
Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

author:Fried chicken brother said movie

There is such an animal in the African rainforest,

It has a Peking Opera flower face,

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

Its name is heavily active in various myths, legends and ghost stories in our country,

Including the Shan Hai Jing and Liaozhai Zhiyi also have its records,

But in fact it is highly similar to people,

There is a wealth of emotions,

And well versed in democratic politics,

Its name is the mountain fish.

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

A primate that lives in the African rainforest,

Because it generally lives in extremely remote areas,

All the bass fish were only discovered by humans in the late 18th century.

Found in Africa, of course,

The mountain fish in the ghost stories of our country does not exist,

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

At present, wild mountain fish have not been found in our country,

There are only a few mountain fish in the rainforests of West and Central Africa in the world.

It's the most striking place,

It's the face and the ass,

Its face is bright blue,

The nose is bright red,

Two bright colors intertwined,

Resembling the Monkey King in Peking Opera.

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

And the color of the ass is even more colorful,

Red, white, blue and purple colors piled together,

At first glance, it may even look a little dazzling,

And these dazzling colors in addition to novelty,

It also plays a vital role.

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

First of all

Only the face and buttocks of adult male mountain fish,

Will have such a bright and peculiar color,

Juvenile mountain fish and mother mountain fish are much darker,

And the more vivid the color,

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

It shows that the healthier and stronger this mountain fish is,

At the same time, the mountain fish ethnic group is still a typical Yan control,

The more beautiful the mountain fish, the higher the status of the group,

And the leader of the Mountain Fish Tribe,

It must be the most beautiful of the monkeys.

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

Of course, this criminal appearance is not just taken to see,

It will act as a navigator when the population migrates,

This is somewhat similar to the red flag in the hands of the tour guide in the tour group,

In the densely vegetated rainforest,

Dizziness is a common thing,

But just stare at the chief's beautiful ass,

Disorientation will no longer be possible.

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

Then this beautiful color can also shelve a lot of infighting,

When a few mountain fish are tired of the stinky face of the old chief,

When you want to lead the monkey herd yourself,

It's not going to lower its eyes,

Or look in the mirror,

See if your nose is red enough,

See if you can charm the monkeys.

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

If so,

Then he can stand up and challenge the old leader,

If it is not as good as the stinky face of the old chief,

Then he can only obediently wait,

This peaceful way of changing the term,

It is definitely the mildest among the mountain fish's peers.

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

And the mountain fish has a very high IQ and a wealth of emotions,

They generally have 500 to 1000 members as a group,

Up to 1300,

Such a scale is rare in mammals,

And to be able to maintain such a large ethnic group,

Thanks to the wise and handsome leader,

It is not only the face value of the group,

Or the patriarch of the entire ethnic group.

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

Fodo, who lives deep in the rainforest of West Africa, is such a mountain fish leader,

It not only leads the group out to forage every day,

But also to regulate the quarrels and frictions in the ethnic group,

Discipline the underage mountain fish that like to make a fuss,

and helping the disadvantaged in the community,

In the season of food scarcity,

It also needs to rely on the memory stored in the brain,

Find new food sources in complex rainforests.

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

It can be said that

Fodo is like a loyal elder,

Caring for and maintaining this large family of more than seven hundred members,

But this year,

It may have to abdicate,

Because two new adult mountain fish have come to the tribe,

Their noses are more vivid than those of Fodo,

The two mountain fish are Toronto and Sanca, respectively.

They all have brightly colored noses and faces,

But Toronto is much stronger,

And Sanka, on the other hand, seems very gentle,

It will be very kind to the female grooming,

And this is a symbol of friendship and affinity in the social circle of the mountain fish.

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

If Toronto and Sanca are compared to people,

Then Toronto is more like a domineering president.

And Sanka is like a gentle warm man,

Both of these may be more popular in human society.

But in the circle of the mountain fish,

Things just look very different.

At the beginning of spring,

The strong Toronto first challenged the old chief Fodo,

The old Fodo knew that he was invincible,

actively withdraw from the battle,

Leaving this ethnic group that it ruled for a decade

And that means it will leave the group forever.

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

But Toronto didn't fully take Fodo's place.

The warm man Sanka in the group is still there,

Its gentle attitude has won the support of most females,

And in each population, the female mountain fish occupies an absolute numerical advantage,

And they're more united.

Each chief only after gaining the support of a majority of female mountain fish,

in order to justifiably inherit the position of chief,

This is almost exactly the same as human democracy.

However, the implementation of the mountain fish ethnic group is obviously more thorough.

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

Toronto soon discovered the threat of Sanka,

It challenges again first,

Sanka voluntarily quit,

But after Sanka left,

Toronto still doesn't get the support of the female mountain fish,

None of them liked Toronto's violent tendencies.

Monkeys with the highest IQ, tigers see all detours, this look is scared! documentary

A week later,

Sanka returned to the community again,

The females were ecstatic,

They don't reject this loser at all.

This is very rare in nature,

Each female bass gathered around Sanka and asked him to help comb her hair.

And that's a sign of support.

Finally all the females suddenly attacked Toronto,

Sanka saw the opportunity to join the warband,

And finally toronto the tyrant was driven away,

Sanka stayed behind to become the new chief.

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