
Yiyuan Yuying 丨 also see Chen Huan

author:Wah Seng Online

△ Chen Huan calligraphy works (Interpretation: Xianda)

Wen 丨 Chi Meihua

On the morning of the beginning of September, there was a bright morning sun and the morning dew; there was also the news that Chen Huan's 12th National Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Exhibition seal book and seal carving were also exhibited. The WeChat circle of friends was lively, and many people were forwarding this news to congratulate Chen Huan on his coming to the door.

Chen Huan can have such impressive achievements in the field of calligraphy and seal engraving, I think it is inevitable.

In the early autumn of 2015, the selection of the 11th National Exhibition of Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Works, which attracted the attention of the book world, ended. A total of 49 works in our province were selected, and two authors won awards. This is the largest number of winners in Hunan's history, and the industry said that "Hunan has entered a strong calligraphy province from a large province of calligraphy". At that time, I did the will of the newspaper to make a special feature for this French book exhibition. Xie Qinming, the nominating judge of the current session and a famous seal engraver in China, recommended Chen Huan in this way: "Chen Huan, the Indian, the Changsha clan of Hunan, yu has never heard of it before, and has not seen it now." When I first commented, I was actually not optimistic. The print is very small, and it is not loved by those who are dizzy in my old eyes; moreover, the print screen is simple, and it is difficult to shine. However, in view of this, its inscription calligraphy is exquisitely different from the flow of time, and it is considerable. Its seal method, knife method, and chapter law can grow from each other, and the two can also be read. Its style is clumsy but elegant, and it is close to people. Fu Guxi style can produce the breath of books, rarely seen! I recommend Chen Huan, and I believe that the judges will not give up. Yan Fuchu, deputy director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Hunan Province and chairman of the Book Association, wrote a paragraph about Chen Huan at that time: "Chen Huan was the most diligent in the ancient seal and the general seal, and the seven small ancient seal seals selected this time, the knife method, the calligraphy, and the chapter method grew out of each other, and the ancient seal was engraved with a rare book volume, and the side section was carved with ancient style and elegance, so it is no wonder that although the seal is small, it is favored by the judges." ”

At that time, when interviewing Chen Huan, he saw a young man who was as sunny and handsome as a teenager and as quiet as a scholar. He said, "Actually, I've been on the road, slowly moving forward. Luckily winning the award, I see this as encouragement and encouragement, I will work harder. I remember being a little shy when he said these words.

Four years in a flash. See also Chen Huan. Compared with four years ago, it is less green and more calm.

When the 11th National Exhibition of Calligraphy and Seal Engraving won the award, Chen Huan had just turned 27 years old. I was very excited when I won the award, but then I fell into contemplation. Standing out from tens of thousands of works and winning the final award requires strength and is also lucky. Chen Huan realized that he still had a long way to go, especially to understand traditional Chinese culture. In the following years, he worked harder to visit the ancients, sometimes dozens of ancient seals a month.

After four years, at the 12th National Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Exhibition, when he was asked what changes in his mood when he won this honor again, he said: "Entering the exhibition is an affirmation and encouragement for me. The book is the same way of learning that I advocate, and only in this way can the seal engraving be more in-depth. To say that the change of mood should be more determined, do not look at the direction of the wind, look for the direction, and continue to move forward silently along this road. ”

In 2016, after layers of selection and assessment, Chen Huan became a member of the third phase of the China Book Association", "Sinology and Cultivation - National Young Backbone Writers Training Class", and was included in the Young Backbone Talent Pool of the China Book Association, which systematically reorganized the knowledge of Sinology, which was a rare opportunity for him to improve himself.

He said that the appearance of calligraphy seal engraving is the points, lines, and surfaces that are presented to the public, but this is not the essence. Like an iceberg, these dots and lines are only seen on the surface of the sea, and his foundation, sunk on the bottom of the sea, is only a small part exposed on the surface of the sea.

The deeper the foundations of traditional culture, the more stable the iceberg will be. Chen Huan advocates traditional philosophical thought, and every time he reads Lao Zhuang's Analects, he will be happy. He realized that Lao Tzu's thought contains a simple dialectical view, and the calligraphy and seal engraving creation pays great attention to dialectics, attaches great importance to opposition and unity, and is embodied in many dialectical relations such as virtual and real, thick and light, fast and slow, heavy and light. At the same time, calligraphy is also a kind of practice, cultivating a person's concentration and dedication to things, so that people learn more and more calmly, the more they learn, the more they learn, the more low-key they learn. His method of learning is to go back to the roots, learn everything, want to trace where it came from, and think about how it will develop. He pays attention to the reasons for the formation of writing and seal engraving, and reverses the writing or engraving process through the results presented. He believes that only in this way can there be a source and direction of innovation, and can we achieve the goal of entering the past and leaving the new. He said: "Drawing a gourd in the same way, without thinking and not seeking to understand, will get a pool of stagnant water; if you master the principle, you can live two, two, three, and three things." ”

"First-class loyal servant filial piety, two things to read and cultivate the field." This couplet is common in Hunan territory and some ancient villages in China, and Chen Huan likes it very much. His profession is a public security officer, and he attaches great importance to his work, always treating himself as an outsider in the calligraphy art circle. Reading and calligraphy seal engraving creation belong to his "cultivation reading". He believes that the ancients valued "loyalty and filial piety" and implemented it with "cultivation and reading", which is a kind of practice. With the deepening of learning, when the pages of the vast ancient classics are turned, they will feel more and more small. Over time, there is more calmness and reverence for learning calligraphy and seal engraving, and less fame and fortune in a hurry.

On weekends, Chen Huan often went to Yuelu Academy to listen to lectures, and there was an inferiority pavilion on the way from the river to the academy. "Inferiority" here is not the opposite of "self-confidence." Inferiority, from the Book of Etiquette, Zhongyong, "The way of a gentleman, as far as going far, will be self-defeating, as ascending to a high level, will be inferior." "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, as does the journey to the top, and the same is true for working and studying calligraphy. Chen Huan often encourages himself with "inferiority pavilion". In his spare time, Chen Huan cherished the time when he could calm down to read, write and engrave. He said: Only by dripping water through stones and working hard can we achieve a good situation.

Chen Huan calligraphy seal engraving collar works appreciation

Yiyuan Yuying 丨 also see Chen Huan
Yiyuan Yuying 丨 also see Chen Huan

[Editor-in-charge: Liu Hanlu]

[Source: Hunan Daily· New Hunan Client]