
This "garbage revolution", Hainan has done a "national first"

author:Hainan Daily

Inside a large, closed pool, a robotic arm descends from the air, opens its steel claws, and grabs a pile of garbage that has just been dumped into the pool. Above the wall more than 20 meters high, in the operating room of the glass window device, workers are holding the handle to control the mechanical arm in the air.

This picture is not a science fiction movie, but a scene staged every day at the domestic waste incineration power plant in Haikou City. The domestic garbage transported to the power plant is first fermented in the garbage pond for 5 to 7 days, and then enters the incinerator to generate heat energy, and then converts it into electricity and sends it to thousands of households.

Domestic waste management is related to people's livelihood and development. Since 2018, our province has strongly promoted the "garbage revolution" and completed 8 new and expanded domestic waste incineration power generation projects within 3 years. At the end of December 2020, the daily incineration capacity of domestic waste in the province exceeded the daily output for the first time, reversing the fate of being "chased and run" by garbage, and also making Hainan the first province in the country to realize waste incineration power generation in the province, and entering the ranks of "model students" for harmless treatment of domestic waste.

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This "garbage revolution", Hainan has done a "national first"

Sweep around and experience H5 "The Last Landfill"

All landfills across the province have been shut down

The daily processing capacity of 8 waste incineration plants is 11,575 tons, which exceeds the daily output of domestic waste

On the morning of March 1, a garbage truck slowly drove into the Haikou Municipal Domestic Waste Incineration Power Plant in the Old Town Economic Development Zone of Chengmai County. Workers in the factory opened the door of the garbage pond to welcome the transfer of garbage trucks. Next door to the Yanchunling domestic garbage landfill, the gate is tightly closed, and the lively scene of traffic in the past is gone.

"Including the Yanchunling landfill, 16 domestic waste landfills in the province have now been closed and no longer accept new domestic waste." Xu Hong, director of the Urban and Rural Environmental Sanitation Management Division of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, introduced that the daily incineration treatment capacity of domestic waste in our province has reached 11,575 tons, and the main treatment mode of domestic garbage in Hainan has changed from harmless landfill to incineration power generation.

This "garbage revolution", Hainan has done a "national first"

The Yanchunling Domestic Waste Landfill in Haikou City, which was closed at the end of 2020. Hainan Daily reporter Yuan Chen photographed

Behind the transformation of the domestic garbage treatment mode is the value pursuit of the provincial party committee and the provincial government "people's livelihood first", and strives to reduce the bearing pressure of the ecological environment in the development and promote the establishment of the whole society's resource recycling system.

In the past, the domestic garbage in our province mainly adopted the model of "sanitary landfill + incineration treatment", of which landfill treatment was the mainstay, supplemented by incineration. As of the end of 2019, there were only 4 normally operated waste incineration projects in the province, with a total design processing capacity of 4375 tons / day, while the amount of domestic waste generated in the province exceeded 10,000 tons per day in the same period. Although some of the 16 domestic waste landfills have been overloaded or over-capacity, due to the lack of waste incineration capacity, the landfills have to expand and increase the dam body to continue to deal with the continuous supply of new domestic waste generated every day.

"The landfill was saturated, the incineration power generation capacity could not keep up, and it was really chased by garbage." Xu Hong said that since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", the urban and rural cleaning system in our province has been basically established, the garbage in urban and rural areas has been centrally treated, and some cities and counties have overloaded landfills, and some garbage has not known where to go, and once encountered the pain of "garbage siege".

Garbage problems are people's livelihood problems, development problems, "garbage siege" and "garbage walled villages" and other phenomena are frequently criticized, the demand to improve the province's domestic garbage disposal capacity is imminent. At the beginning of 2018, our province coordinated the layout of 5 new domestic waste incineration power generation projects, and at the same time promoted the upgrading and elimination of existing waste incineration power plants, and was determined to completely transform the domestic waste treatment mode.

At present, there are 8 domestic waste incineration plants in operation in our province, with a domestic waste incineration treatment capacity of 11575 tons / day, and the current treatment capacity is 10999 tons / day, which makes up for the shortcomings of the terminal disposal capacity of domestic waste facilities in our province.

Xu Hong said that Hainan has accelerated the pace of construction of the free trade port, and the increase in the settlement population and tourist population has gradually increased the amount of garbage generated. To this end, our province plans to expand individual waste incineration power plants in due course. In accordance with the requirements of the "Hainan Provincial Domestic Waste Incineration Power Generation Medium and Long-term Special Plan (2018-2030)", the waste incineration power plants in Lingshui Li Autonomous County and Danzhou City will start the construction of incinerators, and the waste incineration treatment capacity of the two cities and counties will be increased by 350 tons and 500 tons respectively to meet the growing demand for domestic waste treatment. At the same time, our province should continue to carry out domestic garbage classification and reduce the energy consumption of garbage transportation and treatment from the source.

This "garbage revolution", Hainan has done a "national first"

The kitchen waste collection truck operates in the Dadonghai Sea of Sanya. Hainan Daily reporter Wu Wei photographed

Stricter waste incineration emission controls

Hainan waste incineration flue gas emissions are stricter than national standards and better than EU standards

As the domestic garbage in our province enters the era of full incineration, the public naturally has some doubts and worries: what pollutants will be released during the waste incineration process? How do incineration power plants control emissions of these pollutants?

Waste incineration mainly produces flue gas pollutants such as acid gases, heavy metals, dioxins, and solid wastes such as fly ash and slag. It is understood that at present, each incineration power plant in our province is equipped with slag, fly ash, leachate and other supporting treatment facilities, at the same time, the waste incineration production line is equipped with a flue gas purification system, and the flue gas emission indicators are operated in accordance with the 2018 new incineration power generation project pollutant emission implementation standards in our province, which is comprehensively better than the EU 2010 standard for waste incineration flue gas emissions.

"At present, the standards for flue gas emissions from waste incineration power generation in Hainan are even stricter than the national standards." Cheng Ping, an environmental protection expert who has long been engaged in the treatment of municipal solid waste and a professor-level senior engineer at the China Academy of Urban Construction, said, "Landfill treatment has a certain pollution to the soil and water body, and at present, domestic first-tier cities, especially coastal developed cities, have basically achieved zero landfill of original waste, mostly replaced by incineration power generation, and this type of treatment method is very mature in technology." ”

Although human beings are still exploring more environmentally friendly and efficient waste treatment technologies, incineration power generation has been one of the leading technologies of waste treatment for a long time. Internationally, waste incineration power generation has been adopted by many countries and regions with developed economies and relatively scarce land resources.

According to reports, compared with the traditional sanitary landfill and composting methods, the incineration of garbage has more advantages, such as small space, less pollution, more efficient treatment, and can effectively reduce the weight of garbage by 70% to 80% and the volume of garbage by 90%, meeting the principle of "reduction, harmlessness and resource" garbage disposal proposed by China.

Xu Dahai, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences and an atmospheric expert, said that the current domestic waste incineration power generation technology level has been greatly improved, and most of the flue gas emissions use a combination process to greatly reduce the production of harmful substances, "The phase III waste incineration power plant project newly put into production in Haikou is relatively advanced in technology and technology, which can effectively control the production of harmful gases and dioxins and other harmful microparticles, which is a progress in environmental protection." ”

A few days ago, the Hainan Daily reporter walked into the factory area of Sanya Everbright Environmental Protection Energy (Sanya) Co., Ltd., and saw that the two sides of the road were lined with greenery, green flowers and grass, fountains and water columns, as if in a small park, it was difficult to imagine that this was a waste incineration power plant.

In the control room of the factory, the staff controls each link of the waste incineration treatment through the control table and computer, and the flow chart and monitoring indicators of each link are presented in real time on the electronic screen. "You look at the GEMS parameters here, which is all kinds of flue gas indicators emitted by waste incineration, all networked to the government's ecological and environmental departments, they are monitoring in the background, once the emission of flue gas indicators exceed the standard, we will be immediately warned and punished, and even stop work for rectification." Wang Xinyuan, deputy general manager of Sanya Everbright Environmental Protection Energy (Sanya) Co., Ltd., said that the flue gas emissions of the plant strictly implement Hainan's flue gas emission standards, and are monitored by instruments and inspected by relevant government departments at any time.

There is no legendary burning black smoke, no nasty smell of garbage, garden-like beauty, confined spaces, and strict emission controls are subtly changing people's old impressions of waste-to-energy plants. Moreover, the waste incineration power plant established with high standards and high requirements integrates waste into treasure and environmental protection education, which is itself the best environmental protection science textbook.

Xu Hong introduced that the domestic waste incineration power plants in various cities and counties in our province will gradually and regularly open to the public, popularize the professional knowledge of domestic waste incineration power generation, let the masses further understand the scientific principles of incineration power generation, and strive for more people's understanding and support for domestic waste incineration treatment.

This "garbage revolution", Hainan has done a "national first"

Residents of Sanya are sorting out garbage. Hainan Daily reporter Wu Wei photographed

Where will the landfills go after closure

Changjiang took the lead in piloting the digestion and treatment of stale garbage from landfills

On December 28 last year, the third phase of the Haikou Domestic Waste Incineration Power Plant Project, the Wenchang Municipal Domestic Waste Incineration Power Plant Phase II Project, and the Qionghai Municipal Domestic Waste Incineration Power Plant Phase II Project were ignited and put into operation on the same day. Then on January 1 this year, all 16 domestic waste landfills in the province stopped receiving domestic waste, and all domestic waste entered the incineration power plant for harmless and resource treatment. At present, our province implements the incineration of all incremental garbage, and gradually consumes the stock of garbage, and also implements the reduction of garbage source through garbage classification.

This "garbage revolution", Hainan has done a "national first"

On December 28, 2020, the third phase of the Haikou Domestic Waste Incineration Power Plant project was ignited and put into operation. Hainan Daily reporter Yuan Chen photographed

Where will the closed domestic waste landfills go? Changjiang Li Autonomous County, located in the ecological core area of central Hainan Island, has taken the lead in launching a pilot project for the digestion and treatment of stale garbage in landfills, which may explore new ways for the future of domestic waste landfills in our province.

Gao Lijuan, the operator of the project and general manager of Xinchuang Energy Environmental Protection Investment and Development Co., Ltd., introduced that the project is mainly to excavate the stale garbage from the landfill, screen it on the spot, and recycle or backfill the selected materials.

On the morning of February 26, a reporter from Hainan Daily came to the domestic garbage landfill in Changjiang Chahe Town and saw the whole process of screening and processing stale garbage: on the side of the garbage hill of the landfill, the huge excavator's huge excavator was working on the ground one by one, and the excavated garbage was entered into another area by transfer vehicle to dry; the dried garbage was then transferred to the homogenizer. The homogenizer is responsible for fully sifting the lump of garbage, laying it flat on the conveyor belt, and sending it to the manual sorting platform; the workers in this link are holding tools to inspect the garbage through the conveyor belt, and when they see large debris such as quilts, glass bottles, wood, stones, etc., they are picked out in time; the remaining garbage continues to be transported to the drum machine for screening. This link can separate a part of humus soil, used for mine restoration, landscaping, but also can be separated from leather, stone, coconut shell and other inert substances, sent to landfill backfill; most of the garbage after heavy screening is combustible light matter, will be compressed and packaged into a large square, transported by forklift to domestic waste incineration power plant incineration, converted into heat, electricity to continue to use.

"By sifting through stale waste, landfills have reincarnated environmental and economic benefits." Gao Lijuan said that the screening of stale garbage has many benefits, the separated metal and glass bottles can be recycled, combustibles can be incinerated to generate electricity, humus soil has also reached the testing standards of professional institutions for construction materials and agricultural land, while making room for new storage space for landfills, effectively realizing waste reduction, recycling and harmless treatment.

Xu Hong also pointed out that in the future, domestic garbage landfills around the world should continue to do a good job in standardized management and operation, such as safety protection, timely treatment of leachate, etc., and retain emergency disposal functions.

It is understood that most of the domestic waste landfills in our province are already in an overloaded state, there is no room for emergency disposal, and large-scale disposal of stale garbage requires funds, but the financial capacity of the city and county governments is limited. Xu Hong said that in the future, our province will strive for central funds to support more stale garbage disposal projects.

Original title:

From being "chased away" by garbage to "overtaking" in processing capacity Hainan has become the first province in the country to realize waste incineration power generation in the province

Farewell! Landfill

This "garbage revolution", Hainan has done a "national first"

Layout of hainan daily A08 page on March 3

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