
The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

author:Mr. Lobbyist dys123

In addition to the twenty-eight generals of Yuntai, there are several famous generals who have also made immortal contributions to the opening of the country of the Eastern Han Dynasty, because many factors have not been listed among the twenty-eight generals of Yuntai, but their achievements cannot be annihilated in history; today we are talking about the very famous Fubo general Ma Yuan, whose ancestors are said to be the famous generals of the Zhao state in the Warring States period, Zhao Hao, and the famous generals are more graceful than their predecessors; their descendants have the famous Five Tiger Generals of the Shu State ma Chao at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the Ma family is also counted as the last loyalty of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Statue of Ma Yuan

I. Introduction to Ma Yuan's History:

Ma Yuan was born in 14 BC and died of illness in 49 AD, and his bloodline is said to be after the famous general Zhao Hao of the State of Zhao in the Warring States Period, and the other is said to be a descendant of the Xiongnu; his great-grandfather Ma Tong was an official of the Western Han Dynasty Emperor Wudi Liu Che period, and was considered a descendant of the official eunuch family. Ma Yuan's father Ma Zhong died when he was twelve, and his three brothers taught him to learn "Qi Poems", but Ma Yuan felt that it was meaningless to be a person who cares all day long, and wanted to travel thousands of miles, go to the frontier areas to graze and sing songs, and indulge in the vast world of horses; this innate personality preference also cast him to fly in the frontier land, so that one of the Ma family also fell leaves and took root in the vast land of Longxi.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Enssing Images

Ma Yuan originally wanted to indulge in the wilderness of Ma Yuan, not wanting his brother Ma Quan to suddenly die of illness, and Ma Yuan lost the dependence of his eldest brother as his father; Ma Yuan kept filial piety for his brother Ma Guan for a year and respected his widow; he did not act arbitrarily because of his young age, and he had the supreme obedience in filial piety and etiquette since he was a child; this was also very conspicuously reflected in educating his children and grandchildren after his achievements. Ma Yuan, who grew up, became a county governor, and when he was ordered to escort prisoners, the poor prisoners were severely punished for committing serious crimes, and they released the prisoners privately; it shows that there were already many problems in Wang Mang's regime at this time, and the facts of many policies have harmed many people, and Ma Yuan should have had dissatisfaction with some of the policies and laws of the imperial court; plus he has a certain sense of justice, so he will release prisoners privately; otherwise, with his obedience to the etiquette of the family and the responsibility of his duties, he will also become a fugitive for his life because of his crimes, and these serious adverse consequences can be seen. Ma Yuan should not have done such a thing; Ma Yuan must have done this for a great reason, it must have clashed with the life creed in his heart, the kindness in his heart, the sense of justice, and the great ambition to view the world, otherwise he would not be able to easily bear such a big price.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

The young Ma Yuan likes to ride the frontier and draw pictures

Second, the end of the world:

Ma Yuan fled to The Northland County, and after a period of exile, he encountered the world's amnesty, and Ma Yuan could live a bright and upright life; Ma Yuan raised cattle and sheep in the local area, and although the place was bitter and cold, there was not much discipline and involvement in freedom, and this kind of life was in line with what he wanted. The clever Ma Yuan raised cattle and sheep very well, but the world in the interior also began to turn upside down, and the chaotic government decrees and policies made some people flee one after another; some people fled to the place where Ma Yuan was located, and the border wasteland was much less disturbed by the rule; Ma Yuan, starting from taking in and helping these people, gradually gathered hundreds of families around him, and many of these people became Ma Yuan's guests in order to survive and repay Ma Yuan. He led these people to nomadic between Long and Han, and when he had leisure to drink and talk, he still expressed his ideals in life; nomadic life was only a momentary freedom and unrestrained, and the establishment of merit was the greatest ideal.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Ma Yuan drew a picture on longshang

Therefore, the harvest is getting richer and richer, with thousands of horses, cattle, and sheep, and tens of thousands of grains; however, Ma Yuan is not a fairly small rich lord, saying: "All the property obtained from agriculture and animal husbandry and commerce is valuable in being able to give relief to others, otherwise it is just a scrooge!" So, he gave all his property to his brothers and friends, and he wore only sheep fur pants and lived a simple life. The essential characteristics of Ma Yuan have once again been revealed, he likes to be free and unrestrained, his herding and farming skills are good, and he is eager to help the displaced people in a fair and righteous manner; he is not greedy for money and is suddenly generous, he regards property as grass and mustard, and his life is simple and frugal; he is not like the children of the eunuch family.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Ma Yuan's peaceful days

In the last year of Wang Mang's new dynasty, when the world was in chaos, Wang Mang's cousin Wang Lin served as a general of wei, recruited Haojie from all over the world, selected Ma Yuan as a warrior, and recommended him to Wang Mang, who then appointed Ma Yuan as the Great Yin of Xincheng. Ma Yuan did not have a chance to achieve anything, and Wang Mang's regime collapsed under total opposition; in 24 AD, the year after the establishment of the Gengshi regime, Ma Yuan and his brother Ma Yuan fled to the land of Liangzhou for refuge; in 25 AD, Liu Xiu established the Eastern Han dynasty in Hebei and took Luoyang as the base camp, and Ma Yuan ran to Luoyang to join Liu Xiu; Longxi became the land of Kui Huan's divided forces, and Ma Yuan was reused by Kui Huan, and became the general of Suide to participate in Kui Huan's decision-making.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Wang Mang drew a picture of the world in the last years of the new dynasty

Gongsun Shu also called himself emperor in Shudi, and Kui Huan sent Ma Yuan to see Gongsun Shu to listen to the truth; coincidentally, Gongsun Shu and Ma Yuan were still fellow countrymen, and the two had a good friendship before; but When Ma Yuan saw Gongsun Shu, he found that the changes in people's hearts and minds in the past were not what they used to be before, and Gongsun Shu not only put up the emperor's shelf, but also made everything very official and formal, and did a very important job in the field, and appointed him to the title of grand general; in fact, this is already a clear sign that I am the emperor on high, no matter what friendship and private feelings, I grace you to be an official; its guests still think that the treatment is good, but Ma Yuan thinks that Gongsun Shu is pretending to be a posture, and there is not much sincerity in putting up an emperor's shelf for Ma Yuan; such a Gongsun Shu is difficult to conspire to achieve great things, and after returning to Longyou, he said to Kui Hu that Gongsun Shu belongs to the frog at the bottom of the well, and it is difficult to become a big climate without the virtue of the Ming Jun, and persuades Kui Hu to be partial to Liu Xiu as the best strategy.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Ma Yuan saw Gongsun telling a story and drawing a picture

In 28 AD, Ma Yuan went to Luoyang with a letter from Kui Huan to meet Liu Xiu, and the two talked about it, Ma Yuan decided that Liu Xiu was the true dragon tianzi, and Liu Xiu believed that Ma Yuan was a good minister with talent and courage; the two met very happily, and it was quite a good encounter between Ming Jun and Xian Chen. Liu Xiu sealed Ma Yuan as an adviser to the Emperor; Ma Yuan wanted to return to Kui Huan to resume his life, and Liu Xiu sent the chancellor Taizhong Doctor to deliver the festival, which was a very high courtesy. Kui Huan asked Ma Yuan about Liu Xiu as a person, Ma Yuan's evaluation was very high, and Kui Huan thought that Ma Yuan's ability to evaluate Liu Xiu's style exceeded Liu Bang's, which was a bit exaggerated. However, he still had a certain degree of trust in Ma Yuan's eyesight, so he decided to send his son Kui Ke to Luoyang as a hostage to show his submission to Liu Xiu; but his inner ambition to dominate Longxi was always there. Ma Yuan followed Kui Gong to Chang'an, and for three months there was no appointment, he saw that the land in the Sanfu area was fertile, the wilderness was wide, and there were many guests he brought, so he wrote to Liu Xiu and asked to lead the guests to ShanglinYuan to Tuntian, and the Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu agreed to his request.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Ma Yuan saw Liu Xiu and talked happily

III. The Smoke of War Rises and Serves the Lord:

Kui Huan's power in Longxi gradually stabilized, and the ambitions of some of his subordinates were increasingly inflated, and at the instigation of the general Wang Yuan, he wanted to become the overlord of Longxi, and he had two hearts for Liu Xiu of Han; When Ma Yuan heard the news, he immediately wrote a letter to advise Kui Huan, and even the best good words could not penetrate the ears of the lord and the desire of the heart, and Kui Huan instead thought that Ma Yuan had betrayed him. Soon, Kui Huan raised an army to rebel against Liu Xiu, and Ma Yuan had a very clear understanding of Kui Huan's internal situation, and immediately wrote to Liu Xiu to state his plan to eliminate Kui Xiu. Liu Xiu had no doubts about Ma Yuan, and immediately appointed Ma Yuan as the vanguard of the front, leading an army of five thousand tentatively to conquer Kui Huan. Ma Yuan took the offensive as the first priority, made a strong statement to his old colleagues, recruited some generals, and successfully disintegrated some of the military hearts of the Kui forces.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

隗嚣 Person Image

In 32 AD, Liu Xiu personally led a large army to conquer the Kui Hu clique, because the Han army camp did not know much about the terrain of Longxi, along the way found that the mountains in the Longxi area were dangerous, the terrain was complex, and it was not easy to rush forward, Liu Xiu was hesitant to listen to the music; just as Ma Yuan arrived, he thought that the time was the most appropriate, and it was not possible to rub the fighter plane; as for the mountain terrain, Ma Yuan already knew it well, and used some rice to pile up the terrain sand table into Longxi; the mountain range path, the gully and canal, immediately showed clearly in front of the generals. Ma Yuan pointed to the rice plate and explained them one by one. The next day, the army and horses united by the five counties of Hexi led by Mu Dourong of Liangzhou rushed to join Liu Xiu; Liu Xiu commanded a large army to attack Long by a divided road, and Kui Huan's thirteen generals and more than 100,000 of his men surrendered without a fight, and Kui Huan fled to Xicheng to help the Longshu army Li Yu and Tian Yi to flee to Shangyi. The Han army occupied 16 subordinate counties in Tianshui, and Liu Xiu sent Wu Han and Cen Peng to besiege Xicheng and Geng Yi to besiege Shangyi. At this point, the main force of the Kui Huan Army was basically wiped out by the Han army. In this battle, Ma Yuan's "pile of rice for the mountain" is an important reason for the victory of this battle, which is also a pioneering move in the history of war and is of great significance.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Ma Yuandui rice is a precedent for the military sand table of the mountain

After the war, Ma Yuanben was in Chang'an as Lai's deputy to lead the garrison, and the Qiang tribes outside the Border of Sai were in an endless stream of incidents of border intrusion, and they occupied some cities deep into the Serene; the Qiang people in the land of Longxi were constantly harassing and chaotic, and only Ma Yuan's single person could stabilize the land of Longxi, and no one but him could be at peace; in 35 AD, Liu Xiu appointed Ma Yuan as the Taishou of Longxi, and Ma Yuan led the army to advance, first riding in three thousand steps to defeat the Xianzhi Qiang in Lintao, winning a great victory and deterring some Qiang troops to surrender; and then attacking the main gathering place of the Qiang army. In this battle, Ma Yuan not only took the lead in fighting, but also shot through his legs and stomach with flying arrows, but also distributed a lot of the treasures that Liu Xiu had rewarded him to the brave soldiers in battle. At that time, the Jincheng City was west of the Qiang Dynasty, far from the Han Dynasty Road, and there were often chaos and difficult to govern. Some court ministers deliberated on abandoning the area. Ma Yuan disagreed, and he put forward three reasons: First, the castles west of the Broken Qiang were still intact and strong, suitable for entrenchment; Second, that place the land is fertile and irrigation is convenient; Third, if we abandon it and let the Qiang people occupy Huangzhong, then there will be endless calamities in the future. Liu Xiu adopted Ma Yuan's advice, and while establishing some relative policies, he arranged other things to cooperate, and at the same time, he sent Ma Yuan to Longxi as a Taishou, and carried out a two-strategy of pampering and conquest of the Qiang people on the border; in the six years under Ma Yuan's administration, Longxi gradually returned to Taiping, the incidents of bing ge were rare, and people gradually lived a peaceful and stable life. Ma Yuan's meritorious influence in Longxi continued until the war and chaos of the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and the achievements of his descendants Ma Chao's generation.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Distribution map of Ma Yuanping Xiqiang

4. Loyalty to the North and South of the National Peace:

In 41 AD, Ma Yuan was transferred back to Chang'an as the general of the Tiger Ben Zhonglang, who was concerned about state affairs and knew everything about the analysis of events related to the government and politics, and did not hide from the situation of fear. Among them, the advice of perseverance to mint five-baht coins to change coins was finally approved by Liu Xiu, which benefited the world. For the first time, Ma Yuan led his army to Lingnan, organized more than 10,000 soldiers and horses in various counties, beheaded Li Guang and other leaders, and scattered the rebel army. Soon, the women who crossed the site raised troops to rebel and occupied the county, and Jiuzhen, Nichinan, Hepu and other places responded one after another. Zheng Bian took the opportunity to establish himself as king at Luling and openly broke with the Eastern Han court. Liu Xiu appointed Ma Yuan as the general of Fubo, and Liu Long the Marquis of Fule as his deputy general, leading the louchuan general Duan Zhi and others to fight in the south. When the troops arrived in Hepu, Duan Zhi died, and Liu Xiu ordered Ma Yuan to lead his army. Therefore, the Ma Aid Unified Army marched along the coast, opened the road with the mountains, and drove straight into more than a thousand miles.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Ma Yuanping Lingnan draws

Several battles were fought by Ma Yuan, which lasted until 43 AD, when Ma Yuan defeated the army led by the Zhengbian and Zhengyi sisters, killing the two sisters, and then pursuing the rest of the people and pacifying the Lingnan region in one fell swoop. Ma Yuan, seeing that Xiyu County had a vast territory with more than 32,000 households, and that the remote areas were more than a thousand miles away from the administrative office, and that it was inconvenient to manage them, so he wrote to Liu Xiu and requested that Xiyu be divided into Fengxi and Wanghai counties. Everywhere Ma Yuan went, he organized manpower to repair the city for the counties and counties, and opened canals to divert water and irrigate the fields to facilitate the people. Ma Yuan also referred to the laws of the Han Dynasty, sorted out the Yue laws, corrected the contradictions between the Yue laws and the Han laws, and declared them to the locals in order to restrain them. Since then, the local government has always abided by the law applied for by Ma Yuan, the so-called "following the story of General Ma." "In 44 AD, Ma Yuan returned to the dynasty in victory and reached the position of ninth secretary. After returning for more than a month, the Fufeng of the Three Auxiliary Lands was again invaded by Wuhuan and Xiongnu, which was related to the safety of the Imperial Tomb Land, and Liu Xiu voluntarily led his troops out on a campaign; in 45 AD, Ma Yuan led three thousand cavalry out of Gaoliu and successively toured Yanmen, Dai County, Shanggu, and other places; the Xiongnu and Wuhuan saw the Han army coming to seek revenge, and scattered to hide; Ma Yuan wandered around in a circle to shock the enemy's guts and returned calmly.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Battle drawings of the conscription side and the conscription sisters

Fifth, quell the chaos of the Ma Ge shroud but covered in dust:

In 48 AD, the Wuxi Rebellion in Wuling County, in the south, the Wuwei general Liu Shang led the army to quell the rebellion, and as a result, the light enemy ventured into the whole army and was destroyed; Ma Yuan, who was already sixty-two years old, jumped out and was willing to lead the troops to quell the chaos; Liu Xiu considered that he was too old to go to war, and the old man ma was not convinced, and he flew on his horse with a weapon in armor to show Liu Xiu, and for a while he had to flutter and his spirit was flying, which was really a martyr's twilight years, and the old man was strong. Liu Xiu saw that Ma Yuan's arrogance was not removed, his ambition was not over, he was very touched, and smiled: "This old man is so healthy!" Therefore, Ma Yuan was sent to lead Zhonglang to lead Ma Wu, Geng Shu, Liu Kuang, Sun Yong and others to lead 40,000 people on an expedition to Wuling. Before leaving, he said to his friend Du Yan, who was sending him off: "I have received great favors from the state, and my age is tight for a short time, and I am often afraid that I will not be able to die in state affairs, and now that I have the opportunity to go on a military expedition, I am willing to die, and I am afraid that some elderly people's families may be around or involved in the aftermath, and it is particularly difficult to dispatch them. He was quite worried about gossip and other rumors, villains and villains; later, it was not as good as expected such problems.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Portrait of veteran Ma Yuan

In 49 AD, Ma Yuan's army arrived in Linxiang, and was attacked by barbarians, and the veteran general Zhan Jun's army won a complete victory against the enemy, killing more than 2,000 enemies, and the rest fled into the mountains and forests. When the troops arrived in Xiajun, there were two roads to go, one was through Hutou Mountain, and the other was through Chong County. Through Hutou Mountain, the road is close, but the mountain is high and the water is dangerous, through Chong County, the road is far, the grain transportation is inconvenient, but the road is flat. Exactly where to go from, Liu Xiu couldn't make up his mind at first. Geng Shu, one of the sons of the magnates that Ma Yuan said when he set out, wanted to start from Chong County, while Ma Yuan believed that it was better to march into Chong County and consume daily food, so it was better to go straight into the pot and strangle its throat, and the barbarians in Chong County would definitely not attack themselves. The two people disagreed, so they explained the situation on the table and asked the emperor to adjudicate, and the emperor agreed with Ma Yuan's opinion.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Draw a picture of the discord between the generals

In March, Ma Yuan led his army into Hutou, the barbarians had to defend by virtue of the dangerous terrain, the mountains and high roads were dangerous and the rivers were rushing, and the barbarians were stuck to block the road by the danger of passing; the Han army was temporarily hindered and could not move forward, and the local weather was extremely hot and difficult, and many soldiers died of infectious diseases such as summer diseases. Even Ma Yuan was infected with the plague and did not dare to slacken off in the face of difficulties, and Ma Yuan, who was not weak in heart, personally inspected the terrain with illness, and his soldiers were deeply moved by his spirit, and many people burst into tears. When Geng Shu saw this, he felt that he had found the factual evidence of SamMa Yuan, and wrote a letter to his brother Geng Yi, who came forward to sue Ma Yuan; Geng Yi's family was highly meritorious and highly valued by Liu Xiu, so Liu Xiu sent Liang Song to question Ma Yuan, and ordered him to supervise Ma Yuan's troops. When Liang Song arrived in the army, Ma Yuan had already contracted an illness and died; this Liang Song and Ma Yuan had an old grudge, and took the opportunity to frame Ma Yuan, which made Liu Xiu furious and deprived Ma Yuan of the new Hou Yinshou.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Portrait of Ma Yuan's illness and death in the dust of the battlefield

Coupled with some old things that caused some courtiers to resent, Ma Yuan was also thrown into the well by some courtiers with gaps, and Ma Yuan's reputation as a generation of famous heroes fell into the worldly slander and rumors; Ma Yuan's family did not know why the emperor was so angry, did not know what crime Ma Yuan had committed, and was afraid and uneasy. Ma Yuan's body was transported back, and he did not dare to bury it in the original cemetery, but only bought a few acres of land in the west of the city and buried it hastily; Ma Yuan's guests and friends did not dare to go to Ma Yuan's house to mourn, and the situation was very bleak. After the burial of Ma Yuan, Ma Yuan's nephew Ma Yan and Ma Yuan's wife and children went to the imperial court to plead guilty; Liu Xiu showed them Liang Song's recital, and after Ma Yuan's wife learned of the origin of the matter, she wrote to the emperor six times to complain about the grievances, and the words were poignant; Liu Xiu ordered Ma Yuan's burial, but Ma Yuan's reputation was not restored; the former Yunyang Ling Zhu Bo also wrote to Ma Yuan's grievances.

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Images of the Entangs

Summary: As an important general in the late pingtian period of the founding of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ma Yuan's contribution to the pingnanbei and northern frontiers was indispensable; but in terms of the time, groups, and opportunities of entering the Eastern Han camp, he was not counted in the same batch with many important figures among the twenty-eight generals; among the courtiers of the same dynasty, there must be such a dispute between the division of gangs and factions; and Ma Yuan was upright, outspoken, and attached great importance to people's character; therefore, he offended many people in words and deeds, and said some pertinent evaluations to some people in educating their children, and also passed into the ears of the younger generation. He was resented by the other side and waited for an opportunity to take revenge; therefore, after fighting in the battlefield of the sick and dead army, he was obstructed by many villains, framed and deceived the emperor, and was treated unfairly. Later, Ma Yuan's daughter became the empress of Liu Zhuang, the Emperor of Hanming, and a famous general during the Jianwu period of Yuntai, in order to avoid the suspicion of the pepper room, did not paint Ma Yuan alone. When Liu Cang, the King of Dongping, looked at the image, he asked Emperor Ming, "Why don't you paint a portrait of General Fubo?" Emperor Ming laughed but did not answer. It was not until 78 AD that the Han Zhang Emperor Liu Ju (dá) sent the five-sense Zhonglang general Zhonglang to hold the festival and posthumously honor Ma Yuan as the Marquis of Zhongcheng, which completely restored Ma Yuan's reputation. Speaking of his merits, I am afraid that some of the twenty-eight generals in Yuntai are inferior to him. Everyone said that this is not the case, welcome to leave a message to communicate. (Picture from the network, thanks for borrowing)

The founding general of the Eastern Han Dynasty: Ma Yuan, who lived in the dust of the world

Original author: @ Lobbyist Mr. dys123 hobbies are complex, the way of moderation, a brief history, cultural talk, welcome to exchange, fun life.

Reference Book: Book of the Later Han Dynasty

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