
From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

author:My Lord

Once played Teacher Gu in "Eighteen-year-old Sky",

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Played Li Zhi in "Supreme Red Face",

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

He was selected by Chen Kaige to play Liu Bei in "Lü Bu and the Sable Cicada",

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

He was also hand-picked by Qiong Yao to play Chu Lian in "See Another Curtain of Dreams".

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Bao Jianfeng's former career can be described as day in the sky,

And his appearance sword eyebrows starry eyes, facial features three-dimensional,

At first glance, it is the face of the male protagonist, but now how to disappear,

Why isn't it red?

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Bao Jianfeng was born in Shanghai, a family of military personnel with extremely strict tutors.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

However, the more strict the parents, the more naughty Bao Jianfeng is,

Mischievous and active, he often gives teachers a lot of headaches.

When I first went to elementary school, Bao Jianfeng originally sat in the first row.

But because he was always making trouble in class, the teacher moved him to the back row.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

In this way, Bao Jianfeng has been naughty, and the seat has been adjusted backwards.

By the end of elementary school he had sat in the last row.

Not only naughty, Bao Jianfeng is also a boy who loves to express himself very much,

He has a pair of small dimples and often actively participates in various performances at school.

His ability to embark on the path of acting was entirely dependent on the support of his teachers.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Bao Jianfeng's family did not approve of him taking the literary and artistic route.

Instead, the teacher sent him to the TV station to record the program.

He was also sent to a dance class to learn dance.

And when he arrived at home, Bao Jianfeng could only secretly snicker in front of the mirror,

Learn Pose like Fei Xiang and appreciate your handsomeness.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

When he was 16 years old, Bao Jianfeng was already out shooting commercials.

At that time, he had photographed the wall calendar with Ren Quan.

These experiences made him naturally choose to apply for the acting major.

In 1994, 19-year-old Bao Jianfeng applied for the Shanghai Theater Academy, which is close to home.

And he was one of the last students to study theater at public expense.

Bao Jianfeng did not have to spend a penny for four years of college, and he could also earn a lot of extra money.

When he first entered school, he already had two thousand dollars in his pocket.

In this class, there are also Ma Yili, Chen Long, who is one year younger than Li Baojianfeng, and the beautiful Yang Mingna.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Also a Shanghainese, but with a completely different personality.

Bao Jianfeng is a carefree big boy, and even a little childish,

But Ma Yili was as strong as a boy.

Ma Yili also entered the Shanghai TELEVISION dance team at the age of 15 to support herself.

Before entering school, he also shot his first film,

The difference is that Ma Yili's family is very supportive of her taking the literary and artistic route.

Dad also often took her to various competitions.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Ma Yili's life was arranged to be only training, learning and acting.

It's a well-behaved girl, and she doesn't even have many friends.

When reading the play, the play has a tradition for freshmen called screening,

Students with poor professional performance should be eliminated.

At that time, Bao Jianfeng was a student representative who performed, lived and was flexible.

And Ma Yili is a student who lacks life experience and often can't cry.

In her freshman year, Ma Yili's professional performance ranked last,

She often cried because she couldn't make up sketches, afraid that she would be eliminated.

At that time, Bao Jianfeng also secretly went out to pick up advertisements to make money.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

With the help of teachers and classmates, Ma Yili finally mastered the skills of acting.

In contrast, the handsome-looking and outgoing Bao Jianfeng is simply the son of heaven.

In his junior year, Ma Yili, Chen Long, and Bao Jianfeng filmed "Vacuum Love Record" together.

In this drama, Chen Long plays the male number one, and Bao Jianfeng and Ma Yili play the male second and female second respectively.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Both were fledgling college classmates, and the three of them encouraged each other in the crew and formed a deep friendship ever since.

After graduation, Ma Yili and Bao Jianfeng were both assigned to the Shanghai Drama Center.

Ma Yili began to run the group interview with her resume,

Bao Jianfeng did not take over the drama troupe for a year, but there were still many people looking for him to shoot.

A year later, Bao Jianfeng starred in the TV series "Twenty-Eight Nannies of Professor Tian's Family"

Playing the handsome son of Professor Tian, although he is not the male protagonist, he has left a deep impression on the audience.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

At first, Neither Ma Yili nor Bao Jianfeng got too good roles.

But there is no shortage of drama, just when the two self-doubt whether they can become the protagonist,

Almost at the same time, they had the opportunity to turn the tables.

Ma Yili was selected by Qiong Yao to play Ziwei Gege in "Huan Zhu Ge Ge 3",

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

And Bao Jianfeng starred in the original idol drama "Eighteen-year-old sky".

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Also Zhu 3 has a low reputation, but let Ma Yili, a girl with a pair of smiling eyes, be remembered,

And Bao Jianfeng was completely on fire, and all the boys and girls in the country were fascinated by Teacher Gu,

I hope to have such a handsome and student-friendly class teacher.

At that time, Teacher Gu would throw a coin every day before going out,

Judge today's luck with the positive and negative, and then save it.

This habit makes saving coins popular,

Teacher Gu's hair is pulled up high every day and dressed freely,

It also breaks the traditional and stereotypical impression of high school teachers.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

This drama is extremely popular, it is an annual hit,

The theme song of "Red Stone" was played in the streets and alleys,

Twenty years after Jinsha's debut, the most profound impression is still the Blue Film in the play.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Bao Jianfeng also became the hottest student at that time because of this drama,

But what no one knows is that there is also his girlfriend in this show.

Bao Jianfeng's girlfriend Huang Huiyi played Teacher Xia Qingxin in the play,

In the play, she is not bao Jianfeng's official partner, nor is she the protagonist.

Huang Huiyi is a Cantonese girl, seven years older than Bao Jianfeng.

She debuted earlier, but there are few works that can be remembered.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

When Bao Jianfeng had just graduated from college, the two met and fell in love.

When filming "Eighteen-Year-Old Sky", the relationship was not exposed,

Later, the relationship between the two was broken by his friend Liu Tao, and the two generously admitted it.

Huang Huiyi also revealed that although Bao Jianfeng was younger than himself,

But a very considerate boy, the two are separated,

But he often consoled himself with sweet words.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Later, Huang Huiyi came to Shanghai to develop, which is more convenient to take care of her boyfriend.

At one point, the two even broke the news that they were about to get married.

At this time, Bao Jianfeng's old classmate Ma Yili was also talking about sister-brother love,

Her boyfriend is eight years younger than herself,

At that time, the article had not yet graduated from college, and their relationship was also not made public.

After "Eighteen-year-old Sky", Bao Jianfeng's career ushered in a peak,

The following year he starred in "Supreme Red Face" and played Emperor Li Zhi.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

In this TV series featuring Wu Zetian,

Jia Jingwen is the big heroine, and li zhi's role is a bit incompetent and helpless.

This drama is also a classic,

Jia Jingwen has just become a popular actress all over the country with "Yitian Slaughtering Dragon",

Then he harnessed Wu Meiniang's exquisite makeup,

Staged a simple girl step by step to the throne of the journey.

This drama was also highly discussed at that time, Jia Jingwen's appearance and acting skills,

And Yang Tongshu's heart is fierce and hot, which is the focus of hot discussion,

At the same time, it also greatly improved the national popularity of Bao Jianfeng.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

At this time, Bao Jianfeng was at the peak of his career,

Then he ushered in the controversial work "See Another Curtain of Dreams".

Initially, Aunt Qiong Yao carried out a huge campaign to select Zi Ling,

Bao Jianfeng was invited to be a judge and also took the stage to play with the candidates.

Maybe Aunt Qiong Yao saw more hysterical performances,

Instead, he was attracted by Bao Jianfeng's very lifelike performance,

He was positioned as the male number two in the play, Chu Lian.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

All people who have watched Qiong Yao drama know that the lines of Qiong Yao drama are not ordinary meat and hemp,

You love me, I love you, all kinds of mountain and sea vows are essential,

And her drama is a hit every time,

However, "Another Curtain dream" breaks this law.

In the play, Chu Lian originally had a marriage contract with his sister Lu Ping, and as a result, he fell in love with his sister Zi Ling.

The family was so inroverted that he even said to Lu Ping,

What you lose is only one leg, but what Zi Ling loses is love.

Such a ruined line and plot have made this drama controversial,

It did not achieve the ideal ratings and word of mouth.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Even Bao Jianfeng, as the lead actor, couldn't help but complain that his lines were too meaty,

He really couldn't play it himself, and he even called Aunt Qiong Yao for advice.

As a result, Qiong Yao asked him to think again and experience the feelings of the characters.

Finally, Bao Jianfeng said in an interview that he would no longer play qiong yao male protagonist.

But as you get older, the roles of uncles and grandfathers can be considered.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

At this time, Bao Jianfeng was already over thirty years old, and he did not seize the advantage of the original explosion,

His career began to decline gradually, and by this time he was married.

In 2009, Bao Jianfeng specially asked the crew for leave and held a grand wedding.

But the bride is not Huang Huiyi, but the actress He Jiahao, who is also six years older than him.

The two met when filming the TV series "Once Upon a Time in a Small Town",

At that time, Bao Jianfeng had just broken up with Huang Huiyi.

Old classmate Ma Yili also appeared at the wedding, just a year ago she had just married the article.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Unlike Bao Jianfeng, at this time, Ma Yili and the article are the best times of their careers.

With the "Struggle" fire, the two were not optimistic but still insisted on getting married when the heat was at its highest.

Bao Jianfeng's career and reputation are accelerating, and then he has experienced the controversial 'insert knife door' incident.

In 2012, actress Bian Xiaoxiao scolded Yin Xiaotian on Weibo for beating herself on the set.

Subsequently, it aroused strong concern, and many friends in the circle took sides.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Most of the stars have supported Bian Xiaoxiao's side,

He reprimanded Yin Xiaotian for his beating and demanded an apology.

Although Yin Xiaotian repeatedly explained that he did not hit anyone,

However, no one believed him, but accused him of daring to do it.

Among them, Du Chun not only actively interacted with netizens, but also stole Yin Xiaotian's endorsement.

Jia Nailiang not only exaggerated the character of her old classmate Bian Xiaoxiao, saying that she was both virtuous and artistic, approachable,

He also took his wife Li Xiaolu at the time to support Bian Xiaoxiao.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

And Bao Jianfeng also joined the battle situation, and also called out to the director,

Saying that there will be dramas in the future that you can find yourself, neither changing the drama nor hitting people, and the price is fair, and the mood is stable.

These few words of Bao Jianfeng fiercely inserted Yin Xiaotian's knife,

He even indirectly accused him of being paid highly, loving to change dramas, and being emotionally unstable.

At that time, Yin Xiaotian was one of the four young students of the nation,

This incident triggered half of the entertainment industry, which can be called an entertainment event,

In this process, Yin Xiaotian clearly had the upper hand.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

Unexpectedly, soon after, things reversed.

The live video exposure, Yin Xiaotian did not hit people,

All this is planned by Bian Xiaoxiao, self-directed and self-acting.

After the truth was exposed, the stars who had torn up the small sky at the beginning were embarrassed,

Netizens named them The Sect of Insert Knives and named Du Chun as the leader of the sect.

Bao Jianfeng, who had participated in the encirclement and suppression of Yin Xiaotian, was named one of the four protectors.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

This incident verified the warmth and coldness of the entertainment industry, and also made Bao Jianfeng the object of everyone's shouting.

Yin Xiaotian was devastated, and these stars who manipulated right and wrong were also condemned.

During this period, Bao Jianfeng hardly remembered works,

He slowly degenerated from that standard male protagonist to a second- and third-line actor.

Even as a male protagonist, the work is not out of the circle.

And the person who once again put him on the hot search is still his old classmate Ma Yili.

At the beginning, the article and Yao Di's cheating scandal were boiling,

Let the two of them ruin their careers,

And Ma Yili, who is still breastfeeding, has generously chosen to forgive the article,

Saved a family and gave him the opportunity to reform himself.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

However, Ma Yili and the article are still the focus of attention from the outside world.

The media has been secretly crouching in the hope of filming evidence of the two people's incompatibility.

Sure enough, some reporters photographed Ma Yili and Bao Jianfeng behaving too closely.

At a dinner party, Ma Yili drank a little drunk,

Unscrupulously, she straddled her hand around Bao Jianfeng's neck,

And Bao Jianfeng also seemed to have become accustomed to it, and did not dodge,

The two then returned to the same neighborhood together.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

After this group of photos was exposed, many netizens speculated that Ma Yili's marriage existed in name only.

The two only maintain a superficial couple, but actually play their own.

After this matter attracted attention, Ma Yili also sent a Weibo,

Recalling his friendship with Bao Jianfeng for many years,

Also captioned to me watching him get older and he watched me grow up.

The two men's twenty years of friendship are enviable,

It also shattered the speculation about the relationship between the two.

And Ma Yili and Bao Jianfeng live in the same neighborhood,

Not only are the two couples friends, but the children of the two families are also friends.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

He Jiahao gave birth to a son for Bao Jianfeng at the age of 46.

In order to take care of his wife and children, Bao Jianfeng deliberately stopped working for two years and stayed around to take care of it.

Let him, who was not highly exposed, stop his career again.

Bao Jianfeng's son inherited his appearance genes,

At a young age, he was already a handsome look,

A pair of eyes bright and energetic.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

And Bao Jianfeng has once again received attention because of his works, and he is still inseparable from Ma Yili,

The TV series "In the Distance" gathers Liu Ye, Ma Yili, Mei Ting, Zeng Li and other outstanding Mesozoic actors.

And Bao Jianfeng also played the male number two in it.

This drama with the theme of entrepreneurship has been frequently searched for during the broadcast process.

The appearance of the lead actors when they were young has been touted again,

Bao Jianfeng was also recognized for his acting skills with his role as a business tycoon in the play.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

However, in the entertainment industry, the competition of Mesozoic actors is not easier than that of young actors.

Whether Bao Jianfeng can kill a road is still unknown.

Looking back at Bao Jianfeng over the years, he was originally the proud son of heaven,

I have also won the opportunity of big red, but in the end I did not seize it.

On the contrary, Ma Yili, a classmate who was steady and lacked talent, became the winner.

It can only be said that the actor's road, not to the end, really can not guess the ending.

From "the proud son of heaven" to "everyone shouting and fighting", what has Bao Jianfeng experienced?

| Nancy

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