
Beauty and the Beast: Don't judge people by their appearance, the real beauty lies in the heart

author:Pale blue book shadow planet

In the beautiful palace, the prince is holding a grand and luxurious ball, and people in chinese costumes are spinning happily. Suddenly, an old woman broke in, trying to find a place to shelter from the rain, but the prince coldly refused her.

The old woman warned the prince not to judge people by their appearance, because the true beauty lies in the heart. But the prince still wanted to drive her away, and what the prince did not expect was that the old woman suddenly turned into a very beautiful witch.

To punish the prince, she turned him into an ugly beast and cast powerful spells on the entire castle and its servants, erasing their figures from the minds of their loved ones.

She gave the prince a magic rose and told him that if the prince could not fall in love with a man and gain the love of the other before the last rose petal withered, the prince would never again become human.

Beauty and the Beast: Don't judge people by their appearance, the real beauty lies in the heart

This is the opening scene of the classic Disney movie Beauty and the Beast, where the selfish prince is turned into an ugly beast by a witch.

If the beast were ugly, but good at heart, and it stood before you with a handsome, rich, selfish prince, who would you choose?

In other words, who would you choose for a person who looks ugly but is beautiful on the inside, and a person who is beautiful on the outside and rich but ugly on the inside?

First, no matter how beautiful the appearance is, the selfishness of the heart will turn people into monsters

In the movie, the handsome prince, because of his meanness and selfishness, is unwilling to take in the old woman who wants to escape the wind and rain - in fact, a beautiful witch, so he is punished and turned into an ugly beast by her.

Beauty and the Beast: Don't judge people by their appearance, the real beauty lies in the heart

Although this is a fairy tale, there are many such selfish people in reality.

There is a famous demon queen in ancient Chinese history, she is the empress Zhao Feiyan of the Hancheng Emperor. She was good at dancing, so she was favored by the Hancheng Emperor and was crowned empress.

However, she was not satisfied, and in order to consolidate her position, she persecuted Emperor Cheng's crown prince, resulting in not having a single child survive during the more than ten years that she was favored.

Her appearance can be described as extremely beautiful, but her heart is very selfish and vicious, for her own interests, she regards human life as a grass.

In the end, her fate was also very tragic, after the successive deaths of Emperor Hancheng and the new monarch she supported, she was reduced to a commoner and forced to commit suicide. Moreover, in the history of China, she has also left behind the ancient infamy of bringing calamity to the country and the people.

Beauty and the Beast: Don't judge people by their appearance, the real beauty lies in the heart

It can be seen that no matter how beautiful the appearance is, the selfishness in the heart will turn people into a monster that has done all bad things, and there is no good end in the end.

Second, the external beauty will eventually pass away, and the inner beauty is eternal

Belle is very beautiful and loves to read, she looks down on the handsome but rude Gaston, and she is also excluded by the ignorant and backward villagers because of her advanced thinking.

But she was still full of energy and hope, kind and brave at heart, and later she truly fell in love with the monsters who had become kind to her, thus removing the witch's curse and saving the prince, the castle and his servants.

In the real world, there are also people who are beautiful on the outside and good at heart, who make the world a better place and are therefore remembered by future generations.

Beauty and the Beast: Don't judge people by their appearance, the real beauty lies in the heart

I believe that Audrey Hepburn is no stranger to everyone, she is a British actress with international influence, has shaped countless classic screen images, won countless awards, and was named the third place of "Hollywood's 50 Legendary Superstars" by the American Film Association.

When she was young, she was extremely beautiful, known as "angels in the world", and dumped countless people in the world.

Not only has she achieved great things in film, but she has also devoted herself to philanthropy since then, becoming a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for poor, hungry and sick children around the world.

Although she is no longer beautiful in her old age, the beauty of her soul and the nobility of her soul set off her face full of radiance, who can say that she is not beautiful?

She was beautiful throughout her life and will always be remembered by the world after her death, and she has been named the first place in the "World's Most Beautiful Woman" by future generations many times.

Beauty and the Beast: Don't judge people by their appearance, the real beauty lies in the heart

It can be seen that the external beauty will eventually pass away, and no one can stay young forever, but the inner beauty can be eternal, and it will remain in the hearts of the world forever.

Third, those who know how to love others can obtain ultimate happiness

The prince lost his mother at an early age, and under the influence of his ruthless father, he grew into a person who did not understand love. He was cursed and turned into a monster.

He thought there was no hope in his life, that the spell could never be lifted, because he thought no one would fall in love with a monster.

But under the inspiration of the beautiful and kind Belle, he slowly changed, knowing how to love, care for others, and how to express love. They fell in love with each other, the curse was broken, and the prince, the castle, and the servants all changed back to their original forms.

Beauty and the Beast: Don't judge people by their appearance, the real beauty lies in the heart

Fairy tales usually have a happy ending, so in reality, will there be real fairy tales?

There is such a person who has devoted her life to the eradication of poverty, dedicating everything to the poor, the sick, orphans, the lonely, the homeless and the dying.

From the age of 12 until her death at the age of 87, she never lived for herself, but only for those who suffered, she was Mother Teresa.

In the spirit of fraternity, she silently pays attention to the poor, making them feel respected, cared for and loved. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her life's good deeds and was canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church.

Maybe those worldly people will think that she is too stupid, too hard, why should she dedicate her life to others, and what can she get herself?

Beauty and the Beast: Don't judge people by their appearance, the real beauty lies in the heart

Mother Teresa's life credo can serve as an answer to them:

"People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered

Either way, you have to forgive them

Even if you're friendly, people may still say you're selfish and ill-motivated

Either way, you still have to be friendly

When you become famous, you will have some false friends and some real enemies

Either way, you still have to succeed

Even if you are honest and outspoken, people may still deceive you

Either way, you still have to be honest and straightforward

Something you've built over the years, someone destroyed it overnight

Either way, you still have to create

If you find peace and happiness, they may be jealous of you

Either way, you still have to be happy

The good deeds you do today, people tend to forget tomorrow

Either way, you have to do good deeds

Even if you give the world your best things, maybe those things will never be enough

Anyway, give your best to the world

You see, in the end, it's between you and God

And it's never between you and someone else."

Beauty and the Beast: Don't judge people by their appearance, the real beauty lies in the heart

Mother Teresa gave everything for the world and dedicated her life, but she did not feel bitter, she was rich in her heart and happy in life.

What about us? Do we choose to be self-interested or a kind, altruistic person? When there is a handsome, rich, selfish prince and an ugly, good monster standing in front of you at the same time, who will you choose?

In the film, Belle, who is equally beautiful on the outside and inside, makes her choice, she chooses the monster that is ugly on the outside but beautiful in heart, and finally harvests the handsome, rich, and beautiful prince at heart.

So in reality, can we make our own right choices? I am reminded of what the witch said in the film: "Don't judge people by their appearance, the real beauty lies in the heart!" "How thought-provoking.

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