
"Shouting Mountain": Through the silent shout, look at the viciousness of the ignorant masses and the kindness of simple individuals, some people are friendly on the surface, but behind the ignorance of the crowd, there are three evils, because of the viciousness of others, and the goodness that exists is rare and valuable

author:Yuzu Said

Author @Yuzu Jun said |#情感 #

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"Shouting Mountain": Through the silent shout, look at the viciousness of the ignorant masses and the kindness of simple individuals, some people are friendly on the surface, but behind the ignorance of the crowd, there are three evils, because of the viciousness of others, and the goodness that exists is rare and valuable

Stills from the movie "Shout Out the Mountain"

Excerpts from the novel "Shouting Mountain": The mute struggled to remember her aphasia in her shouting, and no one knew that her sadness had reached the heart. Her shouts tore through the thick black night sky, the moon walked and tossed and fell into the clouds, and her shouts climbed up the ridge of the Taihang Grand Canyon, making the vegetation on the mountain creepy.

We have not experienced darkness, and it must be difficult to understand the despair of people in darkness, how much courage they have mustered and how much effort they have spent before they shout.

The film "ShoutIng Mountain" is adapted from the novel of the same name by writer Ge Ping, directed by director Yang Zi.

Set in a small mountain village in Shanxi in the 1980s, the film tells the story of a mute Hongxia who was abducted and sold, and followed her murderer husband, La Hong, to live in a small village in the Taihang Mountains.

The male protagonist, Han Chong, is an elderly unmarried young man in the village, who has a kind heart and is kind enough to take in Lahong and Hongxia's family. Lahong is lazy and lazy, and often punches and kicks Hongxia, but is accidentally killed by Han Chong.

After Lahong's death, in Han Chong's three meals a day, Hongxia gradually felt the light of life, the two secretly had feelings, and when they were preparing to start a new life, the police came to the door, dumb told the police that Lahong was killed by her, and then was taken away by the police...

Hongxia is really too bitter, she longs for freedom and needs understanding and care. But as a mute, she could not shout a sound, she could only go to the mountain to knock on the iron basin, and the echo of the mountain was loud, one after another, knocking out the dull pain, heavy powerlessness, and deep fear in her heart.

Her silent cry shouted out the sustenance of hope for survival, the persistence of the deep heart, and the pursuit of simple life. Through her shouting, we can spy on the ignorance and viciousness of the low-level villagers, and also face up to Han Chong's simplicity and kindness.

After Han Chong killed Lahong, the village chief was seriously ill, and Wang Fatboy, who wanted to get the real power of the village chief, acted as the leader of the village and stood up to preside over "justice".

Judging from the case in which Han Laowu in the village spent 20,000 yuan to compensate for killing people, they believed that "the dead are dead, and the living people still have to live", and decided to "privately" the matter, asking Han Chong to pay 20,000 yuan to the dumb family.

The real purpose of the self-proclaimed righteous Wang Fat Boy is to "leave no stain on the village", as for who died, it does not matter, what is important is that there can be no murderers in the village, which is not conducive to his appointment.

"He is a beggar, and he is a foreigner, the price is not high", a sentence that shows his contempt for human life, seemingly pure and good, but it is so thin.

"Shouting Mountain": Through the silent shout, look at the viciousness of the ignorant masses and the kindness of simple individuals, some people are friendly on the surface, but behind the ignorance of the crowd, there are three evils, because of the viciousness of others, and the goodness that exists is rare and valuable

Mr. Lu Xun said that there are three inferior roots of Chinese:

1. Spiritual victory method 2. Cowardly slave roots 3. Psychological characteristics of narrow-mindedness, conservatism, conformism, timidity and fear. The more cowardly a man is, the more he will bully the weaker man, and to the beast he is like a sheep; to the sheep, he is like a beast.

In the body of Wang Fat Child, the servility of bullying and bullying is vividly embodied.

Because Hongxia refused to compensate, the "private" plan failed. After The death of La Hong, who was saddled with the murder case, the police went door to door to search, and Wang FatBoy was extremely frightened, worried that the deeds would be exposed, and took responsibility, so he instigated the villagers to drive away the Hongxia family of three.

He seems to be asking for the people's lives and defending the reputation of the village, but in fact he has no compassion and does not consider where Hongxia is going as a weak person.

The social psychologist Gustav Le Pen, The Rabble-Rousser: A Study of Mass Psychology, points out the weaknesses of the masses:

1. The most important characteristics of the group are impulsiveness, impatience, lack of rationality, lack of judgment and critical spirit, and exaggeration of emotions. 2, as soon as people arrive in the group, the IQ will seriously decline, in order to get recognition, the individual is willing to abandon right and wrong, and use iq to exchange for the sense of belonging that makes people feel safe.

In the film, when Lahong was buried, Hongxia sometimes cried and rejoiced at the funeral, a group of people thought that Hongxia was reluctant to be a man, and heard someone say, "Dumb in her heart is still bitter, reluctant to Han", a group of people watching the lively crowd, have raised their elbows to wipe their tears, seemingly moved by a mess.

After the funeral, a group of women discussed that "I had never seen her go out before, only to hear his man beat her." ”

"Shouting Mountain": Through the silent shout, look at the viciousness of the ignorant masses and the kindness of simple individuals, some people are friendly on the surface, but behind the ignorance of the crowd, there are three evils, because of the viciousness of others, and the goodness that exists is rare and valuable

They knew that Hongxia was subjected to violence, but they never helped each other and treated each other coldly.

In their view, Hongxia is the source of bad luck, the foolish villagers listen to Wang Fat Child's words, extend their evil hands to Hongxia, who is powerless to speak and has no fault, and a group of people go to Hongxia's house to smash the door, push and shove, and coax.

"Shouting Mountain": Through the silent shout, look at the viciousness of the ignorant masses and the kindness of simple individuals, some people are friendly on the surface, but behind the ignorance of the crowd, there are three evils, because of the viciousness of others, and the goodness that exists is rare and valuable

The posture is to ensure the purity of the village, but what about reality? They have no love for Hongxia, and their viciousness makes people indignant.

Among the villagers who had lost their conscience, there was only one person who stepped forward to block the attack for Hongxia and give hope, and he was Han Chong.

Han Chong was different from everyone else. He is kind, simple, capable, and retains the deepest heart of a child.

Hongxia had just come to the village and was beaten and scolded by Lahong, and he would rush to Hongxia's house and ask Lahong, "How can you beat a woman?" He also delivered food and firewood for Hongxia.

For Hongxia, her shout, shouted Han Chong, he is a beam of light of her life, illuminating her world, feeling warm.

After Lahong's death, Han Chong was responsible for taking care of the food and living of the Hongxia family of three, and over time, the two became more and more in contact, and the distance between their hearts became closer and closer. He didn't care that Hongxia couldn't speak, nor did he care what the villagers said, he only cared about her as a person.

He saw Hongxia's concerns with him and said to her, "Don't care what others say, since we don't hate each other, we should be good, I like to be good to you, I like to take care of you."

Before the villagers wanted to drive Hongxia away, he was ready to turn himself in, and Hongxia said, "I will turn myself in, and when I come back, I can marry you without any worries." He begged his father to take care of the Hongxia family after he left.

When the villagers drove away Hongxia, Han Chongfen disregarded his body and charged forward, intently protecting Hongxia, even if the villagers said: "Now do you want to turn the face of a dumb man and the whole village?" ”

"Shouting Mountain": Through the silent shout, look at the viciousness of the ignorant masses and the kindness of simple individuals, some people are friendly on the surface, but behind the ignorance of the crowd, there are three evils, because of the viciousness of others, and the goodness that exists is rare and valuable

Han Chong ignored it and asked loudly, "Do any of you consider Hongxia's feelings?" ”

His responsibility, reflected in the details, is touching.

"Shouting Mountain": Through the silent shout, look at the viciousness of the ignorant masses and the kindness of simple individuals, some people are friendly on the surface, but behind the ignorance of the crowd, there are three evils, because of the viciousness of others, and the goodness that exists is rare and valuable

Bai Yang said in "The Ugly Chinese":

Dirty, messy, noisy, fighting in the nest! Three Chinese added together, and they become a pig! Death does not admit mistakes; in order to cover up one mistake, it is necessary to make a great effort to create more mistakes to prove that the first mistake is not wrong. Like to pretend, revenge, lack of inclusiveness, Chinese fight but three generations can not repay the hatred! Pride and inferiority are no self-esteem, lack of independent thinking ability, and more fear of independent thinking. There is no right and wrong, no standard, only convulsions. Finally everyone together and slime.

There is no doubt that the rabble are ugly, and Han Chong is radiant. He is simple and pure, but he has a noble personality, his sense of responsibility, and his love for Hongxia, and among the masses, his kindness is so noble.

At the end of the movie, in order to save Han Chong, Hongxia gave a perjury testimony to the police, saying that she killed Lahong and was taken away by the police.

Experiencing the darkness of the first half of her life, Hongxia screamed desperately, and Dashan heard it, sending her Han Chong's love, illuminating her world and dispelling her darkness.

For her part, her body was taken down the hill by the police, while her soul ascended the mountain.

She does not care about everything for love, and is willing to give everything, even if it is put into her life. From behind her loss of voice, we see her elegant character.

"Shouting Mountain": Through the silent shout, look at the viciousness of the ignorant masses and the kindness of simple individuals, some people are friendly on the surface, but behind the ignorance of the crowd, there are three evils, because of the viciousness of others, and the goodness that exists is rare and valuable

Although the story told in the film is from the 80s, this scene similar to desperate "shouting the mountain" still exists in real life.

When we encounter dark moments, we must never give in, with hope, dare to shout, swear to the darkness, fight desperately, our cries will one day be heard, seen, and the situation will be changed.

Mark Twain said: "Kindness, is a universal language that can make the blind feel and the deaf smell. ”

So, when we see others in the dark, we must choose kindness as much as possible. Not because of how noble we are, but because others are so helpless.

When we meet scarred, nervous, depressed people, maybe a little kindness of ours can bring forgiveness and comfort to others, tear open the dark mouth, sprinkle sunlight into the cracks, and give others hope for life.

"Shouting Mountain": Through the silent shout, look at the viciousness of the ignorant masses and the kindness of simple individuals, some people are friendly on the surface, but behind the ignorance of the crowd, there are three evils, because of the viciousness of others, and the goodness that exists is rare and valuable

the end

Today's topic: Have you ever been touched by the kindness of strangers? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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