Of course, the drugs of calcium and zinc supplementation are not only Fuwa calcium and zinc gluconate oral solution, but also others. But only The Rotary Calcium Gluconate Zinc Oral Solution is exclusive to orange flavor. Nearly 10,000 surveys of children's taste and taste in the country have proved that children's taste is in development, insensitive to taste, but the acceptance of orange flavor is the highest.

In addition to calcium and zinc supplementation, Fuwa also contains lysine, which is one of the essential amino acids of the human body and can promote growth and development. Children eat the same, make up three kinds, efficient and convenient.

Therefore, Fuwa calcium and zinc gluconate oral liquid is good, how effective is Fuwa calcium and zinc gluconate oral liquid, and how the answer is, I believe that after reading this article, you have been clear.

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