
Li Zijia 2-0 Srikante | Hailu Open semi-final results

author:Love badminton net
Li Zijia 2-0 Srikante | Hailu Open semi-final results


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In the early morning of November 7, 2021, the semi-finals of the Hailu Open have ended.

In the men's singles, Malaysia's Lee Zi Ka defeated India's srikante in four strong forces to advance to the final of the German Hailu Open and will compete with Singaporean player Luo Jianyou for the title. No. 2 seed Li Zijia spent 44 minutes in the semi-finals, winning 21-19, 22-20 in two sets against No. 6 seed Srikante to advance to the final of the Hailu Open. Luo Jianyou, who had just won the Dutch Open, defeated Lasia 21-18, 21-12 and played Li Zijia again after the French Open. In the first round of the 2021 French Open, Luo Jianyou defeated Malaysian brother Li Zijia 24-22, 21-14 and advanced to the second round.

Li Zijia 2-0 Srikante | Hailu Open semi-final results

In the women's singles, Yang Jiamin defeated Canada's sister Li Wenshan 21-12, 23-25, 21-12, and will compete with Thailand's Busannan in the final!

In the men's doubles, the minion took 33 minutes to defeat the Thai duo of Supac/Gedinliuphon 21-17, 21-16 in two sets to advance to the final and will compete with Martin/Karnando for the title!

Japan's women's doubles final staged a civil war, with world no. 68 Chichi Hoshi chichi / Aoi Matsuda fighting for 1 hour and 25 minutes to defeat Thailand's top seed base Tarakur /Rawinda 14-21, 23-21, 21-19, while Iwanaga/ Nakanishi Takaei eliminated Indonesia's Siti/Rebika 21-17, 21-16.

2021 Hailu Open Semifinal Results

Men's Doubles: Fernadi /Sukamuyo (Indonesia) 2:0 (21:17 21:16) Supac/Gedinliu Phon (Thailand)

Women's Singles: Lee Man Shan (Canada) 1:2 (12:21 25:23 12:21) Yang Jiamin (Singapore)

Women's Doubles: Base Tarakur / Ravinda (Thailand) 1:2 (21:14 21:23 19:21) Chitomo Hoshi / Aoi Matsuda (Japan)

Men's Singles: Luo Jianyou (Singapore) 2:0 (21:18 21:12) Lasiya (India)

Women's Doubles: Iwanaga / Nakanishi Takaei (JP) 2:0 (21:17 21:16) Siti / Rebika (Indonesia)

Men's Singles: Li Zijia (Malaysia) 2:0 (21:19 22:20) SriKante (India)

Mixed Doubles: Dechapol/Sasiri (Thailand 2:0 (22:20 21:14) Rivaldi/Pita (Indonesia)

Mixed Doubles: Supac/Supisara (Thailand) 0:2 (18:21 19:21) Jordan/Merathi (Indonesia)

Women's Singles: Busan Ranh (Thailand) 2:1 (16:21 21:17 21:18) ChaiWan (Thailand)

Men's Doubles: Riyanto/Jacob (Indonesia) 0:2 (17:21 13:21) Martin/Calnando (Indonesia)

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