
Murong Xuecun and "Ten Years of Love"

author:Xin Feng
Murong Xuecun and "Ten Years of Love"

Stills from a decade of love

The lonely city looks at the home for thousands of miles, and there are countless mountains in one pillow.

Jin Zhun has not woken up from an empty dream, and the prosperity is bloodshot.

The TV series "Ten Years of Love" portrays an unforgettable love story of a couple of heroes and heroines in Shenzhen at the beginning of reform and opening up. It is full of sorrow and joy, soaked in the bitterness of the world,and steaming with the glitz, coldness and desolation of the sex and the city.

It's just that the names of the protagonists of this TV series and their stories remind me all the time that they once appeared in my memory, and even left me with indelible memories. It wasn't until I finished watching the finale and searching for the original novel that the door of my memory swept in like a flood.

Murong Xuecun and "Ten Years of Love"

Writer Murong Xuecun

It turned out that it was based on Murong Xuecun's "Heaven to the Left, Shenzhen to the Right". It's just that the TV series follows the pattern and even the end of the novel, but rejects the novel's overly vicissitudes and sadness, making love the only theme, so that the critical strength of reality is obviously dimmed.

However, Dong Jie's play of Han Ling is very outstanding, and even profoundly interprets Han Ling's confusion in love, the loss in perseverance, and the sadness when he leaves. And the character of Liu Yuan has also been shaped very plumply, even better than the protagonist Xiao Ran. Liu Yuan's gradual evolution in the depth and psychological portrayal of human nature shows the last warmth of Shenzhen, the capital of desire, in the midst of sin and glitz.

Murong Xuecun and "Ten Years of Love"

Xiao Ran's death is an inevitability, not only because of the excessive expansion of his personal psychology after the peak of his material success, but also because the social environment and growth experience did not teach him how to resolve the impact and erosion of this energy on his own psychology after he had a huge fortune. The so-called "cold in the heights", not to mention that it is this fierce "cold" that makes him lose the belief that he once fought for, that is, Han Ling's love. If the energy does not guide and drain after reaching the pole, then it will inevitably "explode", and Xiao Ran's death confirms this principle.

Murong Xuecun and "Ten Years of Love"

The first time I read Murong Xuecun's book was in 2004, but ten years later, when I faced a TV series adapted from a novel, it was first like a strange road, and then my memory gradually recovered, and then I opened the trance when I read the notes. Murong Xuecun is famous for "Heaven to the Left, Shenzhen to the Right", and then to "Chengdu, Please Forget Me Tonight", in all his books, it should be said that these two are the best. Therefore, it writes about the coldness, desolation and old age in the bustling city, the coldness, sadness and despair of people after leaving the land, the blooming and withering of the evil flower of the city of desire, and the process of human nature being distorted and alienated under the watering of money.

As Murong Xuecun wrote in his handwriting "Heaven to the Left, Shenzhen to the Right": "I was trying to describe the lives of these people, and in the process of writing, I always felt that there was a powerful and pathetic thing surrounding me, the living and the dead were present at the same time, everything seemed to be accidental, everything seemed to be rehearsed in advance, everything in the world, but it was just a cutscene of this play, and who would be the final curtain caller?" ”

Reading Murong Xuecun's works, I always feel that I am surrounded by a strong air current, perhaps this is what he calls "a sense of pity". When reading Yu Hua's "Alive", "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood" and "Shouting in the Drizzle", I also had similar feelings. But relatively speaking, the era in Yu Hua's novel has left us, so although that feeling has real pain, there is still a feeling of "separation", a vague and surprise that arises from the depths of the heart and the awe of the history that has gone away.

Murong Xuecun and "Ten Years of Love"

Murong Xuecun is different, and the "sense of pity" that he exudes in his works is something we feel empathy for. Whether it is "Chengdu, Please Forget Me Tonight" or "Heaven to the Left, Shenzhen to the Right", his words are pure with coldness and profundity, there is no lack of irony and criticism in humor, this humor brings people a sour laugh, and his irony and criticism are pierced into the bones, chilling and heartache, because we can clearly feel that the protagonists in his works carry our own thick shadows.

Xiao Ran in "Heaven on the Left, Shenzhen to the Right" is a typical example of a rural college student who has made a name for himself in a shopping mall, a typical example of some successful intellectuals in some shopping malls in our society, and even more a typical example of the destruction and corrosion of intellectual personality by a materialistic commercial society. In this era, love has become a luxury, and only money is the master of all things. A group of nobod-like college students came south to Shenzhen, dreaming of getting ahead and moving forward in a step-by-step struggle, but mentally carrying a sense of guilt, a sense of guilt condemned by unscrupulous means and condemned by conscience. In order to survive, in order to succeed, they suppress real emotions, and even betray themselves, they change their original beliefs, kindness and sense of justice step by step in success, step by step to the abyss of desire, driven by material desires.

Love, which is a topic that deeply stings our generation, especially those who are struggling in the ups and downs of the business sea, because in this era love has become a material appendage, sometimes even worthless.

However, losing is always a pain!

Han Ling and Xiao Ran fell in love in difficulty, but in their success, they went to the grave of love. Just because the power of money can turn a person into arrogance and even completely change a person's nature. Their original love is pure and beautiful, and it is only because of the hardships of life that we can see the preciousness of love. The richness of life makes us lose the ability to judge, so that material pleasures and instinctive desires take precedence, and the original good character becomes paranoid, suspicious, fickle, cold, and insensitive, and Xiao Ran's example is the best example. He was suspicious of Han Ling and forced her to have a fetus. He indirectly killed four children by letting a woman beat him in his life, and he ended up with nothing but money. He is jealous and profligate for women, which shows his deterioration even more. Eating, drinking and gambling, for the rich, is everything in life, but there is a deep evil in the soul of a person of an era, which allows us to see an extremely dangerous trap in urban society, the corrosive power of material desires!

Chen Qiming was originally a rebel, but after arriving in Shenzhen, he became the son-in-law of the rich Huang Village Chief, married himself to Huang Yunyun, who had not yet graduated from junior high school, was full of fox odor and ugly appearance, thus giving up the emotions of a lifetime, although he finally met his dream lover Sun Yumei in college, but he was eventually abandoned by him, until his son disappeared and his wife went crazy, thus becoming an honest person who kept the amazing years that never returned.

Liu Yuan did his best for the Japanese, but because he accompanied the Japanese boss to prostitute himself and mistakenly believed to be detained, then lost his job, started a family, and finally escaped into the empty door, decades of struggle in the end only for a tired and scarred heart!

Xiao Ran's Junda Company was in the sky, but it collapsed because of Xiao Ran's death. Zhou Zhenxing and Lu Ke'er scattered, and they were independent, and only his bodyguard Zhao Baofeng was loyal and did not forget the old love with Chaozhou Qiangzai. The condolences of the business people are just a trick, and there is only Han Ling's sadness. And his lover Wei Yuan just sighed for an inexplicable thing lost in life, because even she herself did not know whether she liked Xiao Ran's money or liked Xiao Ran's person.

Xiao Ran, who was driving fast, died in the passing lane at three o'clock in the morning. He died crying, very sad, knowing that he now had everything to become a billionaire, but he lost everything because of it, and became like a lone ghost, untrustworthy. He chased away those who loved him and killed his own children. Now, he has nothing.

Han Ling recalled their former love and the years in love, the scars he left for her and the youthful love they had once been poor. He called her "little cotton jacket," "You're my cutest little daughter," but now she saw nothing but the ten million he had left for her. He loved her because he had given her a call before he was dying, the only one. It hurt her even more!

The dusk sun shone obliquely on him, and his face was calm. His face seemed to be smiling, and his two pupils contracted slightly, just like the face on his posthumous picture. Murong Xuecun's Xiao Ran, from a college student who dreams of getting ahead to a billionaire, has a desire for merit and ideals in him, and has the burning of youth and love, but in the end, everything turns into nothingness!

His death is a kind of relief, a kind of self-help, saving the spiritual Xiao Ran, and redeeming the lost love. His loneliness and ghostly spirit are the most authentic portrayals of successful people in the business environment. Loneliness, sorrow, loss, we do this before we succeed because of the torment of survival; we do it after success, because of the steaming of desire. In the end, we become a dry corpse, either pus and blood, or fly ash, which is the future of Murong Xuecun's pen, full of nihilistic colors. In his stunning pen, we see the desolation behind too much prosperity in this city.

In the haze, looking down from above, making all sentient beings rush to the world of struggle like a cauldron on a mouthful of firewood, the pot is boiling the body of desire of sentient beings, under the pot is the fire of desire, and the evaporated air is our corpse!

This statement is horrible but realistic!

Murong Xuecun and "Ten Years of Love"

Excerpts from the book's classics:

The more prosperous the world, the easier it is for people to be lost, so everyone has to prove themselves.

Sun Yumei divided rich men into three types: money multi-person silly type, money multi-person fine type, money multi-person scum type. There are many rich men in the world, but they are not what Sun Liang's daughter expected. So a smart woman must look at the eagle before releasing the rabbit, earning the money of the first kind of man, cooperating with the second kind of man, playing with the feelings of the third kind of man, but must not let him succeed.

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