
My husband and I resigned at home for two years, and my personal experience tells you: How to make money with a baby without mistakes, from the media thousands, why do you get involved with the headlines? Second, adhere to the dawn brought by writing Third, the self-media road in the field of parenting, extraordinarily tortuous four, resolutely resigned, returned to the headlines

author:Yi Yi's mother's parenting experience

Before I knew it, it had been almost two months since I left the headlines. Today, everything is back to square one, and I once again opened the headlines, typed the keyboard, and wrote down the three words I was most familiar with- Beichen Ma.

Yes, here, I am the Beichen mother who collects the daily bits and pieces of Xiao Beichen and shares the parenting knowledge with everyone. Now I want to tell you the story of my relationship with Headline Parenting, and I want to share the ups and downs I have experienced in the past two months.

When I was not pregnant with Xiao Beichen, my husband and I both worked in Guangzhou, I was an English teacher at a training institution, he was the operator of an Internet company, and the two of them did not worry about eating, wearing, living and living comfortably. But the sudden arrival of the child disrupted all our plans, and after some mental struggle, we decided to have this child.

After quitting my job, I followed my husband to his hometown of Sichuan, a place that was diametrically opposed to guangdong's lifestyle habits. I thought that as long as I had love in my heart, I could overcome the impact of the strange environment, but the discomfort of pregnancy and the almost zero interpersonal relationships made my emotions rise and fall. Therefore, during the nine months of being pregnant with Xiao Beichen, I was particularly dependent on my husband, who was also very considerate of not going to work and accompanied me as much as possible.

Xiao Beichen was born smoothly, but at this time, the problem came, and the cost of the baby was far more than we thought. Baby's clothes, milk powder, bottles, diapers, toys, etc., want to give the child the best we can, but found that a year without work we can give the baby does not seem to be very good. I can't help but sigh and find a way to make money!

My husband and I resigned at home for two years, and my personal experience tells you: How to make money with a baby without mistakes, from the media thousands, why do you get involved with the headlines? Second, adhere to the dawn brought by writing Third, the self-media road in the field of parenting, extraordinarily tortuous four, resolutely resigned, returned to the headlines

Still in the puerperium period, I was anxious for the baby, for the source of income of this family, when I tried the network dubbing, specifically to provide dry sound for a self-media studio in the film field, 60 yuan a day, with 20 manuscripts, a text of about 500 words, it feels very relaxed, but it is really defeated by reality, recording is too slow! After saying a few words, Xiao Beichen hissed a few times, and I had to run to the bed to comfort him, and then continue recording. 1 and a half minutes of finished products, I recorded for 15 minutes, but anyway at night Xiao Beichen flatulence, always crying, coaxed and slept, I basically can't sleep, so I recorded on the side again, a week down, the spirit and throat is the first to hold up, hey -

Sir saw that I was working so hard, and suggested that I say: "Wife, we will not record!" Your writing is so good, you read a lot of books, you can try to write the public account article, ah, we can also do self-media! In this way, it is convenient to take care of the baby in the future, and you can also make money. Sir's words woke me up.

That night, after I registered for a WeChat public account, I launched my blueprint plan. First of all, the future development field is set as parenting, the reason is very simple, I can write articles while learning how to be a mother, the so-called "knowledge is not as good as strong memory", as a novice mother I need to learn a lot of scientific, brand-new parenting knowledge, and after searching for information, I can edit and sort, and then combine my own feelings, write new articles, so that the parenting knowledge and concepts I learned can deepen the impression in the articles I wrote, to achieve the purpose of "strong memory".

My husband and I resigned at home for two years, and my personal experience tells you: How to make money with a baby without mistakes, from the media thousands, why do you get involved with the headlines? Second, adhere to the dawn brought by writing Third, the self-media road in the field of parenting, extraordinarily tortuous four, resolutely resigned, returned to the headlines

I still remember my first article "Baby crying or not hugging, not crying to hold?" Inspired by an article in the circle of friends about attacking the "cry immunity method", I listed Harlow's rhesus monkey experiment to highlight that children need love and companionship more than shock, and indifferent cry immunity will only make children shadow.

After confidently writing the article, I pulled relatives and friends in various family groups to praise and promote me, but the effect was like a small pebble occasionally thrown on the surface of a calm lake.

Fortunately, Mr. Good Evil is a person who has worked in an Internet company and said to me: "Wife, you can try to publish articles in today's headlines!" Even Douyin is also under today's headlines, and when the time comes, your article will definitely be seen by more people! I have registered the account for you, you can write it with confidence! "

In this way, I got acquainted with headline parenting.

In the days that followed, I had one more motivation to leave the bed, that is, to get up and open the computer to write articles and read data. Looking at the reading volume from 100 to 1000, from 1000 to 1w, looking at the comments and likes of readers, the number of fans gradually increased, and even the income changed from 1 cent per day to 1 dime; the heart was full of joy and excitement, although the data was small, but it also meant that my article was finally seen by people except for relatives and friends.

My husband and I resigned at home for two years, and my personal experience tells you: How to make money with a baby without mistakes, from the media thousands, why do you get involved with the headlines? Second, adhere to the dawn brought by writing Third, the self-media road in the field of parenting, extraordinarily tortuous four, resolutely resigned, returned to the headlines

In the first article with more than 10,000 hits, I was even trembling in replying to the comments, afraid that my professional knowledge was not enough, I often ran to ask my girlfriend who was studying at Southern Medical University, and then the girlfriend went to ask her mentor, who was tirelessly striving for the truth at that time, and that serious and rigorous self, so that I feel how attractive I am now.

As I wrote more and more articles, toutiao invited me to open the original function, and the original article meant that I could finally justify the article I wrote, and of course, it also meant higher income. However, after carefully reading the original requirements, I found that there is a regulation that "original labels cannot be selected for popular science articles". Therefore, the next several articles I have worked so hard to write, all because of the nature of popular science, I gave up the original label, it is estimated that even the system was confused by me, often after sending the article to me to play a window: "Please use the original function as soon as possible, otherwise it may be closed in the future." Now that I think about my original self, it is really cute and stubborn.

Later, in the articles I wrote, I boldly hooked the original, and the result was that the income actually changed from 1 dime a day to 1 yuan, which made my little heart excited!

And what really makes me confident in today's headlines is that on February 1, 2019, when I opened the familiar headline writing page, I popped out a strange red window, and what came into my eyes was the four big words of "Qingyun Plan", and there was also the word "bonus 300 yuan" below, which was a great recognition of my persistence in writing, I could never forget that moment, I was excited like a child, hugged Mr. Hard, hugged for a long time.

My husband and I resigned at home for two years, and my personal experience tells you: How to make money with a baby without mistakes, from the media thousands, why do you get involved with the headlines? Second, adhere to the dawn brought by writing Third, the self-media road in the field of parenting, extraordinarily tortuous four, resolutely resigned, returned to the headlines

There is a saying in the "Peach Blossom Origin": "The beginning is extremely narrow, and only then can it understand people." Repeat dozens of steps, suddenly enlightened. The same is true of writing in the headlines, choosing this "sheep gut trail", only after continuous perseverance and walking out of the darkness, can there be a "sudden enlightenment" behind and appreciate the colorful "paradise".

Thanks to headline parenting, give our mother a path to Taoyuan, as to whether you can go on, you have to rely on your own efforts.

My husband and I resigned at home for two years, and my personal experience tells you: How to make money with a baby without mistakes, from the media thousands, why do you get involved with the headlines? Second, adhere to the dawn brought by writing Third, the self-media road in the field of parenting, extraordinarily tortuous four, resolutely resigned, returned to the headlines

The scenery on this road is beautiful, but only those who really walk on the road will understand the hardships, especially for a mother.

Some careful fans have found that since August, the frequency of my more texts has plummeted, from the original day to two days and one change, and then to three days and one change, and two changes a week. Even in September, a whole month, I wrote an article, why is that?

One reason: under pressure, back into the workforce

Speaking of self-media, many older generations have scoffed at this, always thinking that having a stable job is better than anything else. When I was in Guangdong, as an English teacher, the salary was very impressive, but since I quit my pregnancy, my parents more or less blamed me, thinking that I should return to the workplace when the child was 3 months old, and find a teaching job in Sichuan, instead of living around the child all day long, staying at home and writing articles.

I used my writing results to convince them, more than 50 Qingyun Awards, headlines large and small essay contest winners, selected to headlines most valuable long picture text 2000 accounts, each month's income is enough for children's expenses, so I want to continue to walk in this walk. But helplessly, the mother's side is settled, but the gentleman's side is uneven and rising.

After the gentleman who worked in Guangzhou for many years returned to Sichuan, because of the low salary level and the problem of few occupations in his hometown, he did not find the ideal job for a long time, the two people did not work formally for almost two years, and the savings were spent seven or seven eight eight, coupled with the pressure of car loans, the foreign debt of relatives and friends, so that our family is filled with a "pocket shy" money crisis.

So I took the initiative to propose, I went to the primary school as an English teacher, usually there is no class, you can write articles, after all, the primary school is more relaxed, in Sichuan English is not the main subject.

My husband and I resigned at home for two years, and my personal experience tells you: How to make money with a baby without mistakes, from the media thousands, why do you get involved with the headlines? Second, adhere to the dawn brought by writing Third, the self-media road in the field of parenting, extraordinarily tortuous four, resolutely resigned, returned to the headlines

After a round of interviews and written tests, I successfully began the "Road to Preaching and Solving Problems" at the school in September. The ideal is very full, but the reality destroys me. Although I only taught English in the third grade, I was put in charge of teaching 8 classes with 16 lessons a week.

I didn't understand the city's English teaching model, so I had to teach English as if it were the main subject in Guangdong (but in Guangdong, I only taught 2 classes at a time and never tried 8 classes). Lesson preparation, grading homework, contacting parents, reflecting on student situations, weekly quiz, monthly beta...

Physical fatigue is secondary, and the most important thing for my teachers to be valued is that I only read English early once a week, and even the class teacher chooses to close the classroom door directly and read the language aloud! I came to school early to check on my early reading and ate behind closed doors several times. Or when I called a student to make up for my homework, I hadn't left the classroom yet, but I was called back by my Math teacher to do the exam paper. This is a situation that has never been encountered when teaching in Guangdong.

Oh, and don't forget, I'm still a nursing mom! Physically and mentally exhausted during the day, he had to hide in the school toilet at noon to secretly milk the cows, and when he came home at night, he had to take Xiao Beichen with him to play, bathe, read story books, sleep, do housework...

Don't talk about writing articles, I'm so tired that I don't even have the strength to hug Xiao Beichen!

Within a month of leaving the headlines, I discovered that it was so easy to take a baby at home and write.

My husband and I resigned at home for two years, and my personal experience tells you: How to make money with a baby without mistakes, from the media thousands, why do you get involved with the headlines? Second, adhere to the dawn brought by writing Third, the self-media road in the field of parenting, extraordinarily tortuous four, resolutely resigned, returned to the headlines

Reason two: refuse to wean, take the baby alone, tired

Since August, considering that Xiao Beichen has been 9 months, so the family has been urging me to wean for many reasons, although they have all been rejected by me, but the atmosphere at home is extremely depressing, and my relationship with my husband is even more different from the past Qinse and Ming, leaving endless Anglo-Yang. Later, in order to insist on breast milk, I let my mother-in-law, who used to help take the baby during the day, go out to play, and take over the responsibility of eating and drinking Lazar alone.

My husband and I resigned at home for two years, and my personal experience tells you: How to make money with a baby without mistakes, from the media thousands, why do you get involved with the headlines? Second, adhere to the dawn brought by writing Third, the self-media road in the field of parenting, extraordinarily tortuous four, resolutely resigned, returned to the headlines

In the following days, basically every night, I only slept for 3-4 hours, because Xiao Beichen would wake up with his own urine, and then cry, sometimes the diapers were full, and the sheets would be wet, sometimes Xiao Beichen would turn over and look for the most comfortable sleeping position, he could always easily turn the quilt on his body, or when I was asleep, Xiao Beichen would lie on top of me with a Tarzan, which were all factors that made me sleepless;

But when the sky is still slightly turned white, at 5 or 6 o'clock in the morning, I am awakened by the cry of Xiao Beichen who needs to eat morning milk, and after a meal of reassurance, I need to go to the kitchen to prepare ingredients and make a day's supplementary food for Xiao Beichen.

Of course, their own breakfast can not be less, during this period to play twelve points of spirit, to ensure quiet, but any slightly louder sound will wake up the sensitive little Beichen, so after the fire and carefully eat breakfast, the time has reached 8 o'clock. Hey, before the baby gets up, clean the living room and aisles, and also wash all his toys and teethers with boiling water, for fear of illness coming in from the mouth.

After the housework is almost done, Xiao Beichen has also reached the time to be woken up by his own cang, although I do not advocate urinating, but for the traces and regular baby pulling the cang, I am still happy to help him kick this "door foot": take Xiao Beichen to the toilet to pick up the stick. "Poof-- " After Xiao Beichen's smooth defecation, he didn't have to think about it, he also needed to help him wash his ass, wash his small face, wash his hands and hands, apply hip cream, body milk, and finally put on clothes, give him breakfast, play with him...

My husband and I resigned at home for two years, and my personal experience tells you: How to make money with a baby without mistakes, from the media thousands, why do you get involved with the headlines? Second, adhere to the dawn brought by writing Third, the self-media road in the field of parenting, extraordinarily tortuous four, resolutely resigned, returned to the headlines

The time of day was so fragmented by the trivial affairs of the child, so I was so tired that I did not have the slightest impulse to open the computer and write articles.

However, although it is tiring to take the baby alone, but think about it, the child can grow up according to his own parenting concept, less the nagging of the older generation, it is also a pleasure! Moreover, the most touching thing is to see Xiao Beichen sweetly pounce on me, shouting "mother" that he does not know, and my heart can be healed in an instant.

For the 7 days of the National Day holiday, I was with Xiao Beichen, there was no fatigue of working nine to five, and I could enjoy the warm time between mother and child.

My husband and I resigned at home for two years, and my personal experience tells you: How to make money with a baby without mistakes, from the media thousands, why do you get involved with the headlines? Second, adhere to the dawn brought by writing Third, the self-media road in the field of parenting, extraordinarily tortuous four, resolutely resigned, returned to the headlines

At that time, I always thought about the question, how do those teachers who have children do not miss their children?

Some teachers, even give their tenderness to the primary students in the class, but when they return home, what they leave for their children is strict and harsh.

I began to miss the days when I used to accompany Xiao Beichen during the day and write articles after he fell asleep at night, neither missing the growth of the child, making money nor delaying, instead of as now, only coming back from work, endless perfunctory to him, looking at the mobile phone and ignoring his crying.

Even the youngest children, they can use the keenest observation, the most accurate judgment, to find out that the parents are careless about him, and then look for attention, after many failed to get attention, they will fall into powerless negative emotions...

Therefore, in the end, I still decided to resign and go home, grow up slowly with this little guy in my arms, and continue to write about my growth with him, he is also my indispensable wealth!

My husband and I resigned at home for two years, and my personal experience tells you: How to make money with a baby without mistakes, from the media thousands, why do you get involved with the headlines? Second, adhere to the dawn brought by writing Third, the self-media road in the field of parenting, extraordinarily tortuous four, resolutely resigned, returned to the headlines

Finally, in the end, Beichen Mom would like to thank Headline Parenting, which is this platform that gives me the courage to choose and gives me time to get along with my children.

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