
The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

author:Kikuko Gourmet Notes
The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

Roche shrimp is also known as white-footed shrimp, Malaysian prawns, money shrimp, Wan's shrimp and so on.

Because Roche shrimp is larger than ordinary shrimp, the shell is thin and fat, and the meat is tender, so it has the reputation of freshwater shrimp king.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

There are many methods of Roche shrimp, and today Kikuko recommends the method of oil stewing.

The method of cooking in oil is to fry the shrimp first and then simmer until cooked.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

The largest Roche shrimp body can reach 40 cm long and weigh up to 600 g.

As one of the three largest shrimp species with the highest amount of culture, the price of Roche shrimp is also relatively moderate.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

This time Kikuko bought 2 pounds of about 100 yuan, all of which were alive and jumping.

Remember to treat the shrimp clean, the oil is so delicious to simmer, it is worth trying at home.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

Pay attention to the cooking process, pay attention to safety when frying Roche shrimp, and do not get burned by the oil splash.

In addition, the sauce can be adjusted according to personal experience.

If you haven't cooked this dish before, just do it, it's delicious enough to lick your fingers.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

Ingredient List:

Roche shrimp 1200g / ginger minced 10g / 2 scoops soy sauce / 1 scoop cornstarch

Oyster Sauce 1 Scoop / Water 60ml / Chopped Green Onion / Sugar / Salt to taste

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

Cooking steps

- step1 -

Fresh Roche shrimp cut off the shrimp stinger shrimp whisker shrimp feet, then pick off the shrimp line, and then cut the roche shrimp belly open to facilitate the taste.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step2 -

Add soy sauce and oyster sauce to a bowl and add cornstarch.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step3 -

Add salt and sugar, add water and stir well to form a sauce for later.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step4 -

Heat the oil and pour in the prepared Roche shrimp.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step5 -

Fry the roche shrimp until golden brown.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step6 -

Stir-fry under minced ginger until fragrant.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step7 -

Then add the sauce and continue to stir-fry, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step8 -

When the time comes, open the lid and simply stir-fry, sprinkle the green onion and stir-fry again before coming out of the pot.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

- step9 -

The aroma is fragrant, let's start first.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

Braised roche shrimp in oil, delicious to the point of licking fingers, regret buying less.

The meat is tender freshwater shrimp king, the oil is really delicious, so delicious to lick the finger oil braised Roche shrimp delicious presentation of kikuko story

Braised Roche shrimp in oil is kikuko's sister cooking's 840th delicious dish.

In fact, the method of Roche shrimp is not only stewed in oil, but also steamed braised and white-boiled.

You can cook according to the technique you are good at.

However, when handling shrimp, no matter what kind of cooking method, be sure to handle the shrimp cleanly and eat it more assured.

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